Health Secretary Matt Hancock admits ... - Lung Conditions C...

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Health Secretary Matt Hancock admits the truth.

2greys profile image
75 Replies

Health Secretary Matt Hancock appeared on BBC News this morning and admitted that the Tories’ claims that there is little evidence for the young suffering serious COVID complications or that they transmit the coronavirus to older people are false.

Hancock said that students and children can suffer debilitating ‘long COVID’ symptoms for months after infection – and can easily infect vulnerable relatives:

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2greys profile image
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75 Replies
sassy59 profile image

I dare not say what I think as it would get me thrown off the forum but I’m beyond disgusted! I think most realised that young people can be very ill and of course spread covid. Xxxx

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to sassy59

Just more nails hammered in the coffin of trust.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to 2greys

I’ve never trusted any politician. 😘

Suzie42 profile image
Suzie42 in reply to sassy59

Here here!!

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Suzie42


Davegt profile image
Davegt in reply to sassy59

Is that relevant to this forum, which is NOT a political forum.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Davegt

Yes I believe so. Relevant to this post anyway. Just ignore if you don’t like it. This is a wonderfully diverse forum and I was just having a joke. I’d appreciate you NOT having a go at me thank you!

Davegt profile image
Davegt in reply to sassy59

"I've never trusted any politician". Oh that was a joke. Sorry I thought you were being like a number of others on this forum slagging of politicians and the Government.

Although the forum, as you say, is diverse, it on occasions becomes a political soapbox moving away from the sharing of respiratory problems and advice and comfort for others with some jokes and photos thrown in to lift spirits.

So NOT having a go😀 didn't realise you were joking. Apologies. 👍

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Davegt

I don’t trust politicians particularly. Just my opinion. For your information I’ve done more than my fair share of offering support and comfort to many including you!

Do not communicate with me again.

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to sassy59

Tbh Carole, no-one gives more support than you do. You should have a medal for the kindness and support you show to members.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to O2Trees

That’s very kind of you to say that O2 and has cheered me up no end. I’ll admit to feeling a bit picked on but I’m ok now. I’ll be ignoring some from now on. Hoping you’re well and staying safe. Xxxx

SquirrelsHolt profile image
SquirrelsHolt in reply to 2greys

Yes Sassy59, let him keep banging those nails in using a glass hammer I'm sending him! Our pal Matt who presumed by signing himself off as just "Matt", albeit on 10 Downing Street's letterheaded paper, that the British people would have really taken to him? ! ? Erm, computer says "No".🐿🌈

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to SquirrelsHolt

Quite right too SH. Xx😂😘👍

in reply to sassy59

I was told off the other day for having made a rude comment about the government on one of the other boards!

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

Oh dear. I’ve not said a word against any of them. I’d love to though. Xxx😂🤣💜

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to sassy59

Ha ha sassy. There's ways of doing it and ways of doing it. I learnt that in my office career when I wanted to send a letter to a customer telling them they were stupid without actually saying so. Eg 'Obviously some people require more assistance than others'. lol x

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to hypercat54

You’re very clever Bev. That made me smile. Hope you’re ok. Xxx😘

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to sassy59

There was 1 guy at work who was brilliant at this and I learnt a lot 😀 I'm fine thanks. You and Pete? x

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to hypercat54

So I see. 😀 Glad you’re ok, we’re fine too thank you. Xxxx

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to hypercat54

I am pretty good at tracking down all sorts of facts.

TOP Gov Advisor Sir Patrick Vallance is a £5M INVESTOR In Vaccine Company Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK)

Chris Whitty also has a vested interest in big Pharma too, more on that one later.

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to 2greys

Facts on both Chris Whitty and Patrick Valance with their vested interests in big Pharma.

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to 2greys

Now the question has to be, is it follow the Science or follow the $cience? They both need to resign their positions after being found out, they have lost their integrity, with others that are 100% neutral and unbiased replacing them.

in reply to 2greys

We don't need any of this. I don't find it at all friendly, supportive or appropriate on BLF forum.

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to

Cannot face the facts that they have vested interests in big pharma? I am not an Antivaxxer in any shape or form, but I do not,morally, think they should be giving advice because of their financial interests.

Davegt profile image
Davegt in reply to

Quite right to. This is not the place for that.

hypercat54 profile image

Wow a politician telling the truth! A momentous occasion.

Davegt profile image
Davegt in reply to hypercat54

Leave politics out of this forum please.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Davegt

I am not discussing politics. As sassy has said so well, please leave me alone too.

