Well my friends the virus got me this week, you know how you sense something is not right , I thought it was the heat I felt so ill but as the heat cooled I was still not good so I thought I will test as I was at a family party at the weekend. It was a positive result. Told I will get a letter if I am entitled to the viral treatment. I am still feeling ill but not as bad as it was. Its quite frightening that such a deadly virus is no longer being thought about and that people are only being requested for tests if they want to go away. No free tests for highly vulnerable , if you can't afford the tests you may be put down to other chest/lung matters and unintentionally going out and spreading the virus. The control of this virus although good in UK it still falls short of erradication so we still need to proceed with caution. As I look out at my garden today it looks like a dreary Autumn day but no rain. Maybe soon it will improve although they are forecasting Thunderstorms which is much needed for the garden often wonder how the flowers continue to grow with no rain. Have a good day all.
The dreaded bug got me : Well my... - Lung Conditions C...
The dreaded bug got me

So sorry to hear you’ve succumbed to the dreaded covid. I do hope you’ll feel lots better soon. I agree, there’s not enough attention paid to this horrible virus and we all have to be so careful. Hoping you get the help you need. Love Carole xxxx
Thank you , Hope you are both still as well as can be.
We’re doing ok thank you Katie. Just getting over a tummy bug. Xxx
It really wasnt that bad for me luckily. I think the strain now is nothing like it was in the beginning. The vaccinations have helped a lot and we have to learn to live with this virus like all the others around.We .can't put our life on hold forever and have to start living.
Life is too short to shut ourselves off and this can cause mental health issues.
Hope you will feel safer soon and able to go out and about again.take care xxSheila ⚘💕

Sorry to hear that the virus had managed to get you, hope you feel better soon. I agree we still need to cautious we had a covid death this week at the hospital just down the road from me. So it shows how careful we need to be. You have a great day and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx 🌻🌻💖
Hope you feel better soon take care xx
I'm sorry to hear that you have caught the virus Katie. I hope that you soon make a full recovery with no after effects. Best wishes, Carole xx
I’m so sorry to hear you have caught the dreaded virus. It seems to be so transmissible. I know of 7 people who are very careful but have caught it. Another 2 on flights even though they wore masks. People do not think of others like ourselves who are vulnerable. As for the government foolishly abolishing all safety and I’ve heard destroying all the data on cev people!! We done so well but fear it’s escalating again. I really do wish you better Kate. Take care and drink plenty. X
Oh how I agree with you Maggie153, fortunately my GP has all my treatment record. Think we spend more time trying to keep ouselves safe but since the masks were disposed of the numbers have soared again. Suggest it is airborn cross contamination, in my case I will probably be left with more risk of future infection as the vaccine does not prevent you getting it, just lowers the level of illness symptoms. I am drinking loads of cold drinks gone off hot drinks. and eating snacks not full meals. Thank you for reply. x
Thinking of you Katie - look after yourself and get well soon
hope you get better soon and feel a lot more comfortable.
Me to tomc, I feel absolutely shattered besides the other symptoms . Enjoy your day
Ack, get the bottle out of the cupboard and !" Make the world go away" Stop short of getting drunk tho!!!
Thinking of you it’s all very difficult. I think it’s been clear for sometime we will not eradicate Covid and we have to learn to live with it. HOWEVER I am really unhappy at the stopping of free tests. This in itself means it will spread because people won’t know they are ill. I had wrongly assumed that I would be entitled to free tests, so stock pilled some test just in case! I am worried for myself, I can become seriously unwell from a simple cold which turns into severe chest infections. Furthermore my father has cancer. I am visiting him for the next week, so was able to test yesterday before setting off. Obviously am aware that tomorrow a test could be positive but it does give me some piece of mind.
Hope you are feeling much better soon.
Hi Bevvy, I understand what you are saying I just bought five tests £9, But they are only enough for a small time if you need to go out not just for entertainment. I have been told I don't need to take any follow up tests just isolate but I need to test I am clear.
Just a few tips to save wasted tests..Test before you have something to eat!
Do not test especially after eating or drinking acidic goods like orange juice
All can give false results! 🌹
And always take a really good swab
Useful infoMaggie_ Mae did not know fruit juice could make a false reading I usually do it when I first get up , so that fits the criteria. I think the symptoms do on this occassion too . But I have had some problems with the cough because of tablets. I have a bundle of symptoms , coughing up sputum which is coloured, all muscles aching, constant cough, tiredness, strange taste in mouth and positive test result. I have never felt so ill fortunately I do not have to go to work . Hopefully I will fully recover. Thanks for Tip.
