What is it like when you are dying and what are the symptoms
How do you know if you are dying - Lung Conditions C...
How do you know if you are dying

Wow stanns, that’s quite a question. I suppose some would have an idea perhaps but I personally don’t know.
I’ve known some very elderly people who just seem to be weary of life and my mum somehow knew she wouldn’t live past 77 (she didn’t) but that’s about it.
Maybe you could speak with a medical professional. I’m thinking of you dear lady. Xxxx
Wow that's a question that only them in that position can answer .
If your concerned in any way regarding your health speak to you GP you must be feeling awful if your asking questions like the above 💛💚🧡
If you are struggling with breathlessness please ring for help .
People may feel that they are dying many times during their lives if they are unfortunate enough. The one and only time that they are right to feel that way they will have already gone so will feel nothing.

That, Don, is beautiful 💕💕💕 xxx
Wow that's a loaded question which I guess no one can give you the answer to really. Xxx
The experience will not be same for every one. But if you are concerned for your self, do call 111 or 999
Twice I thought I was dying but here I am large as life For me both experiences were the same I felt like my body was running just on a weak pilot light (like on the gas boiler) rather than the full flame.
My mother had Motor Neurone Disease. For a long time she fought it with every part of her strong willed character and her faith. Just as you have been fighting your battles. After a while, her determination waned and she grew tired of the constant fight. I recognised this and let her know that if she just wanted to give in, although we would be very sad and miss her, we would respect her decision. She gave in a couple of hours later.
I suppose what I am trying to say, my dear lady, is, where are you with it all? If you still want to fight, Then do it! Rage, rage, rage against the dying of the light! If you feel you have had enough, talk to your husband, cuddle your doggie and then see how you feel.
I wish you love, peace and strength, Laurie xx
I think we are diying from the day we are born. So this is how it feels. Different for everyone and at different lengths of time. Unfortunately the last moments of life can only be described by those that have experienced it and they are not saying
I watched a good friend die recently. An illness that lasted several years. It was desperately sad but there does appear to be a natural process in the end. During the last few weeks his body started slowly shutting down. His hair went white very quickly and seemed to get thin and wiry. Gradually he was sleeping more and more and eventually he was in and out of consciousness. In the final hours he had powerful hallucinations. The visual transformation during the last few weeks was dramatic and something that haunts me. I realise now that death is a natural and essential part of life.
Apart from my lung disease I have kidney problems which flared up last May. I was in hospital a few days,discharged and given medication. I saw this surgeon a couple of months ago and he said how happy he was to see me looking so much better. He said that he and his colleagues had been discussing end of life care at that time because I was so poorly. I was close to death but to be honest,I didnt feel like I was at any time.Perhaps as well,I would have panicked!
I would like to share my experience of dying because it felt really and literally dreadful and with no exit. Actually I experienced dying like 3 times in my life and I am only 26 years old. First I can guarantee you that one persistent thought of activity or embarrassment you have been doing or received wrong doing can kill you slowly. I didid some things during early life development of brain - growth - teenage childhood that later after quitting alcohol and weed rushed into my mind like death approaches unfortunate victims. After 8 months of struggling I realised that some kind of mini-stroke hit me one morning. Like a valve turned tight inside my head that was caused by one persistent thought of my sick perverted activity I did for 10 years and I am still doing it. I did not seek medical advice or treatment. I lost 15kilos in no time. Had severe constipation, bad insomnia. Every night after some time I just prayed and asked "god" can I die please tonight? While trying to fall asleep. Now I always dream vividly as a consequence of brain damage i think and suspect i must have damaged Thalamus or something related to sleep inside my brain.This is one of my experiences. A brief short version of feelings that words hardly express.
I have over the course of a long nursing career delivered babes and sat with the elderly at the end of life.
Perhaps the experience of dying may be reflected in any beliefs we hold.
I have been resuscitated following respiratory /cardiac arrest. My experience during that time matched my beliefs.
Please seek medical help if you are experiencing health issues and remember there are many folk on here that care .
I wish you well and hope you access whatever support is appropriate for your needs.
I felt so ill last Christmas that if someone had said just lay your head down on the table and close your eyes and you will be gone I would have done it and just said thank you ☺️ if that’s what it feels like it’s nothing to be frightened of
When my father was nearing the end a young doctor in Dublin told me he had only 48 hours at most to live.
His reasoning was the toes and finger tips were getting “whiter” as the brain was telling the heart to redirect the blood to the main organs as they were now priority.
