I have pain around my shoulder blade where my bra strap is and find that I can only sit or lay on that side of the pain. If I try to sit or lay on my good side it feels like the bad side is caving in on it’s self if you know what I mean and I feel like I want to cough up phlegm. I’ve been like this for 2 days. I can’t yet get a doctors appointment. Do you think this is pleurisy?
pleurisy do you think I have this and... - Lung Conditions C...
pleurisy do you think I have this and if so what should I do?

Your lung might have collapsed. You need to be seen by a medical professional. I would call your doctor, if that is not going to work please call an ambulance. There is no way for us to know to be honest. But you must get it seen to. It must be very painful, please get some help and let us know how it goes.
Cas xx
I would doing and insist in gp appointment. If they won’t cooperate then suggest phoning 111. Whilst it could be pleurisy it could also be a number of different things even a pulled muscle! You need a doctors opinion to work out what it is. IF it is pleurisy you may well need antibiotics so a doctor needs to see you.Another thought - I assume you have done Covid test become they will probably want you to do this. Also is there a walk in centre near you where you could go….. ?
I agree with the others, you need to see a medical professional asap. It could be pleurisy, it could be a chest infection- both needing antibiotics, 2 weeks worth if you already have a lung disease or like others say, it could be something else.
As fellow patients we can only guess . I'd be going to the walk in centre if you gp surgery are being useless, pleurisy can be heard through a stethoscope.
Let us know how you get on
I have seen the doctor got meds and went fora chest X-ray. The pain has now moved to my other shoulder and I feel it across my back. I will have to wait about 3 days for my results to come through. It’s a very unsettling feeling . As I have never had this before. I had planned to go on holiday soon. I hope the pain most of all will stop. Thank you for your advice.
It could be , painkillers are your friend hear. Keep trying the dr just incase it is an infection the sooner you are seen the better. If you get any more short of breath please dont hesitate to call for help ( 999) 😉😷
Antibiotics do not help pleurisy and it sounds like it as when you lay on the affected area, it totally relieves the pain. Why haven't you seen a doctor?
Chest pain? Always an A&E event isn't it folks?
Can't see the point of waiting for a GP - you need an XRay I would have thought
If this has come on suddenly and the pain is this bad, you definitely must find some way of getting to see a health professional. It could simply be a pulled muscle 🤞 but it might be something requiring proper and prompt attention, so please try to fight your way through the system? Good luck.
Thanks to all I have now seen my doctor and have antibiotics and sun meds although he thinks it’s not pleurisy and is sending me for a chest X-ray.
Good! Even if you don't have a proper diagnosis yet, I'm glad you've managed to see your doctor and are in the system. Take care.