Do you need to go somewhere before 10 days are up? If not I wouldn’t test again. Remember after 10 days you are no longer infectious no matter what test says. I say this because many people continue to test positive for some time afterwards even though not infectious. Would hate for you to use up expensive tests.
Oh no, get well soon Katie ××
Look after yourself , get plenty fluids and sleep 🌹
So sorry to hear it's got you Katie and hope you will soon be feeling better. Take it easy as you recover. xxxx
It must feel so unfair when you have shielded for 2 and a half years Katie. I hope you are feeling better in the next few days and make a good recovery very soo. Best wishes xxx 😊
Its very depressing , but thats live every time someone says I am well I end up getting something else wrong. Just had a NHS message with some code so they can trace my contacts I do not know how to put it into my NHS app. Its a farce. Hopefully I will be better soon, and if I had not taken a test the NHS would not have known and I could be walking round infecting loads of other unsuspecting people.
I wouldn’t fill in any code and would be highly suspicious of this. Track and trace has finished so I don’t see why this information is required? Potentially a scam.
I know, there will be many people walking around who have no idea they are infectious and don't even care and others who test regularly especially if going to meet family and friends. As you say it's a farce! Reading Bevvy's reply, I agree, it does sound dodgy, so just ignore it Katie and worry about yourself. Take care xxx 😊
I hope you start to mend as quickly as I did. After 3 days I definitely felt better, though still very weak. I was lucky to have Brian to supply me with cups of tea. This heat cannot help. xxxx
Sending best wishes for a speedy recovery .Have you got an oximeter to check your O2 levels ?
Have you checked on line to see if you are eligible for free tests …..I am sure I am as CEV .
Take care now
I am CEV and had to shield throughout. If also got sent priority PCR test BUT I am not eligible for free tests. I was extremely surprised to not be eligible and had to stock up on tests quickly. I am aware they have a use by date and not sure what I will do when I run out. Potentially ask someone over 80yrs (? need to check age) to get me some free ones….
Katie am so sorry to hear that you are poorly and hope that you start to feel better soon.Having been in hospital with this bug I can totally empathise.
Please rest ,follow whatever medical advice you have been given and listen to your body.
Wishing you a speedy recovery ,sending gentle hugs and loadsa positive vibes x
if you get a letter from nhs saying you may be entitled to viral treatments you then also receive free tests, as these have to be used immediately on first symptoms.
Bless, mate, so sorry to hear about this, the one person who could have done well without 🙏 luck with your continuous battle. Very overcast here today, rain holding off for a while. Gonna put the coffee ☕️ pot on. I know it's hard ,mate, but keep 💯 👌 your humour.
So sorry to hear your'e poorly and hope you feel better very soon. As everyone else has said drink plenty and hopefully it will pass quickly. As for the tests if you go onto the website to order tests and you can answer yes to the necessary questions you can still get free ones. I got one for my hubby 2 weeks ago who has COPD, Bronchiectasis as well as other conditions so please go and look. Take care and get well soon -x-

Thanks for info
Oh Katie , poor you! I hope it’s not too bad and that you recover soon xx
Ahh😊I do hope that you are on the way up soon x I agree it seems ludicrous that we were absolutely terrified of the virus and now it’s all ok not that I wanted to stay locked in forever, I just don’t see how any figures issued are correct because as you say not a lot of people are testing or reporting test 🤷🏻♀️Look after yourself x
So sorry to hear the dreaded Covid got you. I hope you’re feeling better soon.
Sorry to hear you've caught covid ,get well soon
We are still able to obtain free testing kits via post until end of month in Wales. We ordered a few so have a good supply. Hope you feel better soon. I was told I was eligible for the viral infusion and a appointment was supposed to be made at local hospital. That was the end as never heard a thing after so never received it.
Didnt really matter as already had 4 vaccination. 2 AstraZeneca, 1 pfizer and a moderna which seemed to have helped.
Fortunate to have only very mild symptoms and stayed upper tract so didnt affect my lungs. Really only 2 days of mild sore throat and slight headache.
Feeling great now thank goodness. Hope you will recover quickly also.
