Doxycycline : Any advice on how I need... - Lung Conditions C...

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Lina-61 profile image
81 Replies

Any advice on how I need to take these I supplied a sputum sample and they found a bug in it gp gave me these antibiotics but no advice on how to take them.

Chemist where I picked them up said just follow the instructions.

I have been told to stay off dairy products.

Thank you

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Lina-61 profile image
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81 Replies
teddyd profile image

Were there no instructions on the packaging/ box They are in my rescue pack I start with 2 then one per day. But your instruction could be different

You can usually find instructions online..

Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to teddyd

Yes there are instructions in the box and I've looked on line as well side effects really scare me.

Thank you

slram profile image
slram in reply to Lina-61

Had to take them when I had bacterial pneumonia a few years ago. No side effects, wasn't aware of the dairy. Best thing you can take with lung issues and your skin is going to look great! (Honest.)

Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to slram

Thank you

Can I ask how you manage to have a shower with your lung issues I can't stand long in the shower I struggle to get out


slram profile image
slram in reply to Lina-61

Oh I know it, I was so bad I couldn't even take a shower. I got cleaned up with a soapy washrag and then rinsed it. I couldn't do anything, it was an awful feeling so please don't push yourself. It'll take time and the Doxy will fix the matter, please keep in touch and let me know how you're doing. I wish you well, and you'll be ok.

cofdrop-UK profile image

Hi Lina

That’s not good enough. I would defo contact the docs to inform them. The pharmacy are out of order too.

It depaends on your lung condition. How many have been prescribed. Often for chest infections or copd patients will be prescribed 100mg 7 (1 per day) often 8 as the first dose is 2 tablets. However for bronchiectasis it is normally 100mg (1 twice a day) for 10 or 14 days. It is a dereliction of duty to leave it to the patient to guess.

Just a note which won’t be a problem in the Uk at this time of year, but if you take them in warmer seasons they are photosensitive and so you should protect your skin from sunburn.

Good luccx

Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to cofdrop-UK


I have been given a 7 day course took 2 Saturday now on 1 a day will finish them Friday I do know about staying out of the sun in warmer weather as I last had them in 2018 when diagnosed with walking pneumonia my lung condition is emphysema gp heard alot of crackling in my lungs but didn't mention about my inhalers he just said there are a lot of viruses going about I coughing alot of phlegm up


cofdrop-UK profile image
cofdrop-UK in reply to Lina-61

apologies I thought Doxy was new to you and am a bit confused as you stated you were not advised how to take them.

Hope all is well now and that you soon feel better.

PaulineHM profile image
PaulineHM in reply to Lina-61

Do you have a care plan at all ? Do you have an action plan at all ? Either of those should be able to guide you on when to take your rescue meds. If you don’t ask your primary carer ?GP for one to help you through these tricky times.

Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to PaulineHM

Never been given one

PaulineHM profile image
PaulineHM in reply to Lina-61

if you have any respiratory condition then you have a right to a care plan and at the very least an action plan.

There is a self management plan available on the Asthma + Lung U.K. for COPD on their website. Due warning it is something like 17 pages long.

Or ask your care provider to go through a care plan with you. Millions don’t have a care plan although it something we all should have been given.

Be well.

eleanordigby profile image

I’m confused here… you’ve had them before, and there are instructions in the box… so I’m not sure what’s worrying you about them?

Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to eleanordigby

Last time I had them was in 2018 when I had a chest infection and walking pneumonia to be given these again it's a shock last time I was given them was by a consultant and he was satisfied I had walking pneumonia and not bronchiectasis GPs don't really know much about lung conditions and I requested a spirometry test recently but they are not doing them now last time I had one in 2018 reading was good


cofdrop-UK profile image
cofdrop-UK in reply to Lina-61

your gp had you sputum tested and it must have come back that you have grown a bacteria which is sensitive to Doxy. S/he knows that much and has done the right thing. Like eleonerdigby I’m not sure of your query.


Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to cofdrop-UK

I was just asking for experience regarding taking the medication

eleanordigby profile image
eleanordigby in reply to Lina-61

it might reassure you to know I take doxy 365 days of the year - it’s an effective prophylactic and fairly benign (except I have to stay out of the sun during summer as had quite bad sunburn once)

maybe I’m weird (only maybe, you say 🤣) but I don’t read all the side effects on those leaflets, only about how to take it - if I get a new and unexpected symptom THEN I’ll have a shufti, but if I read all about the potential effects of steroids, antibiotics, antifungals etc I’d scare myself to death!

Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply to eleanordigby

I once got badly sunburnt on them Eleanor- wherever my fortunately midi,dress didnt cover was bright red and had v obvious red rings where sunglasses had been 😎😆.colleagues & family were highly amused,as was bright red against the white x

Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to eleanordigby

That's why I don't read leaflets in prescription medication

garshe profile image
garshe in reply to Lina-61

Nor me xxSheila 💕

Dottie11 profile image
Dottie11 in reply to eleanordigby

Can I ask how much you take ? Do you ever get headaches from it ?

Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to Dottie11

I have only started to take them 2 x 100mg

1 x 100mg till Friday

For one week for a bacterial infection no headache

Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply to Lina-61

GPS see a lot of people with copd as its one 0f the most common lung diseases, so I'd not worry about that.hope the doxy clear the infection

Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to Patk1

Thank you

Weewheezer1 profile image

Be careful with these. Always drinks lots of water and stay out of strong sunlight. I got an awful blistered rash on the tops of both my hands while taking these pills in summer. I am now on azithromycin which is much kinder to the body. I suggest you ask about it or ciprofloxin which is gentler than doxy. Good luck.

Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to Weewheezer1

Why do you need to drink lots of water

fussyminx profile image

too have them in my rescue pack. I have to take two a day for 14 days But depends on the amount you need to take is prescibed by your Doctor.

Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to fussyminx

I don't have a rescue pack was never given one by my gp even my consultant in 2018 advised it

Daylesford1915 profile image

Hello teddyd,

Please ask your GP about this issue. If you don't get a good answer, change doctors. Medication is not Smarties, there must be a full discussion with your medical professional.

Good luck.

Cywebber profile image

No dairy products. Only use water when taking.

No eating or other medication 2 hours before or 2 hours after taking medication.

No grapefruit juice or any juice. No vitamins of any kind.

You must sit up or stand after taking Doxycyline for at least an hour. Do not lay down after taking medication. It can cause severe headaches as well as associated with bleeding of the brain when you lay down..

Doxycyline is a strong antibiotic. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep rehydrared

Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to Cywebber

Thank you this site is so helpful

eleanordigby profile image
eleanordigby in reply to Cywebber

Have you got a link to this list of instructions? Or are they mainly your own anecdotal evidence?

Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to eleanordigby

I don't understand what you mean I have paper instructions with the tablets also looked it up on NHS Direct

eleanordigby profile image
eleanordigby in reply to Lina-61

oh my question was to Cywebber who has posted a long list of dos and don’ts and I just wondered where he/she got them 🤷‍♀️

Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to eleanordigby

I was told not to eat any diary products by my normal chemist

eleanordigby profile image
eleanordigby in reply to Lina-61

The advice in the leaflet says to take them with a whole glass of water and not to lie down afterwards. This is to avoid irritation of your gullet. There’s nothing about avoiding dairy products whilst you’re taking them. Your chemist probably meant to avoid taking them with a drink of milk

Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to eleanordigby

No he told me not to eat any cheese

eleanordigby profile image
eleanordigby in reply to Lina-61

It’s only because dairy products can have a minimal effect on absorption of the drug. So you can have cheese etc, just a little later in the day.

