Hello all you fighters xx ... had a bad one the other day , and was given a course of Prednisone again ... It seems to be the only thing that makes me feel like i can do normal things again ... Currently having great time deadheading some flowers in the garden , sorting out my wood pile etc . something i have totally neglected of late ......Why does prednisone work for me? , and why cant i have it all the time ???
Prednisone: Hello all you fighters xx... - Lung Conditions C...

Ha, it’s the classic double-bind. It’s a really effective anti-inflammatory which opens your airways so you can breathe better, but long term it has destructive side effects. Causes cataracts, diabetes, adrenal failure, ruins your skin, amongst other stuff! Also it affects your immune system, so you can’t fight off infection as easily.
I’m glad it works for you & you’re feeling better. It stopped working for me, except at 50+ mg xxx

i suspected there was pitfalls with its continued use ...crikey i wouldnt want to befall some of those side effects , i must admit ! ...I suppose the consultant was correct , there not sweets that we hand out like you are a bloody kid .... So sorry they have stopped working so good for you Hanne62 .
Also my adrenal glands have failed & I’ve had cataracts on both eyes 🙄 And my skin is so damaged, I keep it totally covered all year round 🎻 🎻🎻Mind you I’ve needed a lot of prednisone. But there are times when it’s kept me alive, so I’m not complaining (well, not too much hehe.)
My advice: use it sparingly. Short courses (3 weeks max) are ok but try not to go on it for months at a time, even at a low dose)
Unfortunately the withdrawal symptoms are bad for me so went back on 25ml I thought I was headed for a wheelchair
I'm currently on 30mg a day having dropped from 35mg for a week and hope to drop to 25mg on Monday. Unfortunately, they have not worked their magic for me this time and the GP is now investigating possible heart failure - or it COULD be side effects of the Pred, which is why I am reducing them even though my chest is still bad (all done with GP knowledge and consent, I should add).
Usually, the only side effects are that I get a bit hyper and eat for England. The proof of this is that I have put on 2 1/2 stone since the end of May and the numbers are climbing daily. Also, I am suffering with fluid retention in my legs. Taking it has not improved my breathing.
So, although it has amazing benefits at times, those benefits are not guaranteed and the wonder drug can cause other problems. Short sharp doses are the best! On it and off it again asap.
I'm so glad it's working for you at the moment, though, and hope you are soon well enough to come off it again successfully. xx Moy
Prednisolone is a wonderful life changing drug for some people but it comes at a cost to other areas of health which is why Dr are reluctant to perspire it long term. Look up the side effects on NHS site and it will give you some idea. Meanwhile enjoy the bonuses it gives you. Good luck x
Fabulous replies on here to your query .Prednisolone truly is a double edged sword.
I have been on it for almost 17 years continuously and have developed osteoporosis ,eyesight issues ,renal issues, am immunosuppressed ,have paper thin skin and diabetes.
It has however given me a lifespan I wasn't expected to have....
Good luck and hope your improvement continues.
My partner was given low dose for PMR and never got off it, with the side effects. Friend got PMR too and had high dose for short time and was fine again. You trust your doctor to be up to date and get it right .
In my experience steroids give me an almost immediate high. I feel so well and yes, I can understand your gardening venture. The trouble is ‘we’ feel so well, but the drop down is awful. It also causes insomnia - in that I can go to sleep ok but wake at 3am with the need to clean the house. Another long term symptom is thinning of the skin and osteoporosis. Probably other long term effects I don’t know about.
Cappy, At one time I was on a regimen of prednisone for over a year. It helped me with my PMR tremendously. The problem is that it can hinder your body's ability to heal. If you get an infection while on it big problems can show up. Also, it is customary to taper the dose down to avoid some problems in stopping it's use. I've long hoped for another drug that would work as well. Fingers crossed. Sorry for your pain.
Have you been seen by a lung specialist ?
Hello Cappy,I have been on Prednisone for 4 years. Initially, I was dosed up on 50mg per day for 4 months. This was prescribed as a "we don't know what to do with you" when I presented with organizing pneumonia. I had emphysema for many years, diagnosed in 2012, and never smoked. But, as I kept telling the medicos, being raised in London in the early 1950s with a father who was a heavy smoker and the city being unbelievably polluted, my poor little lungs didn't have a chance. Anyway, after the pneumonia had finally resolved some 9 months later and my steroids reduced to 10mg, I found that the pneumonia returns when I take 8mg. This has happened 3 times since the first major bout. From the pneumonia I now have pulmonary fibrosis. My various lung specialists (I'm on number 5) have all said I have to get off the steroids as it can cause heart trouble, diabetes, eye problems, ingrown toenails (just joking) and anything they can think of. So far, none of this has happened. Everyone reacts differently to medication. For me, it is quality of life not quantity.
I hope this helps.
Cheers Dee