Hi is there any up to date research or progress in lung health as my dad who died of Emphysema 50 years ago and apart from a few new inhalers nothing seems to being done
Research: Hi is there any up to date... - Lung Conditions C...

My journey with this started 20 years ago, at the time they were talking about promising advances in stem cell therapy, it’s gone nowhere and it appears there’s sham clinics offering supposed stem cell cures in Mexico. COPD is the 4th largest killer but one of the worst funded. I did see they found a cure for Emphysema but in mice🤦🏻♂️I think I remember a similar research project about stem cells and mice 20 years ago.
I can't comment where COPD is concerned but we sponsored a parachute jump for a young local, mother of four, diagnosed with MS about four years ago to go to a Mexico clinic for stem cell treatment. Whilst they gave no guarantee for improvement in her condition they did offer the hope of halting the disease. Apparently so far, this appears to have been what has happened with the added bonus of her spending more time on her feet rather than sitting in her wheelchair all the time and being able to take more exercise. The more realistic information I have read on this therapy for any disease is that it can't give back the damage the disease has taken but can help to hold back the progression. Perhaps the answer when researching these clinics is to bear in mind whether the treatment offered sounds realistic and honest or not.
Annie this recent article more or less covers off the current situation on Stem Cell treatment pulmonologyadvisor.com/home...
Interesting! There was a chap on here 2/3 years ago or so. asking about this therapy for COPD. Unfortunately can't remember his username but he seemed to be determined to go ahead with it. He was in conversation with another guy. I maybe incorrect with my memory on this but I think one of them had actually had it done, sorry don't know the outcome of this!
''apart from a few new inhalers nothing seems to being done'' - And there lies the problem, there is far too much money being made in treating symptoms to bother with a cure. While obstructive lung disease is lumped under the umbrella of'' COPD'' instead of the separate diseases it includes, they won't even come up with decent treatments let alone ways to stop progression and ultimately cures. We are entitled to a free health check with the NHS when we reach 40, which unbelievably doesn't include spirometry. Think how many people could be caught early before they knew they were losing lung capacity if they took lung disease seriously. Those that smoke would then have a massive incentive to give up.
I wonder how many actually get the free health check when the reach the age of 40. Certainly my husband and I have never had health checks of any kind. We are now 69 and 68 respectively, he has heart disease and I have advanced emphysema both of which could probably have been picked up on at an early stage.
The one big step forward since my dad was diagnosed with emphysema in the 70ies must surely be pulmonary rehab. My old man was issued with an oxygen cylinder and left to get on with it. He was told to stop smoking, but with no help in doing so. I now have a choice of inhalers for my bronchiectasis, my beloved AeroBika for when I'm bad and the reassurance of knowing I can call the splendid Pulmonary Rehab team if I need to. So far, so good. But Hoobs is quite right- there is a lot more which could be done, (which would pay for itself in the long run). Educating medical professionals would be a start- they are at last doing it for autism; about time they did it for lung complaints. I would not be as ill as I am now if the surgery I was with 3 or 4 years ago had not fobbed me off with 5 days of Amoxicillin every time I got a chest infection. I had to nearly die to get referred on. PS. my father never managed to quit smoking and he never got the hang of the oxygen cylinder. My brother found him smoking and dropping fag ash on it one day. 'Do you want to be the first geriatric in space?' he inquired.😮😂🚀.
Ask 2greys! He is very good on treatment updates.