I’ve got 15+ medications on repeat and I’m damned sure I’m not the only one. I can’t possibly worry about every single instruction or I’d never have a life to live. Just take a balanced view, that’s the best you can do 🥰

Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to eleanordigby

Thank you

Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply to eleanordigby

I wondered same Eleanor x

normannippy profile image

I have to take them with food or I get severe acid reflux so beware of this.

garshe profile image
garshe in reply to normannippy

Agree xxSheila 💕

Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply to normannippy

Me too x

eleanordigby profile image
eleanordigby in reply to Patk1

and me - on an empty stomach I’d be vomiting, which would be a bit pointless…

garshe profile image

Take with or just after food. DO NOT take on empty stomach, can cause nausea. xxSheila 💕

Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to garshe

I do have my breakfast before I take them

Thank you

Chip_y2kuk profile image

There's normally 8 in the box... its a loading dose on day 1 of 2 and then 1 a day until there's none left (the other 6 days)

I did once have a doctor that didn't want me to go back and gave me 2 a day for 10 days (but that was only once)

Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to Chip_y2kuk

Thank you

Pwkav1 profile image

Hi i took them for a bug in my left lung called hymophillus influenzae or HIB in short. Took 3 a week every other day was on stronger 500mg ones. They can cause upset stomach took after food. I tollerated them for 9 months constant so hopefully you will too. See how you get on with them. Oh and the good news was the white mass in my left lung was gone and ive been well ever since 3yrs ago. Good luck. Karen. Xxx

Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to Pwkav1

Thank Karen I do find they upset my stomach did the gp look after you or did you have a consultant that's bug they found in me in 2018 I'm not with a consultant anymore just being looked after by my gp


Pwkav1 profile image

I had a consultant to start with then was prescribed doxycycline by them and a letter went to my gp to prescribe it weekly i still had appointments to see how i got on in between with spyrometry at the hospital. Was very bad when i started to having no mucous at all after the 9 months. I felt i was cured and ive been well ever since i had the bug for over 3 years i am long term asthmatic but rarely take my blue inhaler anymore thats how well ive been. They were a godsend for me. I hope all goes well for you also. Best of luck Karen. Xxxx

ElsaC profile image

I keep Doxycycline as rescue meds in case of infection. I know everyone's different but I always eat before taking them as they make me nauseated on an empty stomach.

Tykelady profile image

I never read the side effects unless I don't feel right then I check to see if it is because of the medication. Usually it's not.

anng18 profile image

Hi Lina,

I avoid dairy products one hour before taking doxycycline and an hour or two afterwards. It is also important to remain upright for at least an hour after taking antibiotic - sitting up is ok , but going for a walk is very good. You want to avoid activities where you have to bend a lot - this stops stomach/heartburn type of problems for at least an hour after taking the pill.

Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to anng18

Thank you unfortunately I like my tea and coffee to much also I have a piece of toast with butter and jam

Rich1957 profile image

I have them as a rescue medication at the moment and when needed I take 2 a day for 7 days , I personally don’t have any reaction to taking them .

With saying that , the last few times I’ve took them they have done very little to help me 😢

Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to Rich1957

Not good is there not another antibiotic they can give

Rich1957 profile image
Rich1957 in reply to Lina-61

co-amoxiclav is my last resort but I have to be careful not to build an immunity against them . Last week I tried amoxicillin ( doesn’t always work as I’ve had to many ) and 40 mg of steroids for 5 days which worked a little but I either need a longer course or something stronger . Call to the doctors tomorrow for more medication 🤦‍♂️be careful and don’t abuse them like I did and take them at the drop of a hat

Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to Rich1957

Thank you good luck at the doctors

panthor profile image

I take Doxy most times I have an infection with bronchiecatsis. It is always a 2 week course and I usually take it mid afternoon about 3pm to give time time after dinner and before tea.

I take it with a bottle of water and have had no problems. Do avoid sunlight as I forgot one time and ended up with blotchy, dark red skin all over my face last summer.

