In June 1951 I was doing School Certificate exams, meanwhile my mother age 51 had a hysterectomy operation. Afternoon, day of the op hospital rang school to say that her heart was failing and I should get to hospital as soon as possible. Fortunately I had enough pocket money for the two bus fares. She was barely awake when got there, but we had short chat. She was in hospital another week, then sent to nursing home for few days, and told that must have gentle 12 months at home, no manual work for 12 months.
As I’ve previously said she lived until nearly 112. In October 2011 doctor did flu vaccine and usual check, said heart fine, also blood pressure etc and could go on indefinitely. Mother said had few years to look forward to. That night she fell getting back into bed (she was only 4ft 5 tall). This happened occasionally, pressed wrist button, and they rang me to go help her back into bed. Unfortunately my husband had bad back then, I was looking after him, and not wanting to risk my back, so asked for paramedics to be called after me. She lived alone near to me. For some reason they rang them first, and by time I got to her house, she was in ambulance, saying loudly she didn’t want to go to hospital. I asked for her to be taken back inside, they said no, might as well take her for check. Big mistake, one day in there and she picked up chest infection and was sent home at weekend with tablets so big even I couldn’t have swelled them, tried dissolving them in water but they made her sick. Her hospital file showed that she had seen charming consultant at same hospital about swallowing, he regretted nothing he could do to help. Found out that unlike GP Prescriptions hospital ones don’t show date of birth for pharmacist to judge if suitable. After weekend GP sent her back to hospital and she was put on Liverpool Care Plan, basically no treatment whatsoever, but some food and drink. My younger daughter went to hospital to be with her, found got very little attention or help. She was in room with 3 other old ladies, two of whom couldn’t feed themselves. When rang button to go toilet nothing happened, so she also helped them. Finally mother was sent home (after requesting it everyday for 3 weeks) by which time no treatment possible, and together with wonderful in home care from local hospice, St Giles, died peacefully.
So surgeon was wrong, or overcauscious, and I played my part in stopping, I hope, Liverpool care plan.