Take care lots of love xxSheila ⚘💕
Thank you for reply, I have been ill with a flare up of my lung condition which I think as allowed me to fall victim to the virus. Mine is different to your symptoms, I have had cough for weeks with clear tests , I thought I was suffering from the heat I was so exhausted, took a test and it was positive. It was like severe flu I had every muscle in my body aching , cough, sneezing , productive cough with coloured sputum, diahorea, no appetite , strange taste in my mouth on waking , severe fatigue, and sickly feeling. In one sense I am glad the test is positive as now I know what I am dealing with and my DR knows I am ill, fingers crossed I will be on the mend quite quickly. Hope you are begining to feel better now also x
Hello Katie. Am very sorry to hear this. In Tokyo we have hit 30,000 cases and that is just Tokyo. 😓 I am very worried so I stay in a lot. Please take care of yourself and I hope your weather improves along with your health. Thinking of you. Much love. xx ❤️❤️❤️
Hello Cas, thank you for reply . Today I feel like that sensation when you are recovering from a fever I am sure you will understand what I am saying. Take care its all around us apparently there are a few cases in my locality and I went to a family party last week the first in three years . Enjoy your day xx
Sorry to hear and hope you feel better soon. My husband had Covid and we stayed home for 10 days, he was ill for a few days, went back to work this week as negative. Not everyone stays home when infectious! I was worried I would succumb but so far I havent. Get well soon. 🤗
I realise Janzo54 that not everyone stays in isolation thats why it spreads but I also realise if I had not done a test nobody would know I was ill with the virus, not even myself. Some people might think they only have a cold also. Hope your husband as not been left with any lasting effects. Another strange thing is the symptoms seem to vary from person to person. So you may not realise it is Covid19. Its a facinating subject thats why these viruses remain illusive to eradication. Have a good day.
Hope you are soon on the mend, I went down with it on Monday 11th July, can honestly say I am just feeling more like myself now, it completely wiped me out, wasn’t offered any treatment as I was very lucky my breathing wasn’t impaired in any way, which always was my worry if I got it, although everything else was more than enough that I had with it, sending get well soon vibes your way 💐🥰💐
Good morning katieoxo60. I hope your symptoms are not too bad and you are managing to get hot drinks and some food and feel better soon. We have heavy rain in the Midlands and I have to go out. Hope you have a better day. Brian
Strange Brian theres no rain here and I am in the centre of the MIdlands, but its very overcast. I managed to eat some breakfast this morning and the symptoms seem to be reducing but feel very weak. However ordinary flu leaves you week after, often for sometime so heres hoping for a speedy recovery. Enjoy your day out. Thank you for support.
Pleased you're not feeling too bad love I am in Stafford so we had a 30 minute shower and it's stopped now
Hi Brian , can you send that rain down to south Midlands please the gardens need it.
Hope you'll soon recover. 💕💕
covid got me too last week, fever first, then body aches and pains, then a terrible headache, didn't go to my chest fortunately, I tested negative on the 7th day, fully recovered now 😜
Hope you're feeling better soon, Katie 💐
Hope you feel better very soon.
Hope you’re over the covid soon Katie. X
So sorry you’re going through this Katie , hopefully you will feel better soon 🙏. We are annoyed because Geoff was offered a spring booster months ago but as he was too poorly to get to a centre we requested a home visit and we’re still waiting ! Geoff gets messages on his phone every week urging him to get the jab but despite ringing the Gp ( who apparently are having nothing to do with it ) twice and being told his name has been passed to the relevant department ( whoever that is ) and complaining to the palliative care nurse - still nothing 😡 Geoff is feeling a bit better this week and would’ve loved to get outside for a while but he’s just too scared 😟 You take care of yourself and get plenty rest 🥰 x
It is very scary about going out , as its not one of those things that once had your totally immune. I would say proceed with caution.
I don’t think he’ll feel safe to go out right now especially with not being able to get the booster but then there’s visitors to consider. We rarely see anyone other than family but they all work and are out and about 🤷🏻♀️ I agree with what’s been said that we need to get on with life and I am utterly sick of not having a “normal “ life but I’d feel far worse if I contracted covid and passed it on to Geoff 😟
last week was the first time I had been to a group fcr nearly three years and now I have the virus but none of the others at the party have the virus . So appreciate what you are saying about a normal life , I don't know where I got the virus from which is very frightening. But testing positive stops a normal life too. Thats my thought its about infecting others that could be more vulnerable than myself.
