Hi to you all am I the only one who wishes Boris had started sheilding again as getting very concerned about this virus going to college for three days a week is lovely but can't help to worry mum says she's keeping eye on are area but still scarred.
Am I the only one. : Hi to you all am I... - Lung Conditions C...
Am I the only one.

I can understand your concerns Pokerman. The news lately has been quite frightening. I think one of the things you need to take into consideration is where in the country you are. Some parts of the country have very low infection rates and as your mum is checking the rate for where you are, I’m guessing that you are lucky enough to be in one of those areas. I am sure your mum wouldn’t put you at risk.
However, as you are worried, why not confide in your mum? If you can explain to her how it worries you, maybe the two of you can have a proper talk about the rates in your area.
There is a map on the governments Covid dashboard where you can see the rates for your town, not just your regional area. Perhaps this is where you mum gets her information.
Ur deffo not the only 1 Pokermon. I feel like the vulnrable have been askd to play rushan roolett with a loded Covid gun. Trust ur mum cos she’s got ur helth and best intrests at heart, wich the goverment deffo do not. Hope colege is goin ok x
I think we’re all feeling confused and concerned because the rules keep chopping and changing, rules different in different areas. So confusing from one week to the next!
As has been said on this forum before, we’re all vulnerable, and we need to look after ourselves in all the advised ways, masks, social distancing and washing hands, every day, whatever the rule of the moment.
Just keep doing that, every day, without fail, to stay safe and give up on crowded places for quite a while. With care, we know we’re very likely to be alright, so don’t let’s worry ourselves unduly.

I am sure yourum will keep you safe Pokemon, but I can certainly understand how you are feeling. I feel scared too. Have a good night and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕xxxx
Listen to jerry Pokerman.she is going through the same regime only on her own with little support but thankfully with a very nice tutor who is bending over backwards to make sure she is safe and well,a bit like your mum is doing for you,just try to follow the rules as best you can,the teachers are your guardian angelss at college working hard to keep you all safe and you must do the same with regard to hand washing and stuff like that and hopefully will come to no harm under that careful regime.
I’m sure your mum will be on the ball with keeping you safe. Keep washing your hands. Wearing your visor Don’t be too close to any groups. We are in bad times but 🤞we’ll all come out ok. Xx🌈
Yes i feel he has given us no guidance. I live in the north east where cases are currently very high. I live in one of the affected areas but then work in another area which also has very high cases. I work from home when i can however some days i have to go into office.
No you are not the only one concerned. Since shielding has been discarded it seems we are an expendable group and deemed to be frail elderly and with no worth which is obviously not the case
it seems to me that ‘ the elderly ‘ have been singled out .....if people don’t obey the rules ‘ the elderly ‘ will suffer.
But they forget about the many younger people with compromised immune systems etc who are vulnerable too.
If people readied that the vulnerable live and work along side them everyday and are not visibly different ...ie old...they might be more careful about socially distancing and so on .
I guess your friends and college help keep you and others safe.....have you been able to talk to your tutors about your worries .
Take care now and good luck with your studies.
This is true you don't have to be old to have problems. Love being back at college but finding it very tiring can't wait till tomorrow and have a pj day I go three days in a row and it's a struggle but that's how it is stay safe
An added problem is that while shielded, blood test and podiatry services too k place at home. Now, although my three major conditions have not changed, i’ve been told i have to go to the surgery. I’m afraid too.
Hi! I had to go to my surgery yesterday for the first time in forever. I had to have a very overdue blood test and like you was extremely concerned. I needn't have wasted precious energy worrying! It was like the Marie Celeste! 3 patients in the huge waiting room, 1 way system and the nurse in FULL Ppe. Please don't be worried.
I think it’s probably going to come to a lockdown again as people go about their business as if nothing is wrong. We only had one case at the beginning of Covid. The last couple of weeks we’ve had seven cases. Three of which was in two different schools. It seems to me that there are a lot of schools with cases. I worry because so many people just don’t care. I’ve got to cross the road from people coming towards me. There are lots that don’t even wear a mask. How can we get rid of a virus if people insist on spreading it. I’ve heard young people say “ well why has Boris put rules again. He told us we could go out and mix now he’s telling us we can’t. I just don’t understand it. “
How can they be so silly as to not see that the coronavirus in people is rising. We will never get rid of the virus if people keep spreading it. It’s not all young people either. The High Streets are thronging with people who don’t care.
Sorry but I just feel cross that they don’t do as they’re told. It makes all of us prisoners in our homes.
You sound just like my mum I have to tell her to chill sometimes. She reads some of the comments that people make and it makes her blood boil she says. How can some people be so stupid and not understand it kills people they just seem to care about themselves and not others. So your not alone with getting angry. Lol
You're not the only one Pokermon, I also wish shielding had been restarted. we have been forgotten about in my opinion. he barely even mentioned the us. I also think shielding ended way to early should of ended same time as furlough. He tells people to work from home then forgets about the shielding people that can't do that myself included. very unfair on us I think.
I think many people just don't realise that 25 to 30 per cent of vulnerable people are young and have work and college to contend with and so need official support.
Yes, I noticed on Twitter that the official line is that you don't have to shield anymore, but then it was always advisory anyway. The problem now is that some of the shielding benefits (food parcels, etc) have gone, though there may still be some help available from local authorities.
For those who don't need help to shield, or have help anyway, then shielding does still seem appropriate if you're in the extremely vulnerable category. If you have to go to work or college, then you have no choice but to follow the basic precautions, and trust that sufficient others are doing the same thing and reducing the risk as much as possible.
Id rather not be advised to shield.if u take relevant precautions and always carry hangel,wear a mask ,wash hands frequently & socially distance,ass best yr able,youll be pretty well protected. College is great,& gd for mental health.i used to enjoy it.i
Im sure the tiredness will ease,once u get used to it.xx