4 months into covid pneumonia recover... - Lung Conditions C...

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4 months into covid pneumonia recovery - back to work

natswright profile image
17 Replies

Just another update. I'm now almost 4 months into my recovery from being hospitalised with covid pneumonia.

I can now walk around 1.2km, but it does tire me out quite a bit. I'm mixing a day walking with a day strength training, and it's slowly paying off. I tend not to flag during the day as much, although a bad nights sleep really affects me!

Bizarrely, I wake up after each sleep cycle, sometimes 2 cycles, to go to the loo, but tend to drop off again. I get around 6-8 hours sleep most nights. I'm less worried about sleep each night that goes by.

There is still a little anxiety about how much energy I have for the day, and I feel tired quite a lot still, especially in the afternoon. Odly, in the evening, I used to bounce back, and that helped me sleep, lately I feel ok, but still tired at the end of the day, not always sleepy tired too!

I never imagined it would take so long to even approach some normality, I'd like to hear from folks who were 4 months into their pneumonia recoveries. I'll feel normal, when I can walk to the shops when I wish, and go for a short walk too, the same day! Those are getting closer though! However for now, just dragging 6 bags of shopping up my stairs has made me tired, but it is very good weight training. I'm starting to reap the benefits!

I'm averaging 20000 - 25000 steps a week, which is not far of normal. My guess is this activity level will start to pay dividends in the coming months.

Soon the current wave of Omicron will wane, and i'll be able to venture out to the shops, meet friends. Life will slowly get back to normal.

6 weeks ago....

I could only walk around 100m

Struggled to stay up past 4pm

Had terrible anxiety

Found stairs and moving difficult

Struggled to prep meals

Could not do housework

Carrying shopping up stairs wiped me out for hours


I can manage 1.2km for a walk ( I do feel tired afterwards)

Most nights last till 6-7pm, before winding down for bed

Prep meals fairly easily now

Find the stairs relatively easy now

Even shopping is manageable, recovery quickly!

Do light housework, even changing the bed!

I'm on the up, and looking forwards to spring!

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natswright profile image
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17 Replies
CDPO16 profile image

You have done remarkably well in a relatively short time even though it may not have felt short to you. You certainly are on the up, well done for persevering steadily and carefully.

sassy59 profile image

Good that you’re doing so much better natswright. You’ve been so determined and that determination is paying dividends now. Well done. Xxx💜

Alberta56 profile image

So glad you're on the up. I expect going back to work will be tiring at first, but worth it. You're setting a very good example of what persistence and determination can do. 😊😊😊

Katinka46 profile image

It is all going in the right direction.Well done you for keeping at it.

I can remember your coming here at the beginning and how devastated and anxious you were.

So pleased that you are seeing progress.

All best wishes


Patk1 profile image

It'll be great returning to work+ being amongst people.or do u work frm home

natswright profile image
natswright in reply to Patk1

I'm working from home initially, as I need to fully recover, and get my lung x-ray before I start to venture out! That Omicron variant could floor me, despite having immunity!

natswright profile image

Thanks guys, forgot to add, I've been taking the following to help me get better...

Lucozade !! (Just a little in the morning)

Turmeric (great for the gut and immune system)

Vitamin D (1500UI)


I have of course discussed this with my doctor, as should anyone!

Seems like your making progress.Taking it steady is probably the key and resting when you need . Keep strong and positive.

I am only at the beginning tested positive yesterday. It's been 5 days hard to walk and speak.

But it's great to hear that you have begun to improve


MMaud profile image

Excellent to hear Nat.

B0xermad profile image

Hi keep up the good work as it sounds like you are slowly getting there and it's a big achievement

BreatheasyBe profile image

Well you’re a fighter and deserve the best recovery after all the effort you are putting in. Looks like you are listening to your body and resting when needed. It’ll take time but you’ve made so much progress already baby steps wins the race x

watergazer profile image

Glad you’re getting stronger You gave yourself quite a recovery plan. X

natswright profile image

Thanks guys! Just managed a 1.2km (20 minute photo walk this morning. It has made me very tired, but that seems to be par for the course with pneumonia recovery!

It's frustrating, and limits what I can comfortably do, but each week that passes, brings the ability to do just a tiny bit more.

Combined with the fact that I also had a bath this morning, and dried my hair, it is no wonder that i'm tired!

Snowdrop flower
Mavary profile image

Hi! I can only speak from just having pneumonia. It just happened. It took me a long time to get my strength back . I just walked a little way at first and gradually did more. That was four years ago this year and I’ve had other problems since but I’m probably a lot older than you anyway.

natswright profile image
natswright in reply to Mavary

How many months before you felt back to normal? I'm 50 years old by the way!

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to natswright

I would say a good two or three months before you can say you are really back to normal. You have got the added Covid thing that’s going to stretch it. You will be fine eventually. Just get a little excercise if you feel like it. Don’t do too much. Just slowly slowly.

natswright profile image
natswright in reply to Mavary

Yeah, I'm getting there, but am far from what I'd call normal! Hopefully the next 2 months will yield that!

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