If anyone decides to walk out on me this year , well im going with em ,2020 has been c€£p .😉
2020 has been 🤢: If anyone decides to... - Lung Conditions C...
2020 has been 🤢

It certainly has been a horrible year Dave xxx😡😱🤬
It has been a surreal year. I keep having this feeling something between sadness and panic for no particular reason, and I think it's just the overload of everything this year has been. It's great to know the steroids are helping you though. It's good to have some good news 😊
Lifes rhythms have been disturbed HH, the orchestra of our lives have no conductor it seems so obviously we are all a little " off" lets say, hopefully your sadness and panic will slowly disapate and normality ( or what we call normality) will return ,
Take care
Ah this is the post that I couldn’t find Dave.
Yes awful year but has helped me realise a lot of things like I need to move out of London - and moving closer to my daughters. Being in lockdown has given me some understanding about my own life!!! Let’s hope this new jab will help to normalise and keep us safe
Realisations are natures way of giving us a clout round the back of the head kate, its good you have decided to move closer to your daughter ( but is it good for her having mum so close, break it to her gently,lol)
London i suppose is great to live in if your young ,ambitious and healthy ,city life can be tiring ,ill take the easier life these days ,ill go and embarrass the grankids as my daughters are far to familiar with my ways and tactics 😀.,good to hear your well
Dave x
Totes agree it’s been rubish. But then 2019 was rubish 2, and the year b4 that, and the year b4 that, it gose on and on...😟
Don't worry Jerry,2021 will be a good year,it's the year of the Munchkin and it will be a Wizzard of a year for you.
Hi Jerry.I feel sure 2021 will be a great healthy fun happy year for you. You deserve it,after all the ups and downs you have had this year.It wont be long now and this awful dreadful year will be over.So early Happy New Year 2021 from me Rose xx
Yes, this has been a year like no other! All my social life disappeared and my health took a massive dive. I realise how lucky I am to have my wonderful family and our fantastic NHS . After this, the only way is up!!😀
Think we might just join you there soulboy118 and I like your reply to HH, Lifes rhythms have been disturbed, the orchestra of our lives have no conductor. Never heard it put like this before but so apt x
I can understand having no conductor or the posh title Musical Director, having been singing for over 50 years it is a bit of a shock to realise my heavy breathing could possibly cause harm to someone.
So my main hobby has without warning disappeared and I have had the downtimes.
With a bit of difficulty, I am now counting my blessings (not singing it honestly) and I am looking forward to starting again if I live that long.
Although I am not particularly religious I think "Breathe on me Breath of God" would be appropriate to kick off with we might be in with a chance then to survive.
So sorry your year has been bad but unfortunately there are very few people who have had a good year unless it is the pharmaceutical company who has just discovered an injection against the dreaded virus. If it works they will make a fortune. Fingers crossed.
Let's hope the vaccine works
C@£p and so unbelievable! I feel like I’ve been in limbo and so unsettled this year. It may change a lot of ‘ normal’ for many people once this virus is no longer controlling us. Take care. Cx
Well I can think of no other year in which I have gained so little and lost so much. 🤷♂️🙁

I went to your page to better see your new picture of Midge. Your new profile description is so sad. Sending you lots of sheepy hugs in the hope they can make things even just a tiny bit better. 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑
They did, thank you. I was lucky to have had Midge so long. 🤗
I was sorry to hear about the loss of Midge the dog.