Hi all does anyone else have experience with knee surgery who has got bronchiectasis, copd and asthma, I am quite worried about the risk of infection during anaesthetic and not going forward for surgery means wearing a knee brace, longer than 6mths is not going to be any help.what to do ?
Knee surgery, worried about bronchie... - Lung Conditions C...
Knee surgery, worried about bronchiectasis infection
Sorry I can’t be of help but hopefully someone else can. I just want to wish you well. Xxx😘
I would say that you need to get the surgeon responsible for your knee operation and your bronchiectasis consultant to talk to each other. I am presuming that you are concerned about an exacerbation of your bronch due to general anaesthetic.As we bronchs are all different your bronch con will need to advise the surgeon of the risks to you of general anaesthetic. If you do have a general you will need to do lots of breathing physio in the days following to clear out the anaesthetic gases and prevent an exacerbation.If you are worried about the operation site being infected because of your bronch. I recently had this question and my con said that the type of bacteria which we have in our lungs are not those which cause trouble in wounds and that it would be fine as long as my chest was stable and all of the usual infection precautions were taken for the wound. It was ok
Either way, I do urge you to get your two doctors to agree a plan together
Hi yes undergoing pulmonary function tests spirometry and ct booked,risk is oesophagus infection into lungs from tubes .I will have a better idea in 6mths .thanks for your reply
I have had several general anaesthetics with no infection into my lungs. It all depends how good the anaesthetists are. I hope that you get it sorted so that you can get your knee fixed.
Generally you will be given a spinal anaesthetic which is so much more suitable for people with lung conditions.
It avoids a general anaesthetic which in turn although your awake they can top you up with midazolam and oxygen via a mask or nasal specs ..
I'm sure your anaesthetist is the best to advise regarding your lungs as hes the one looking after your airway ..
Your consultants should be able to discuss your need prior to any surgery taking place and preparing you for every event ...
I hope you get sorted good luck 💜🌻
My late godmother had knee joint replacement surgery with an epidural anaesthetic. She had very mild COPD but with other health issues it was thought best not to give her a general anaesthetic.
Hi, I have bronchiectasis and asthma. I had an epidural, also the anaesthetist gave me a large dose of antibiotics, only knew this as he had to check which ones I was ok with. I would also tell your lung consultant as well in case they want to top up your antibiotics whilst your less active. Good luck with your surgery. x
As a retired senior orthopaedic theatre nurse, I can say that the largest majority of the patients that I assisted with where given a spinal anaesthetic. Due to the nature of arthritis, most were in their golden years and that generally comes with a past medical history of some description. They were awake and comfortable throughout the entire procedure. Some opt for a bit of sedation but they can choose not to have that and they can lie there and chat away to the staff. The sooner you are up postoperatively and ambulatory the better for your chest and your mobility
You all beat me to it - I was going to say have a spinal anaesthetic !
I have bronchiectasis and asthma and have had partial knee replacements on both knees. I had the first done with an epidural anaesthetic which was terrific and the second done with a standard anaesthetic. Both went well apart from the vomiting after the second one. No chest infections after either of them. I was worried like you which was why I asked for an epidural for the first one.
Thanks that is very helpful to know I like you get nausea after anaesthetic but not had any ops since being diagnosed with lung issues. So I will ask for epidural
Hi BOxermad, I understand your concerns , being less than 12 months since I had a total knee replacement. It is a different process for those of us with lung conditions, I had two injections but main one in the spine area. Was kept upright mostly , I felt good after till I became mobile is the best way to describe it and was given high levels of care. It is risky so understand your concerns but many people have it done with varied illness I have had three ops with my lung condition. Be warned it does take longer to get back to your normal health status. I was not able to use the brace that you are trying and injections failed miserably by time of op I had been unable to walk for some time due to pain. I can walk now with less pain but not normally as unfortunately I broke my foot recently which has impeded my recovery of health status. But everyones experience of this proceess ,plus risks is very concerning. Exercise before and after has been shown to improve outcomes even in lung patients. Its hailed as the modern miracle cure for this joint but outcomes do vary. End of the day it can only be your decision , I have two freinds who decided to remain in pain rather than an op. There is a new stem cell option these days and varied different injections plus a lot of research projects on other options to op, or for op . I wish you every best wish in your treatment and hopefully a better future pain free.
Like others here I have had three major abdominal surgeries in the past few years and suffered no lung related issues. The anesthatist did spend ages ensuring I had a thorough preoperative assessment . He said he wanted to be ready for anything. 😂 My last op was November so all covid protocols were in place.
I had a spinal anaesthetic and other than feeling like my legs were still up in the air when I was back in bed I had no side effects. This was back in 2006, I expect things have moved on a lot since then
Hi,B0xermad, I had foot surgery 10 years ago and I was fine. They give you a pre-op checkup to make sure you are fit and then call you for surgery. No problems after op. I recovered well. Good luck and take care, Maximonkey
Best wishes. The replies you have had sound very positive.
Wishing you well B0xermad I’ve had keyhole surgery on my knee and an Achilles’ tendon repair I’m not sure how I was put to sleep but I think it was a general anaesthetic. I have mild asthma and bronchiectasis x