I am having severe bilateral bronchiectasis ,inflammatory bowel disease, mast cell activation disorder with histamine intolerance,allergic rhinitis and tachycardia. I never know I have asthma in addition to this. I am 44 and now spend all my time in bed due to severe malnutrition and loss of lung function with fev less than 20%. Inhalers and nebulizers never worked for me and I am now without any medical support. One pulmonologist said my case may be allergic bronchi pulmonary aspergilloses or fungal asthma. But no treatment is going to work because of severe bronchiectasis. He gave me itraconazole but after I month my weight dropped quickly due to stomach problems caused by it. I stopped it and now on my wits end. I have a young wife and I don't know how she is going to manage life without me with a young child
My pulmonologists here in India are concerned only about my lungs and never bother about other diseases which are found by a helpful functional medicine practitioner who unfortunately died in an accident. Any one here with histamine intolerance or mast cell disorder kindly share if anything works for this.
Thank you