I apologise to all for my absence here of late and also apologise that my post is sadly to report my Mum passing away last Thursday.
The Coroner had to conduct a post-mortem because although she had seen every other health professional, Mum had not actually seen one of that increasingly rare species (maybe Attenborough should do a program about them) a GP or doctor face to face for a few months. She was supposed to have seen her GP last Tuesday, but she let her fingers do the walking and phoned instead.
In fact I received a strange phone call from the GP last Friday sounding a bit anxious I feel, about Mum passing away. After she hadn’t bothered crossing the road to visit her in person may lead to questions I thought (the surgery is literally over the road from where Mum lived).
Anyway, I received a call from the Coroner yesterday who has said Mum died of Broncho pneumonia, acute purulent bronchitis and atherosclerosis and they are releasing Mum to me.
I am sorry to not have posted anything for ages and now return to report this but I know I always wonder what has happened to members when they disappear.
And more than that I want to say, what I want to be remembered is that everyone should actually take the positives from how long my frail, terribly ill Mum managed to keep on going with a positive attitude and trying so hard to adjust to her ever deteriorating health. I thought she was going to be lucky to live a few months when I persuaded her to move near me so I could care for her and that turned into FIVE years. She was very very ill for a very long time.
So please don’t let this spoil your day but take solace that she suffers no more and has had a wonderful few years she wouldn’t have had without everyone’s help and support.
Which includes this forum which has always been a friend and help with the wealth of information and knowledge and friendship and support, especially in the wee small hours when times were really hard.
So thank you everyone from me and my Mum and thanks for helping us through this struggle.
I hope, should I have to live with anything like COPD like Mum, I can be as strong and tenacious and remember: ‘No Surrender’.