COPD or Asthma ???: Hello, I've never... - Lung Conditions C...

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COPD or Asthma ???

doddsie profile image
25 Replies

Hello, I've never posted before but have been reading posts for many months. Thanks to everyone who posted as I've gained a lot of very useful information. Just wondering if anyone could give info regarding my recent diagnosis. In2017, following spirometry test by practice nurse I was told I had mild COPD and was prescribed salbutamol. Didn't need to use it much at all. Symptoms were breathless on exertion e.g. running to catch a bus or climbing up stairs, otherwise was fine. In January, Feb and March this year had repeated chest problems, struggled to breathe even when sitting down, cough and wheezy/noisy chest. Had ambulance to take to me to A & E, had used 3 lots of Prednisone and was eventually prescribed Fostair which helped a lot and settled problems. Was also given app to see respiratory consultant. Following this app and another spirometry test was told I didn't have COPD but Asthma. FEV1 was 85% with marked improvement following salbutamol. Feeling confused now as I still get breathless on exertion and dont have any allergies that I'm aware of, does anyone know if Asthma causes breathlessness on exertion??? Was also told by consultant to bear in mind that I'm quite old (67)??? Only problem that showed up in test was esophonils were higher than normal. Many thanks for reading.

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doddsie profile image
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25 Replies

I do not have asthma but believe 85% FEV is excellent for someone with asthma or COPD

do check out this page:

to know the difference between asthma and COPD

Check links below:



If you are still unsure perhaps give the helpline a call during working hourse:

Best wishes BK

doddsie profile image
doddsie in reply to

Many thanks for the information,much appreciated.

knitter profile image

I was told I had asthma , then COPD , now both .One GP said it was a grey area when trying to distinguish.

About the esophonils ….have you had any allergy tests , just to check. I had skin prick tests and one blood test .

I have three adult asthmatic daughters and they get symptoms from animal dander, dust, pollen, nuts, and now tomatoes …a new allergy found today.

I do get breathless on exertion .

Did you get a Covid test in hospital ?

doddsie profile image
doddsie in reply to knitter

Hello and thanks for replying. Yes, when I had 'flare ups' during winter the first thing I did was send off a covid test which was negative. When attended A & E they repeated the test which was also negative (lateral flow). It's difficult to understand how gp could diagnose COPD and a consultant diagnosed asthma. I'm not aware of any allergies but I do get eczema at times. Thanks for taking the time to reply.

CDPO16 profile image

Hi and welcome. I have COPD with late onset asthma (I'm 68). My first spirometry test at my GP surgery in 2014 showed a Fev1 of 54%. I was later diagnosed to have late onset asthma as well by a consultant in 2016 when GP prescribed inhalers didn't control my breathlessness. I too was breathless on exertion but not at rest unless unwell and had a slightly raised eosinophil count. Late onset asthma tends to be triggered by various irritants but not by allergies. A test showing a marked improvement after ventolin is indicative of asthma. I have fostair which helps to keep things reasonably well controlled unless my COPD flares up.

doddsie profile image
doddsie in reply to CDPO16

Hello, I have Fostair too which does help. Also, I did have a test which showed an improvement of approx 7or 8% after Ventolin. Thanks for the advice regarding irritants and for your reply.

CDPO16 profile image
CDPO16 in reply to doddsie

Things that are an irritant to me are aerosols, detergents, cleaning products and anything highly perfumed. If you are aware of anything that irritates your lungs I'd advise you to avoid them as they are likely to cause some inflammation and may even trigger an asthma attack. Hope you go on OK.

HungryHufflepuff profile image

I didn’t know that 67 is Quite Old. I saw Early Man for the first time the other day, and 32 was considered Quite Old, but they were cavemen.

Having said that, a while ago I was talking with my doctor about being breathless on exertion and she said “you have to consider your age”. I’m in my 40s 😯 Admittedly, getting ever closer to late 40s but even so ... this isn’t the Stone Age. I also have asthma (since birth) and was told a few years ago that there’s also something else going on, a few times this was diagnosed as COPD of varying severity, but now it might be something else altogether. 🤷‍♀️

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to HungryHufflepuff

Sorry to butt in on another post but your story sounds like mine , they often shy from being exact. To the Drs over 65 is old and to the government over70 is past it nowadays . So I wonder what they say to the over nineties who can still manage alone and are an ever increasing number due to modern medicine. Age as nothing to do with health in many cases so I would boo boo any DR who thinks it does. Only thing is our bodies slow down so it takes a little more time to do things and recover from illness flare ups.

doddsie profile image
doddsie in reply to katieoxo60

Exactly!!! I am the main carer for my mum, who is 87 but sadly has Alzheimer's. However, she still does a lot of her own housework, is immaculately clean and does still have some 'common sense', basically she just needs management, or someone like me to boss her about, lol, and financial help. Do you think 67 is old and 87 is elderly? Are we both 'past it'. Also, the government classify me as 'old' for lots of reasons, but not too 'old' to be a carer??? Not that I wouldn't, or object, to looking after mum.