Oh, Katie I am sorry that Coviid has caused you all of these problems. I also socialised at my granddaughter’s wedding and fortunately came through it. Two other elderly women have succumbed and I hope they don’t feel too bad. I have taken a test and must order some more.
Do take care and keep hydrated. Do you know anyone who will come in and make that cup of tea.
My very best wishes to feeling better soon. Order something indulgent on line!
Hi Katie. I hope you are feeling much better by the time you read this. Take care xxx
Good afternoon Katie, I just wanted to check in on you to see if you’re feeling a little bit better?? I really do hope that with cooler weather and it not being so humid and I found hard to breath that it’s helping you. Take care and wish you much better soon. X
I’m glad you feeling a bit better. It does seem to take it out of you this virus. Any improvement is a plus sign. Take care x
Yes its true sometimes having the illness gives more immunity than the injections , but this is a viral infection which means you can still get other varients, like flu it changes every year so the injection does also. My main concern is the effect on my airways causing more damage to irritate the existing health conditions. Just have to see how it goes and hope there is no lasting after effects. So far so good except for the battering to my breathing.
I do hope you feel better soon.
Do hope you are feeling better soon 🙏❤️
So sorry covid got you Katie. What are we to do? I think we have been left to protect ourselves now but the only way that is possible is by total isolation which is no life. I do hope you are not badly affected and will recover soon. Let's hope for rain.
So sorry to hear you have the dreaded covid Katie . Its awful to think you have been so careful but still caught it. Please take it easy and look after yourself, not easy when you live alone i know x
Oh Katie. At least I’m glad you are beginning to feel better. It’s not classed as being so serious a disease now. One little ray of sunshine is you will now be protected for a while.
Hopefully this will tide me to the next injection I had three but the last one was in November last year wasn't entitled to anymore under the new rules even though I am CEV. It does not look like these injections last long enough for the more vulnerable ones. Hope you are well Mavary and getting on with life nice to speak to you againxx
That’s not on is it. I have had four vaccinations now. Looks like there will be yet another in the Autumn. I don’t understand why you didn’t have the last one. We’ve got the flu ones to look forward to as well. Perhaps by next year they will give you them.
Mavary I am quite concerned now because I am bringing up coloured sputum but because I have positive covid result I cannot get any infection control via normal channels and it now tells me my NHS app is being updated and will be out of action till 5pm on Sunday so any ideas who to contact will have to contact 111 I guess. Thanks for reply this is just one big fiasco.
Have you not got standby antibiotics. If you have I would start them. Good luck if you phone 111. I phoned them last week. I spoke to the Dr on Friday and told him I had a urine infection. My ninth one this year. Well normally I wouldn’t have worried over the weekend. Any he never sent any antibiotics to the Chemist. I was going for a dexa scan on Tuesday so it was important for me to be able to go. On Saturday morning after I tried to get the antibiotics I rang 111. I spoke to the call handler and explained it all to him. Someone would ring me. Late afternoon the call handler rang again. We haven’t forgotten you. Someone will ring. An hour or so after a paramedic rang and I explained to her. She said a Dr would ring. 12.00am came and I decided to cancel the call. I thought that was that. I didnt go to sleep until 3.00am. At 3.35am a Dr rang. 😡. I was not happy. I more or less told him not to bother as it was only another day to speak to my own Dr. So it was left like that. So good luck if you are raining 111.
Hi Mavary I rang 111 and they sent out the community ambulance with paramedics , general results were normal but they realised I was struggling , the doctor at the out of hours clinic supplied some antiboiotics as a precaution and the other ambulance said to ring 999 if any thing gets worse. Got the antibiotics dispensed about 6.30 tonight but all was well , the ambulance service was very thorough , but they always are with me. But its not what 111 is supposed to be about when you ring up to use questions aimed at establishing an emergency that is what 999 is for. Anyway its sorted but somewhat costly process for NHS.
wishing you a speedy recovery of course
Hope you are feeling better but please don’t wait for a letter Call your GP or 111 and they can tell you if you are eligible for antivirals or infusion
My daughter has stage 5 CKD and had no letter so called 111 and within 24 hours was taken to hospital by ambulance and given an infusion
You must act soon after positive testing if these drugs are to work
But hopefully if you are well vaccinated you won’t me too bad - I know lots of people who were clinically vulnerable or extremely so and who have had mild symptoms form this latest variant
Good luck
Hope you recover quickly. Take care.
