Hi everyone well mum has stopped worrying as until I get adult app can still be a child patient. So now she is worried as after lockdown meant to be going back to college. I only have a total of five days before breaking up for Christmas so she is hoping that they will allow me to work from home but Boris says it's safe at schools and colleges but apparently mum knows best so from my friends on here who gets your vote Boris or mum the worrier. Lol
Never ending worrier. : Hi everyone... - Lung Conditions C...
Never ending worrier.

Your mum without a doubt Pokermon. Xxx💜
Boris is an idiot and your mum is right.it's not safe at schools and it is ruining familys lives in the build up to christmas,Charlotte has only just completed a period of isolation and now one of her sisters has to do a period of isolation because of an an outbreak in her school,all this in the pleasant south of England and not exactly in the great unwashed and deprived areas of the north,why they don't just call it a draw and shut all schools down until the New year when hopefully a vaccine may be available and the chances to returning to a normal life will be that much closer.grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :(Ranting Ski's and a cat that just doesn't understand it all
After describing a cannula as "that nose job thingy", in a recent interview, it goes to show that he knows absolutely nothing of the medical world, yet he had to use one and I am positive a doctor or nurse would not have referred to one it in that way.
I am sure they could delay education and the exams for a 6 months. They could also delay the Christmas festival until the summer, Aussies and Kiwis have spent their Christmases on the beach for ages, without Robins, holly and snow. "Traditions come before saving lives, what a strange society you live in. Very illogical" says Mr Spock, raising one eyebrow.
Sending hugs to Charlottes sister. Our granddaughter aged 6 is hoping to go back to school next Tuesday after her second isolation. It’s only her year too. I just wish the schools would close early thus helping to keep everyone safe. Xxx
Ooer. I must be one of the great unwashed and deprived then?😜
Yep it’s stupid. In there school they’ve got 2 hole year groups iselating now yr 6 and yr 5, in the secendery school it’s yr 7 yr 9 and yr 10 off and our 6th forms only just bin back a week. My sisters hands r brite red and rore from all the hand washin and sanitizing and the cold air indoors and out all the time. The stress at school and on telly is killin me atm y can’t they just shut the stupid schools and cansel xmas and do a proper lockdown till there’s a vaxine. Soz, rant over lol.
I agree with you it's just stupid every day more and more schools have cases don't they realize we are not going to learn much with so much to worry about just so many shops open has made no difference just stupid.
Yeh but why like can a lode of tennagers and kids see it and the cuntries cleverist leaders and sientists can’t? Where I live there’s no shops left 2 open agane they’ve all gon bust. Our town sentres dead it’s just homeless and spiceheads now. Things have gotta b bad if even the kids r seying cansel xmas 😜
Definitely your mum 👍
Your mum.
I’m with the others...defo your mum! 😊Bless you, it makes it tricky doesn’t it when Boris makes rules that don’t fit into real people’s life situations! But I’d say stay safe! If you need to do another year (because of missing too much) somewhen at college you’re only young. It’s not actually the end of the world, even if would be a pain in the bum! Would it be possible to defer for a year...even until September? Oh maybe not...as you legally have to be in education now until 18 don’t you! Don’t know how old you are.
You do amazing Pokermon! 😊
Will be 18 in December. Have missed so much schooling ever since I became ill at 14.the course I am on is more social as missed being with kids my own age so I gess another year won't matter lol
Oh wow!!! Dec 18th!!! That’s the biggest thing isn’t it...the social side! And that’s so important too! I got ill aged 19!& found it pretty hard socially, let alone being only 14 having so much to deal with!
Well you lovely ☺️, have a good day!!
Dee x
What date is your birthday pokermon? I read it as the 18th but reread and saw you are 18 in Dec! 😊🎉🥳
There's an old saying " mother knows best" !😀
Socialising is important, as well as education of course. It's a ****** that you are missing out on both at the moment. Hope you can start catching up big time in the not too distant future. xxx😊😊😉PS the asterisks stand for 'nuisance'. I never swear in front of the young.
Yup, your Mum. I wouldn't buy a used car off our Prime Minister.
As a constant worry wart myself sorry but I go with you mum😊
My vote goes to your Mum
Sorry if it's not the answer you want but I too agree with your Mum. I feel so sorry for the young in this pandemic as social contact is really important, especially for the young. Friendships are a source of support as well as fun. I made friendships at school that have lasted to this day and they are a constant source of support in my life. But your safety is very important at this time and it will be all the more special when you meet up safe and well with your friends when all this is over.
Mums always know best x