This Hill has been my nemesis for 30 years since I moved here to the village. Iv never walked it always driven for work shopping etc ...I used to smile at ppl that were walking it thinking if only I could well today I did both ways down up turn around down and up feel a pig in muck lol x
My nemesis has been conquered - Lung Conditions C...
My nemesis has been conquered

Well done, brilliant stuff, hills are a b*tch to conquer. Once you've done them you keep going back for more, just to check it was for real and not a dream.
Bet it's easier going up it on your Blackbird though
Arrrr thanks I don't know why I was scared of it Iv walked up hills since diagnosis and although found them ok this was my nightmare for some reason ....the blackbird can rip this apart and leave dust on route lol hope you are well xxx
Well done. But.... you call that a hill? Where are You? Holland? Sorry. Genuinely pleased for you. How satisfying. Enjoy the endorphins. stone-UK will tell you all about them.
Now have that cup of tea. Truly deserved.
K x
Love the touch of sarcasm but I will move on swiftly and totally ignore it lol

Sorry. Not sarcastic really. Maybe envious! It's a bit like the hill up from our village. I can't do that now. Just potted up two dwarf azaleas to go outside our front door. Nothing at all by normal standards or mine of seven years ago. But now.... Completely jiggered. Sooooo frustrating.
That looks like a very pretty place to live. Up here we are almost above the tree line.
K xx
Just looked back at your previous posts. So sorry to have missed the one about your niece. What a story and an amazing woman. Courage runs in the family. Onward and upward! Another hill (gentle slope) tomorrow.
K x
Angie obviously doesn't know everything's bigger and better 'oop north'. There's no hill like a Yorkshire hill, eh ba gum Apologies to both of you, I couldn't resist
Well done on conquering your nemesis, Angie.
Nowt like a Yorkshire village for breeding them 'toof'. Only just got rid o' snow round 'ere.
K x
Angies here and yep she knows what it's like up north is bigger being from Scotland originally I feel the further north you go the better it is 😀😀😀

Getting out my kilt, as we speak. Love a bit of tartan
I hope you swing it well when you wear it 😀😀
It's fine not a problem at all nice to see a bit of spirit and azaleas are beautiful x
Amazing - well done Angie x7
Angiecbr, top of the class, well done.