Having spent the best part of 3 years shielding, disinfecting, reduced socialising, mask wearing, and continuously washing hands, I finally succumbed to COVID after cleaning the doormat! Yep, surprised me as well, so during my self-isolation, I spent 3 days doing research (where's 2greys when you need him!) and finally found this paper on "SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses in soil": sciencedirect.com/science/a....
What seems to have happened is that, after having my pond relined (a muddy job), I had brought in some contaminated soil from the garden onto the mat. Having allowed it to dry out for a few days, I vacuumed it but decided that was insufficient, so I took it outside and beat it, not putting on my FFP2 mask until I realised how dusty this process was going to be (though, from years of experience with asbestos, any dust will cling to your clothes and you'll walk about in an invisible cloud - should have known better!). That night, the bronchiectasis played up significantly, though I tested negative in the morning. Two days later (when the neighbours came round for tea, and have now got it themselves!), I started to feel shaky and my wife got a sore throat, then we both tested positive the next morning. It seems, from the research, that COVID can last 90 days in soil with a 10% moisture content, and even though the mat had dried out , it was insufficient to destroy enough of the virus.
Not sure what the moral of this story is (don't clean doormats? don't work in the garden? don't breath in any dust?), but thought I would flag it up just in case anyone was minded to make the same mistake.
Keep safe.