But I think everyone already knew this. Its not news really. Why are people still picking at it, one wonders. How old is that video, are these people just picking up on old news statements!

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to

The video was from yesterday morning, Ask the BBC and Matt Hancock why this should be news? Why are people still picking at it, because it is a completely different account to what we were told by the Gov..

1.700 students in Manchester put into forced lockdown yesterday, I suppose that is not news either, because we knew that would happen?

in reply to 2greys

Did you ever think that actually both statements are correct. No doubt you will disagree. Just take everything with a pinch of salt its the only way to keep calm and carry on :)

Davegt profile image
Davegt in reply to

Well said.

Matt Hancock talks a load of crud!

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to


B_Asthma profile image

I believe this post is more political than on topic and I have asked the admins to review.

In my opinion, I believe you are taking the statements completely out of context and your statements contradict each other.

In your post, without providing the source of the information or further context you state, "Tories’ claims that there is little evidence for the young suffering serious COVID complications or that they transmit the coronavirus to older people are false." You then go on to state, "Hancock said that students and children can suffer debilitating ‘long COVID’ symptoms for months after infection – and can easily infect vulnerable relatives." These statement contradict each other. Please provide the source including the date of the statements and provide more explanation as to why you are posting them. In my opinion, I see no point to them.

frose profile image
frose in reply to B_Asthma

Are you serious? In all parts of what you wrote!

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to frose

It is every citizen's duty to hold those in power to account, no matter who is in power. One of the basic principals of democracy!

in reply to 2greys

but there are other forums and groups more suited to holding any political justice views. To every one who is always anti anti - so sick of it.

Here is supposed to be supportive, I don't find these rediculous anti comments on goverment, politics, supportive in the BLF forum.

Whilst a very small few commenting for the anti gov here, there are thousands more who do not comment because they are equally as sick of hearing about politics.

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to

But it is not a political post, until you make it so, for whatever your motive may be for doing that.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to 2greys

I agree. These things affect all of us and as such are relevant. We are not just lungs in isolation and we are allowed to discuss this kind or thing here. For those who disagree then maybe this isn't the best forum for you?

O2Trees profile image
O2Trees in reply to 2greys

EVERYTHING (caps for emphasis) is political. Politics is about power - who has it, who doesnt, who can speak, who can act. And who has to put up with politicians' lies, what politicians do which is not in their interests because they have no voice. As patients we are being political when we decide to be proactive in a world which expects our to be passive consumers, and have agency in our healthcare, to do our own research to figure out how we can live the best we can. Etc.

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to B_Asthma

The sources are there if you take the care to look. The previous statements on this, made by the Gov are common knowledge made by various Gov ministers made directly to the media.

It is not political it is totally about Sars-Cov-2, nowhere have I stated any other party would do better, or worse for that matter.

How many times do I have to say, I am not a political animal, I do not vote at all, none of the parties deserve my valuable vote. I suggest it is you that is the political animal who does not like the present regime being exposed for contradicting it's own medical advice and who now wishes to censor it, shame on you.

in reply to B_Asthma

Agree - one gets so sick of politics, without it coming here as well and without all the anti

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to

I also get sick (and tired) of being accused for being political or having political motives. Yet again, "how many times do I have to say, I am not a political animal, I do not vote at all, none of the parties deserve my valuable vote." It is other people who try to twist my posts into their view that I am being political to discredit posts, if that is not being politically motivated and trying to censor the truth I don't know what is. The pot calling the kettle black.

The simply fact is that we were not supplied with the whole truth by those supposed to represent us and trusted to look after us, whether they be scientists, ministers or the man on the moon. The fact that this happened to be Matt Hancock is totally irrelevant.

in reply to 2greys

Really - could have fooled me. Why keep on then about it.

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to

In answer because of people who keep on making those claims about me, totally unjustified to gain political points. Could not have fooled me.

in reply to 2greys

hand on forehead, shaking head.....

Yatzy profile image
Yatzy in reply to 2greys

Carry on informing us, 2greys, on whatever subject you think is relevant to us. Some folks don’t seem to realise that it’s the politicians calling all our shots, managing our health care and our futures.

How could we possibly leave their comments and decisions out of our understanding of what’s going on in our dodgy lung world?