He was spot on and Dad died 46 hours after he told me this weird, but true fact.
I had respiratory failure, was put in a coma and on mechanical ventilation etc. My husband was told I was 'hovering' and only time will tell. Here I am! I remember nothing until several days after I was gradually brought out of sedation. I had the privilege, with all of my family, of being with my dearest Dad when he left us. For 2 days he was drifting in and out of consciousness, quiet and still. He was serene, not frightened. I hope this helps.
Having been ill since the age of 34 (now in my 60's), there have been many times when I have felt like not going on but whatever you are experiencing/feeling today, please know that this too shall pass and look for the little things in life to be grateful for. Having had an out of body experience at the age of 34 on an operating table and being able to relay the details to my surgeon afterwards who was somewhat taken aback by what I was able to tell him and who told me that I had infact died 3 times during the operation, I am no longer afraid of death itself and in a strange way it has always given me the strength to battle on in life itself. When life drags you into the ground, reach out my friend and sure enough someone will come along to pick you up.
Your out of body experience mirrors one mum had after arresting during surgery.
My own out of body experience whilst being technically dead was peaceful and totally without fear .
Stay safe and take care of yourself.
Peaceful and totally without fear I would absolutely agree. I no longer fear death but in a strange way the experience also helped me to cling on and fight for life in the years that have followed battling with ill health. I have had many Doctors tell me over the years that they are amazed I am still here so may be there is an element of truth in the saying "Everything happens for a reason". For all of us battling ill health today I say battle on for tomorrow may be a good day.
I came a bit close in 2018, I was later told. At the time I was purely concentrating on getting each next breath in and out. Steroids kept me going and I got through with various other interventions. When the consultant came to visit after the weekend, she was pretty amazed to see me in an improved state. I wasnt ready and things turned around - guess it just wasnt my time.
You dont give much information as to why you are asking this Stanns. And hard to know what care you are receiving. As many have said, do talk to your medical people if you have concerns. There are many ways to go, some quick like a heart attack or cardiac arrest, some more drawn out where the body and its different systems slowly shut down over time. Sometimes you may feel so weak you cant go on, but that could mean you need more medical intervention.
If you are frightened please talk to someone. You can phone the BLF helpline and speak to one of their nurses - 03000 030 555. Thinking of you, take care.
After my road accident, I was dying in A&E, and an amazing sense of peace came over me that I had nothing to worry about any more. The emergency staff pulled me through.
Same Happened to me, Bad Car Accident on The Motorway in Spain. Thought I had Gone, Your Life "DOES" Flash before your Eyes, I remember every second of it. I could see a Deceased Spanish Family member Hovering above me before The efficient Ambulance Crew Blue Lighted me to Hospital where they saved me. So many People to Thank for that Day 28th June 2008. XXX C.
Thank you al for your interesting replies, I just feel so ill and have no energy, but I don't want to die I have a good life with my husband and want to be here forever, yes I know we all have to go sometime, but I am certainly fighting it. I have COPD & Emphysema, as well as a lot of other illnesses. We all want to live and keep well so that is why we all try to fight it. Xxx
Hi Stanns, As I said before " My car Accident" 2008, had a Hip replacement after it, before the Emphysema/COPD Entered my Life. I was on the transplant List for 3 years with no Calls. . Had quite a few Hospital admissions. "Valves " & Lung Steam Clean Twice. I fought to get through, and maintained a Good Quality of Life, Exercise, and always being Positive. Members on Here Who Know me can verify this. I have now almost come to the end with No more Procedures Available, So Now, I have a Specialist COPD Nurse who is my Palliative Part time carer, My Hubby being my Main Carer. I have only 17% or less Lung Capacity in my Right Lung, The Left has given up. Have Osteoporosis. ... I still Plan for a Future, already Planning for Next Year. Keeps me Sane, though during this Pandemic, most of us are possibly Slightly unhinged some what. Apart from seeing my Consultant last week I have been Shielding for 8 Months. My Daughter , Grandchildren & Great Granddaughters all live in Spain, Good job for technology where I can see & Talk to them. Not had any baby Cuddles, only Kisses on the Mobile Screen. So here we are, another Story. Take each Day, Make the Best of it. Don't Ever Give Up. Much Love. Carolina. XXX
I have long felt that it is not the death but the process of dying which is scary but oddly the couple of times I've come close wasnt frightened at all.
I don’t know. Haven’t done that yet.