Several rounds of antibiotics this summer. Had some small bleeds. Bleeds have stopped. Done with antibiotics. But I’ve been having noise in my chest. when I lay down at night. I Think it’s from all the mucous I have draining. Pulmonologist said my lungs sound good and ct scan looked good. I’ve had this before several times. They all say allergies drain to my lungs. You can even see it in ct scan. I’m on everything I can for allergies. It’s been very bad year for allergies here in California with the drought. But I start to worry. And it’s makes my chest feel tender, disturbs my sleep, and breathing not as good. Has anyone had this? Thank you, Victoria
Noise in chest at night: Several rounds... - Lung Conditions C...
Noise in chest at night

Do you have bronchiectasis? If so, even a small amount of mucus makes a right din! If you put a teaspoon of water in a glass & blow into it through a straw (to simulate breathing) you’ll see what I mean. Allergies inflame your airways & make them sore & tight.
All I can think of is for you to learn how to do airway clearance (if you don’t already.) You need to see a chest physio to get the technique just right

Thanks. I do have Bronchiectasis. Now my chest is hurting and I had a small bleed. Back to Pulmonologist.
Hi Victoria, have you tried a humidifier. My daughter bought me a small one for the bedside cabinet and i use essential oils with it. It has helped to keep my nose and lungs moist which really helps x
I use to hear my crackling lungs when I paid down. Paying down left me short of breath (copd) . I bought an adjustable bed which has been a godsend. I can adjust it I can prop myself up and now don't hear crackles or short breath