I have just passed through St Pancras Station and offer first choice of chocolates to SH. Once SH has scoffed two dozen, then everyone else can pile in!
For SorrellHippo - take your pick. - Lung Conditions C...
For SorrellHippo - take your pick.

Gosh! What delights. Do my eyes deceive me, or is that a chocolate nativity scene? Crikey. Can one happily munch away on baby Jesus? Or is there some deep prefiguring theology here? Consider my mind thoroughly boggled…. 🤨
Kate xxx
🎅ho ho ho. I am certain that is NOT a Nativity scene. Me thinks your imagination is running wild. But I do remember the Nativity scene at the entrance to the Chapel at Holloway Women's Prison. The characters and animals were knitted by prisoners, but each year one or two sheep disappeared and occasionally baby Jesus, so there was always a need of newly knitted creations each year!
Dark chocolate the best, only fillings I do not like are the sweet cream fondants, Fiji have started producing their own choc now, dread to think what the postage would be.
Good morning, yum yum, I’m envious. Hope you’re happy with your choice, are you planning to eat them few at time, or will/did temptation prove too much, and they’re all gone now. Best regards, Jean x
Good morning Jean, I take as much pleasure in selecting each one as I do in eating them! I usually choose a selection of 10-12, often 4 pairs and then single items. I have then weighed and put into a bag. Presentation boxes cost more! I will eat and savour one on the train home and confine myself to a maximum of two in one evening, However, the entire contents of the bag have sometimes been consumed within 48 hours!
Mmmm yummy, dont they look sooo tempting x
🖐️save me a couple of the dark choc truffles pleeeease 🍫xxx
Mmmmmm! Can smel the chocolate aroma
Oh wow that looks amazing . Do they do violet and rose creams ? 😋 I treated myself to some last year from an online supplier , I’ve not been able to find them in shops for years . As a child I used to spend any money I earned on Parisian Creams , sold by our local corner shop , weighed out and sold in a white paper bag . The dark chocolate was delicious and the coloured cream centres amazing….. now I’m thinking of the cheaper but not bad substitute - Fry’s Five centre … I must stop thinking of chocolate 🤦🏻♀️
It’s years since I’ve been to London and I never saw St Pancras but I have to say from your photos it looks like my kind of place , I quite like train stations especially when they’re old and house traditional shops like the one in your photos. One of my favourite films is “Hugo “ about a young boy living in the the clock tower of a Parisian station .
I will take some Christmassy photos when I next pass through. Hatchetts (Waterstones) bookshop is there, also Fortnum and Mason. It is a grand place and two public pianos. I duetted last Monday with a boogie-woogie young Canadian pianist and drew a small crowd. That's whats great about St Pancras pianos, they can draw appreciative musicians together.
Thanks for the "Hugo" information. I will look that film up!
Don’t think been to St Pancras, only Euston. Had Fortum & Mason hamper one Christmas many years ago from someone I had helped, recall very nice, and used hamper after for taking my cat had then smidgeon to vets. I called him that because he was tiny when held in palm of one hand. Enjoy chocs x