Been waiting now for 6mnths for diognoses of lung cancer ive had ct scans broncopsy petscan
Stil waiting : Been waiting now for... - Lung Conditions C...
Stil waiting

That’s not good pat3003. Can you get in touch with your doctor and see what’s going on? I do hope you get things sorted out very soon.
Best wishes to you. Xxx
Hi Pat
You can be sure if cancer is suspected, the hospital act on it quickly, I've never known NHS delay on that one.
If you had those tests and scans 6 months ago, your GP should by now have received copy of the results. You could ring the hospital first and ask for copies of results to be sent to you or ring your GP and request same - or write to either.
I view all my test results on line through my GP surgery. Naturally the hospital would call you back to discuss results if they feel the news is sensitive.
Hope your results are all clear and nothing of any urgency.
Best wishes BK

Hi thk you fir reolying bk to me . Started having test done beginning of october because i was coughing uo blood had a xray and showed shadow on my lright lung i then had ct scan t i november and tbe a bronscoosy and wash in november them results camee back and the lung team said thad they could find any signs of cancer cells so they gave me a pet scan on the first of jan this year they said it had not grown in size or lympnodes and the doctors said it coukd be from a resolving nastie infection i had in sept last year so the put me on a 6 wks course of braod antibitics and i finished them 5 wks ago and had another ct scan last wensday . Im waiting now for lung team to fone the results of that scan. I but im so scared aincase they now say it is lung cancer and has got bigger. Im trying to be positive about it as surely they wouldnt of let me go this long without a diognoses.
I feel sure if it was cancer they will not be keeping you waiting, they like to operate / treat asap. That is just my own experience of cancer and same for others (here in UK) I have known with a cancer diagnosis. If you are only waiting on a recent CT scan of 5 weeks ago I would say those results would be in now too so as my suggestion above you could ring hospital or GP for copy of the results.
From my own experience with lung cancer, I would cautiously suggest that this may be good news. If you had confirmed cancer detected then things would have progressed rather quickly and you would certainly have known about it. The first thing that would have happened if they had found cancer would have been a discussion with an Oncologist about your treatment options, of which there are four available. It maybe that you are on a 'watch and wait regime' as any results they have at the moment are indeterminable, unclear.
Easy to say, but be positive about this otherwise the anxiety really will make you ill. Be reassured that should cancer surface in the near future it will have been caught at an early stage and can be successfully treated and cured. Consider yourself lucky that the are keeping watch, lung cancer can progress, unnoticed, to much later stages before it is noticed and is much harder to treat. I can empathise with you, having been in the same position 3 years ago, I received radiotherapy at the time and have another 2 years to go to be hopefully declared cancer free.
I wish you luck and hope you do not go on to develop lung cancer.
Thk you so much 2greys like you said they would leave me this long if they thought it is cancer it would of been picked up before now so im just hoping and praying that is more likely to be scarring from the infection and hooefully they will ring me this week with the results from ct scan last week xx
I hope the result is good news. Best wishes.
Hi Pat3003, I would chase up your results and explain your concern, but as 2greys says you wouldnt have been left if there were signs of cancer. Fingers crossed all is well and you get sorted soon x
Some great answers above to maybe lessen your worries. 🤗
Hi everyone thk you all so much for your kind words and suport. And thouggt id give you a update as the lung team foned me today and i have got to go and see them on fri as the recent ct scan showed that the shadow on my lung is still there but has not grown in size and thy want me to go and see them to discuss wat they want to do now.. As they still dont know wat it is as they were hoping that the antibitics i took might of shrunk it. i asked them if i had got lumg cancer and they said no but cancer is stil on the table. So im still no wiser. They mentioned having a lung biopsy which i am petried of having done as laying flat on my back makes me feel dizzy and feels im going to faint and im sp scared of wat may hapoen as i have read that it can colapse your lung. I suffer with severe anxiety as it is which isnt helping. I dont want to go on fri but i know i ned to go as i might get more answers.