WARNING: I am not expert beyond being a long time sufferer who has taken an interest in the attempt to take control of my situation; this I find helps with PMA. So by all means use what I say as a discussion but have that with a qualified expert please.
I do think there is a whole lot of tosh being written about this currently. So let us unbundle COPD - it is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. It was (is?) a bunch of diseases lumped together because the treatments are broadly similar, the symptoms ditto and the prognosis ditto. So that's the original logic.
Chronic - well bronchiectasis is definitely chronic.
Obstructive - yes, it is definitely obstructive because that is what the retained mucus does, obstruct.
Pulmonary - well so far I have not heard of it affecting any other part of the body.
And yes, finally, it is a disease.
What else? Well it causes breathlessness and various exercises common to other pulmonary diseases can be helpful.
It is progressive and while is not often the immediate cause of death the infections and complications it causes most certainly are.
And finally it is a not at all infrequent companion disease to emphysema. That will be me then.
Now just recently there has been a bit of a revolution since the British Lung Foundation has been taken over by asthma. No one is suggesting asthma is not part of the COPD problem but I would suggest that it is in many ways quite different. For a big start asthma is often caused by allergies which is not the case with any of the others. I had adolescent asthma and still have a slight tendency to asthmatic response. My eldest daughter has quite sever asthma but is in no way a COPD patient; since leaving the London environment she seems to have been much better.
And also included is bronchitis but this comes in two forms and only one seems to me to be relevant - chronic bronchitis is a permanent condition that is most definitely COPD; but many people have acute bronchitis and their bouts are relatively short and respond to a different approach entirely.
So what I want to ask is this: What is the point of having an umbrella term like COPD and a cadre of suitably trained and skilled people dealing with it and NOT including a key cause of COPD?
Happily my (excellent!) team take a wider view but reading this forum this may not be the case more widely.
PS - a note to moderators: how come so few tags came up?