I had asthma since I was born,it got better when I was still in primary school... but when I was in high school it started again and its worse because it kinda an everyday thing even though I don't cough a lot. I cough but I prevent them by forcing them not to come out,all this started when I lost a family member till today now its the fourth year having asthma under the stress of the loved one,the late cared a lot he was the very only person I depend on this stress is persistent plus school add more stress in between which makes it more worse,am that type who hide the symptoms in class by forcing myself and pretending like everything is fine,I can't take my meds infront of people and only my friends at school knows about my condition...I don't want anyone else to know it feels somehow please help.....n I just want to know why my asthma isn't getting better but the meds are working effectively am having being sick almost everyday.......should I take anada x-rays? To see how my condition is comparing to my childhood?I started from the bottom am back at steroid and rescue.
Why me?: I had asthma since I was born... - Lung Conditions C...
Why me?

Hi Trusty, Firstly, welcome to this site. I can understand your concern - up to a point, but you need professional help to get you over what seems to be anxiety, which only serves to make matters worse. I assume you have been to see your local GP, if not, then this is your first step, so you can have an assessment as to present status of health. This should allay your anxiety. If you have already seen your GP and have been prescribed medication, it is important that you follow the dosing regime precisely. (I guess we have all been embarrased taking our medication in public at first, but we soon get over it, when it is doing us good). A call to the British Lung Foundation's advice line would be on my list of important things to do. They are of great help in putting you mind at rest and getting you set on the right track towards a brighter, healthier future. Best regards Martin
Hello trustyblue. As Martin says, call the BLF Helpline on 03000 030 555.
Asthma can be controlled! Get the help you need. Sooner than later.
Consequences of not taking asthma seriously can be disasterous!
Thanks,are my lungs getting worse?
Thanks,are my lungs getting worse?
Everybody has lungs which get a little worse each year as they get older - wear and tear - whether you have a lung condition or not. Anything which may make them deteriorate faster can be treated with the correct medication to slow the damage as much as possible.
Ringing the BLF is good advice. Good luck.
Ok I understand...as I said my asthma was better.....but started again after my loosing a family member who really mattered and its affecting like everyday and I can't avoid this even when am trying......but I thought if my asthma get better(childhood one) I will only experience it again later in life not in my high school level....I feel threatened.
Ok I understand...as I said my asthma was
better.....but started again after loosing a family
member who really mattered and its affecting me like
everyday and I can't avoid this even when am
trying(and my meds works very well)......but I thought if my asthma get better
(childhood one) I will only experience it again later
in life not in my high school level....I feel threatened.
From what I have heard a lot of children do grow out of asthma .Some dont though.I started having asthma at 21 and my Gp told me I would probably have it for life.True enough at nearly 60 I still have it.Apart from the few ups and downs the medication does control it and now I wont let the asthma nurse lower my dosage as I have experienced the consequences.It took me about 20 years to use my ventolin inhaler in public.I even remember making nurses in hospital draw the curtains round my bed if I needed to use my inhaler.If you have asthma long term just get the correct medication.It can be controlled and you should be able to get on with your life.I saw a picture of David Beckham not long ago using an inhaler.Dont worry and stress ask for help from your GP and asthma nurse.They will be able to help you and alleviate your stress
Well this is stressing me,a lot ,because sometimes I experience asthma attack in the morning and I end up collapsing because sometimes the inhaler fail to work. The doctor said it may be due to stress. But why is it happening in the morning?