Dear Katie, I hope you are feeling ok and the dreaded bug isn’t making you feel too poorly! Lots of love ❤️
Dee x
Sorry to hear you are bad if the gov and nhs got you down as extremly vunrable and they want you to have the viral meds then they should be sending you lft and pcr test kits.They sent me them through the post for free hope you feeling better soon.
So sorry you feeling bad if you qualify for the anti viral the gov and nhs should be sending you test kits lft and pcr kits free of charge through the post especially if they got you down as extremly vunrable. If you can get them then you should get appointment with in two days if not contact either your gp or your consultant to chase it up.Ok
Just had a thought if you cant get any do you know anyone who gets their test kit fre through work if you do ask them if they can get some for you it's only an idea if it works.
Thanks for suggestion , I have bought some but the results for them can't be reported so whats the point?Its not so much about free ones but the system has no means of you notifying the NHS in order to keep tabs on your health or virus numbers. Begs the question where are the numbers on the charts in the news coming from ? I am still ill this morning but thats the effects on my existing illness. And now of course what happens with the paramedics who came out to me they will have to isolate as in contact with a positive case , which reduces the work force again of front line Key workers. When my problem could or should have been dealt with on the phone without triage. III is for many the only route to treatment when GPs is not contactable. Have a good day.
Talking to my younger sister yesterday and her eldest dayghter works in theatre and the hospital was trying to protect her from the virus but she was on either late shift or nights and was in the rest room with another collegue both fogot to put their masks on and her colleague had covid be cause my niece was informed and also her partner also had so she had it both ways.Now her younger son has caught it she hasnt tested him but she knows hes not right also he and his brother has got asthma and the younger one picks up everything whats going she is now waiting to see if her eldest lad gets it hes already had it i think last year because his school notified either my niece or sister and he tested positive then but younger one never caught it.
We are so vulnerable , sorry your family have had all this difficult time . This virus as not gone away and I am sure there will be more deaths this winter its is difficult amongst Asthmatic families too . I am treated as at risk by my GP for vaccine purpose but now might miss out on the Autumn one due to the way the system has clocked the age groups up ie under 50 or over 75. I thought every person was entitled to the Autumn booster as long as it was more than a certain time since your last injection. In my case by the time they would be doing it with my flu injection it will be I year since all the last injections were done. Many others will possible miss out as the GPs just follow the current guidelines from the government. Masks are still needed for close contact too aren't they. ? Hope your family are getting through this OK . Every best Wish
Just looked at the test kits lft one ring 119 and ask for test kits as you are registered extremly. vunrable by them and you need some free test kits sending to you they might come from edinburgh dont worry about that mine came from there if not get intouch with the surgery tell them you never recieved your free lft and pcr test kits they might be able to get dome frome nhs for you shouldnt have to.pay or get intouch with your mp he shouldbe able either mention it to the heath minister who ever he or she his and get them.to send you some.I just hward yesterday from speaking to my younger sister that her eldest daughter has caught it from one of her colleagues at hospital where she works in theatre as a hca she got asthma born with it .
Now my niece youngest son has got and he and his brother both got asthma.
The youngest like me picks everything.up poor might hes suffering he managed to miss it when his brother caught it at school last year but he managed to.miss she didnt bother testing him because she can tell because he used to fight or rough play with his brother and now hes gone very quiet doesn't want to do anything.and my miecd hoping that he dosent get it again.so she's of work taking care of herself her baby son and her new partner who caught it from somewhere else so my niece had a double wzmmy.
Hope you are begining.to feel.a little better
Hope you're starting to feel better now. It took me about 10 days to become clear and another 5 days to feel fit again xx
Good morning Ergendl, I am clear but still feel out of sorts just finished a course of Physio now it will be back to square one again to rebuild my mobility, makes you wonder if its worth the effort, enjoy your day its a bit murky looking here but no rain at the moment. x
Keep going with the fitness. It is worth it. I've had to learn to walk again three times as an adult, even though it was sore. A young woman I know gave up at the first hurdle after a knee replacement and has become virtually immobile, losing half of her joy of life to come.
Hello Ergendl, no chance of me giving up walking as long as I have a crutch for bad days I'll get by . No way did I go through all that pain just to give up , but I might think twice before any other ops. But don't think I should have to travel two hours just for a pain injection, especially when my doctors extended time appointments do that sort of injection. Nice and sunny here today. Only left over feeling from virus is the tiredness, coughs fading , still got a runny nose though. But improving daily.