Apart from that it is a good antibiotic that normally does the job.

Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to panthor

Thank you yes I know not to go out in the sun

Livelydively profile image

I was just on this for pneumonia. Here is what I did:

took with food (mainly yogurt or apple sauce)

drank a large glass of water after taking

didn't lay down for 2 hours after taking

The side effects scared me too. I did get sick and throw up towards the end. My GP said that is very very common. I was like "oh good"

Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to Livelydively

Wished Gps gave you warnings before hand makes you not want to go out in case you have side effects

Pipswhips profile image

I Have them for quite a while and I've always told two first then one until finished.Only i was told different but did question it and was told take two to begin with

Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to Pipswhips

I've always been told to take 2 then 1 for the following days

Pipswhips profile image
Pipswhips in reply to Lina-61

I take them as I'm restricted to what antibiotics i can take and doxycycline is given to me when i get chest infection

Otto11 profile image

I’ve recently finished a 7 day course (8tablets) for an infection. I have it as a rescue pack as I have Bronchiectasis. It’s the first time I have used it & it has worked well however I had extreme headaches the whole time I was taking it. Good luck. If you don’t get the paperwork in your box next time ask your phantom print one out for you. That’s what ours do.

Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to Otto11

I always get paperwork with my medication everyone tells me not to read them

mim2 profile image

please be careful with Doxycyline. I have a combination of lung disease , bronchiectasis , asthma , emphysema & copd. I have also colonised pseudomonas on a few occasions & the doxy has been used for that . Sadly I have grown intolerant to their beneficial effects & instead have got ( presently) the awful stomach reactions to them despite taking probiotics & this time round this is even more painful than the chest problems . I blow up with very tight distension in my stomach & that in turn puts added pressure on my lungs & breathing . I have no space to eat so am living off very small amounts of soft food . I hope this helps you . Please don’t underestimate the power of that little pill. My consultant is currently looking into another possibility of treatment as I have now used up all the oral antibiotics available . Best wishes to you all

Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to mim2

Thank you very much I hope they find one that suits you

Take care


mim2 profile image

thanks Lina

watergazer profile image

I take mine with almond milk as it’s dairyfree and some dairyfree food.


Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to watergazer

Thank you

Bootle-boy profile image

Calcium reduces the effect of doxycycline. I've only just found out myself and I take calcium supplements to counter osteoporosis brought on by long term steroid use. Call to GP may be in order. Thanks for the question. Hope this helps.

Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to Bootle-boy

Yes I have Osteoporosis but not due to steroids I need to keep onto of my calcium levels even I have calcium tablets

Thank you


Qr83k_-Jd profile image
Qr83k_-Jd in reply to Bootle-boy

I have osteoporosis and I take doxycycline when I need it and I take calcium as well. I did not know that it is maybe not suitable for us. I go to the hospital once per year for a alendronic acid infusion for osteoporosis as it increases the bone density. Thank you for mentioning that ,I think a call to me GP is also what I will do tomorrow. I do hope you are well.

Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to Qr83k_-Jd

I do as well

May I ask how you shower as I struggle in the shower


ssafa profile image

I have doxycyline as my stand- by antibiotic , I have bronchiectasis and just finished a week of treatment. We need to keep as well as possible as winter is our worst enemy. Take care stay warm

Lina-61 profile image
Lina-61 in reply to ssafa

Thank you

You too


Qr83k_-Jd profile image

I take 2 doxycycline on the first day and then I take one a daday until the course is finished. That's how my GP told me to take them Didn't your GP tell you how to take thethem? I hope this was helpful to you Lina-61.

Batman1313 profile image

Had no problems, very good. Just avoided milk etc a few hours before taking.

horseygirl_0103 profile image

Hi I was only given them when I was in hospital so I dont know how often I just took them as they were given to me by the nurses (Thats a bit strange - your sputum having a bug in it) -not heard that before

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