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to doddsie

Now you are thinking about the implication of the Drs statement. Thats ageism . Glad to hear your mum is still able to meet most of her needs . I know ladies 100 who still live at home and meet there own care needs with a little backup now and then. Well done to you for bossing your mum around if thats what she wants. (smiles) and it keeps you active too. You will be glad you did it in time. The GP chats for ten minutes , they often don't even know peoples circumstances do they. ? Enjoy your day and remind your GP your mum can still do her chores and shes older than you and I presume not being rushed into A&E for chest problems like yourself. Take care , keep up ther good work with mum and don't let GP fob you off with excuses. Please let us know how things are going for you.

doddsie profile image
doddsie in reply to katieoxo60

Thanks for the supportive comments, greatly appreciated. Take care and stay safe.

doddsie profile image
doddsie in reply to HungryHufflepuff

Sometimes I wonder if we are going back to the stone age lol!!! Sorry that you are also unsure of the exact cause of your difficulties, it can be very frustrating and worrying. Thanks for reply.

katieoxo60 profile image

Hello doddsie, thank you for posting and welcome. I am one of those who have COPD & Asthma. Both Asthma and COPD cause shortness of breath on exertion. I come from a long line of asthmatic family. They are all airway diseases usually certain tests can distinguish how the breathing is effected and that determines the diagnosis. And of course you can have more than one airways disease, and they can overlap. Your Fev does sound good, I find my lung volume is low we are all different, so best advice is to seek as much info as you can concerning your own health situation because you are the one who has to live with it and manage it. Your the one who knows best how the inhalers help ect too. Hope you will soon start to feel better following your infections ect. and that the replies on here help you.

doddsie profile image
doddsie in reply to katieoxo60

Hello and thanks for your reply. It really does help to talk to other people who understand what it's like to have breathing difficulty.

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to doddsie

Always here to help if we can , I have had breathing difficulyies for many years now so understand how it feels and it is much worse when you have infection. Stay safe & keep using the inhaler or ask for change if its not helping.

Mavary profile image

Hi doddsie. My eosinophils were really high when I was told I had Aspergillosis. Yours are probably due to your asthma. It may be that you have an allergy of some sort. Asthma will make you breathless on exertion. I would definitely look into the line of allergies. It could be things you use in your house, maybe hairspray or even flowers. Just do a little digging to see if anything helps.

doddsie profile image
doddsie in reply to Mavary

Hello and thanks for your reply. I will check out and begin to take note for allergies. Sorry to hear you have Aspergillosis.

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to doddsie

I dont know whether I have or haven’t got aspergillosis any more. I had it a couple of years ago and my eosinophils were sky high. It was after I had pneumonia. I came home from hospital and I kept saying I couldn’t breathe first thing in the morning. Then one morning I got out of bed to go to the loo and passed out. I was sent back in hospital and that’s when they said I had aspergillosis. I’ve been ok since. A few years ago I had a similar thing happen. I got up at 3.00am and had problems breathing. I had a cough and I couldn’t cough because if I did I couldn’t breathe. I called the Dr in and he couldn’t find anything wrong. He didn’t do a blood test though which would have showed what it was. I was not working for six months because of a cough. I was sent for tests and they said I’ve got mild asthma. So I think I’ve had two episodes of aspergillosis. I was working with sheepskin when I had the second attack. I finished with that as at the time I thought that was to blame. So you see it could be anything.

doddsie profile image
doddsie in reply to Mavary

Sounds like you've had some really rough episodes of breathlessness. I've never reached the point of passing out, but have reached a stage where it was nearly impossible to speak and needed oral steroids. Pleased to hear things seem to have settled down for you now, hope you remain stable. Take care.

PLCHnME profile image

I agree with the allergy thoughts and suggest you talk to your GP about getting allergy testing done as I threw most of my life had not a single allergy until I hit a nerve miner of decades into my life. Lol then I got tested the amount of things I was reacting to overwhelmed me. That could even be the cause of your eczema as well. Good luck and I wish you well.

doddsie profile image
doddsie in reply to PLCHnME

Hello and thank you for taking the time to reply. I was wondering how to get allergy testing, thought I would have to organise it myself, didn't think GP would do them, so thanks, will give them a ring.

Bingo88 profile image

Hello doddsie. I too have severe copd. But am not doing too bad at present i can still walk around town and get upto the 1st floor of a building with not much problem. The help and support here is great and ref 67. You have to keep positive and just push on regardless of age. I am coming 66 in October and I just don't worry about age at all now its just a number. Take care and keep in touch. Brian

doddsie profile image
doddsie in reply to Bingo88

Thanks for replying and I'd like to say well done to you. Severe COPD can't be easy but pushing yourself to walk around town and climb stairs is great.

Bingo88 profile image
Bingo88 in reply to doddsie

Thanks very much. Its all we can do is keep fighting and pushing on or give up. Take care yourself

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