So it begins the Great decline. Still in hospital on multi patient ward . Ankles swollen like 2 over ripe pumpkins and joy of Joy's constipation. When at home l never suffer from either of these conditions. Knock on effects are daunting. Told not to exercise so much because of Ankles breathing difficulty due to pressure from constipation. Now saying water tablets / laxative or more degrading than that to be given an ennama on a ward with only one toilet and 5 mobile patients do l have any dignity left to take away !! My real concern now is the length of time it will take me when l eventually get home to get back to my previous fitness levels !Starting to wonder is it ever worth it especially with winter nearly upon us.
Paradise Lost: So it begins the Great... - Lung Conditions C...
Paradise Lost

That’s sounds awful Delamere but I’m hopeful you won’t be in hospital for too much longer and will soon return to a good level of fitness when home. Thinking of you. Xxx😘❤️
An active mind with a failing body is a terrible combination, but you know as Carole says things will improve for you when you gain some control. 😍x

Thanks Don control is the key. I warned consultant this issues would arise but he said you don't know that ! How l wish l was wrong
The trouble with consultants is that they are specialists. Whilst looking after the bit of you that takes their interest the remainder of you could rot away.🙄 IMHO
Oh so sorry Delamere, it's so distressing when I'll health impacts on us to this extent. I hope you will soon be able to go home and start regaining fitness levels and good health. Feel better soon x
Just saying hello and hope things improve for you soon. As you say these occasions play havoc with our dignity and you will be looking forward to getting back home as soon as possible. Xx
Pile up your pillows and anything else you can find to get your feet higher than your heart and get that laxative down you. Ever the practical one I prefer to deal with these things head on rather than wait for nedics to impose stuff on me. I had all of this on my recent hospitalisation following the cardiac surgeon nearly killing me. Actually, I found that walking around and doing exercises with my feet on the floor actually helped to get the swelling down but elevating my feet was the most effective.
I agree with DON. I am sick to death being told one thing by this consultant and another completely oblivious to the other consultants views as they run away with their own flamboyant theories. (IE) Con 1. Oh you have a mild tummy upset on that medication. Con 2 OH you have a parasite in your tummy eating your toes away.... EH? WHAT
Exactly also careless with prescribing. Consultant quiered why l had large bruise on my chest told him it was probably the steroids he checked med chart then l overheard him say this lady should have one blood thinner a day not 2 .l wish l could say this was the first time that something like this had happened
Most ‘consultants’ are Junr Doctors who got lucky in my experience, or should I say observations, having avoided them for years.
One loo amongst 5 patients?! I’ve used the staff one before now. Ignore the “staff only” sign.
This is exactly why it’s so much better to do home IVs. I sometimes think it would do hospital drs good to spend a few days on a public ward, with all the indignities they thoughtlessly impose on their patients. It’s dehumanising.
Nevertheless you just have to get on with it, take those laxatives & get your feet up as Hidden says, & come here to moan whenever you like! You’ll soon get your fitness back once your back home. 😘😘😘

I have resorted to going down stairs to the public loo needs must as the devil drives and he is driving hard at the moment
What a nightmare. I couldn’t bear it! Thank goodness for the public toilet downstairs. My sheep send you lots of woolly hugs hoping to lift your spirits. 🤗
I really feel for you Delamere and very much hope things have moved on a bit by now. Glad you've found other loos to use - I'm sure you're taking extra hygiene precautions to protect yourself. Can you get someone to bring you in some ground flaxseed (from supermarket or healthfood shop), a tablespoon sprinkled in to your breakfast oats or meusli daily works absolute wonders. Thinking of you, hope you get home soon. Peege
Thanks for that peerage. I carry my wipes and handsanitiser everywhere with me. Unfortunately l have no one to come in my husband can't drive as he is waiting for a knee operation put off because of covid and family live down south. I will however get a supply in when l get home
What a torrid time you are going through consultants often say different things. I had a particular arrogant one who wanted to stop some drugs, that was not going to happen taken years to get them just right.
Hang in there it will get better
Love and hugs
J and the kitties
Hi Delamere. I really do feel for you and can only hope for better things to happen, like the aperient works and you can elevate your legs but also that the IV's are working and you will soon be home doing your own thing. Sending positive wishes and hugs xxx🤗❤️
I hope you have one of the modern beds where you can raise the foot electrically, which should help, and if necessary ask for the commode. Slightly embarrassing but better than collapsing on your way to the loo! I feel for you, but after more than fifty admissions to a variety of hospitals I have learnt to be strong about these situations! One time I spent a week in the British Hospital in Buenos Aires where the only English speaking nurse went on leave just as I arrived. I quickly learnt the Spanish for bedpan! Can’t remember it now. The hospital I go to in Bristol has mostly single rooms with your own bathroom. Ideal. I do hope things improve soon for you, and you get home to your own bed and toilet soon. All best xx
Oh. I am sorry that you are still in hospital and having more and more to cope with just by being there. I do hope that you can get home soon and get your own well-being in hand.
My very best wishes for your healing. Grace
I'm sorry to hear you are still in hospital. Did they explain why you have swollen legs? If you didn't have them before this is quite a sudden change? We all need to vent especially when we feel trapped in a situation. I often feel like I'm flailing about for nothing because I can't calm the storm anyway. So I try to calm myself by telling myself I've had bad patches in the past and survived them. We can't control the storm but the storm will pass. You will get home and slowly recover your fitness levels. It may take time but you are such a determined person even though you don't feel so now. Sending you a big hug and hoping by the time you read this you will feel better. xx ♥️
Sorry if l repeating myself may have pressed wrong button. Thankyou your reply means a lot. I think part of my problem is not weathering this storm but knowing others will be coming. It did remind me of a tshirt that l bough my wild granddaughter the last line said l amvthe storm maybe l should look at it that way. Many thanks x
Sorry to hear you are still in hospital, as LP says get them feet up get the laxatives down and get home soon where you can get back to normal. I really feel for you, the medical profession sometimes just dont listen. Sending hugs and love x
I do hope that by now things have started to improve for you. xxx