So a week ago Friday after walking a group of 5 dogs ..
We popped them all back into the van cleaned buckled and belted in on pulling out on to the road the magic doggo bus went clunky in the gear box .
We slowly drove them home Phew !!!!
Once home to our own place we discover somone has tried to take the pane of glass out of our front door obviously an attempt to break in and in broad daylight to boot.. the glass is hanging out the frame and I could put my my hand through it ....
So fast forward a few bad words a few puffs of ventolin police called mechanic called and on a Good Friday they came out to us for which we were so grateful...
The thieves didn't get in finger prints were taken and a glazier came and popped the window back in making the door secure ish .....
Stanley enjoyed the string of visitors and rolled on his back for each and everyone of them for a tummy tickle thinking they were only there to see him ππ...
The mechanic arrived and said yep your vans very broken and at a humongous cost it's problem will keep happening oil leaks and gear box leaks gear box runners had all split hence the clanking noises on driving ...
In the instance I cancelled all dog walks for last week and started the hunt for a new car van whatever came first ..
We now have a lovley estate car which is amazing bought click and collect style like your going to argos for a set of pots ....
if we dont like we can return within 14 days full money refunded covid style of shopping for a car π
We are back up and running the business as of Tuesday the old van has gone to the scrapyard place in the sky but we got Β£1500 for her so that's okay ...
The thieves I doubt will never be caught as fingerprints didn't show on anything and we are awaiting a replacement door and a cctv thing so big brother will be waiting for you if you try my home again....
As well as buying a new estate car for the doggos I saw a little car for myself and I clicked and collected yesterday..
as well as a new set of pots and casserole dishes that are being delivered from somewhere up the Amazon today ..some would say these things happen and life is sent to try us all last Sunday all I could do was cry at the thought of the week ahead and this Sunday morning I'm in my bed still
Stanley's gone for a walk with the hubby and I have a smile knowing the rough patch is over ...I'm sure there will be many more to come as we all cant have life rosy ..
I hope everyone is well in themselves and now the warmer weather is here enjoying the sun ..
Stay safe all and look after yourself ππ