I thought we just read what we wanted to on here and left the rest. Didn’t know we were allowed members acting like thought police?? Bkin, you’re too big for your boots! 😬

JerryMaren profile image
JerryMaren in reply to Yatzy

Yeh wach out for room 101 Penny 👀 😨🤣

Yatzy profile image
Yatzy in reply to JerryMaren

😂🤣 Maybe we do need a room 101 on here?! Gosh you’re sharp, our Charlotte 😉💕 xx

Davegt profile image
Davegt in reply to

I agree with you entirely. This forum is supposed to be British Lung Foundation for people to support each other with lung conditions. Obviously we also have some jokes and photos as well to lift people's spirits.

However just lately there are too many posts that become a political discussion. This is not an appropriate forum to introduce insults or criticisms of Government Ministers.

For those who get "sick and tired of being accused for being political and having political motives", then don't do it. If that is how posts are perceived on a regular basis then there must be some truth in it.

Davegt profile image
Davegt in reply to B_Asthma

I agree entirely. There are a few regulars who introduce politics to this forum and move away from the purpose of the forum. This not the place to do that. This group is here to help each other with respiratory issues, offering support, comfort and advice with some playful banter, photos and the like to lift people's spirits. Ranting and raving about Ministers or the Government should not be done here. That is not the purpose of this forum. If it is then I am in the wrong place and very disappointed the forum has gone downhill and lost its purpose.

JerryMaren profile image

Yep just conferms it I gess. Ur rite 2greys Matt Handj*b needs 2 resine but wots the point wen the other peple r just as bad? it's importent to hilite this tho so peple on her with lung probs no how vulnerable they are out there. Long covids not funy even 4 us yung peple 😧

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to JerryMaren

I have to agree with you 100%, long Covid is not funny at all. Especially more so when you already have respiratory problems.

Lesleyr14 profile image

I thought this was obvious; kids are the worlds worst for spreading coughs and colds etc!

Runner4848 profile image

We all already knew that & tbh i'm pretty sure Hancock has said it over & over again ,young people do get covid but it's rarely as severe & anyone with half brain cell knows they can spread it .

DeeSending profile image

Why is he in the job? Obviously, doesn't give a **** about the health of UK citizens.

Davegt profile image
Davegt in reply to DeeSending

That is absolute rubbish. It is a difficult position to be in and you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. This forum is not for having a go at Government Ministers. BLF forums are not here to criticise the Government but for supporting each other with respiratory issues.

Geminii profile image

Thank you for your post 2 greys. B Asthma seems to me is the one with a political agenda. xxx

Ladyindistress79 profile image

I remember some years ago a politician was asked On TV why they never told the public the whole truth about a situation and he replied, “ because they did not was to frighten the the public about what might happen.

The worse thing they did at the start of this was to assure people that the young would be fine, they should have put everyone in the same boat, especially considering they knew next to nothing about the virus.

The young are super spreaders because throughout all of this they believe they’ll be fine, but I’m not sure if the Wancock is being sincere or if he is changing tact through deception to try and stop the young from flouting the rules.

It’s a virus, it will do everything it can to stay alive and spread, too late to stop it now.

2greys profile image

"....or if he is changing tact through deception to try and stop the young from flouting the rules."

The problem is that the young are not hearing him, or if they do, take one iota of notice. Just this morning a gang of 16 teenagers (I counted them) walked past my window, noisily, down the middle of the road forcing cars to stop. I don't know any families, here, that have two sets of Octuplets, as they all looked a similar age. No social distancing.

Badbessie profile image

Having worked in the NHS for years I never had any great level of trust in the first place. No matter what party was making the claim.

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to Badbessie

I agree 100% "No matter what party was making the claim."

I don't give a flying fox with what party either. Contradiction and hypocrisy can come from any party.

Badbessie profile image
Badbessie in reply to 2greys

I have worked whilst both parties were in government. The both said how much the service had improved. However from the sharp end were I stood the situation was no different of in some aspects far worse. I am a great admirer of the German system where the money is taken from your wages given to the central health authority which makes the decisions where the money is spent. There is no political involvement. If you look at the difference in the response to Covid in Germany and the relative success they have in controlling it you can draw your own conclusions.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Badbessie

Germany also has 4.2 doctors per 1,000 people compared to 2.8 in the UK...

ked1941 profile image
ked1941 in reply to 2greys

Every thing you have said today sounds very much like an advert backing the labour party , this seems to be nothing at all what forum is about .

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to ked1941

Obviously you have not read nor fully understood. Just tell me how you can justify saying "Every thing you have said today sounds very much like an advert backing the labour party"

When I have clearly stated that I hold no affiliation to any political party, quote "how many times do I have to say, I am not a political animal, I do not vote at all, none of the parties deserve my valuable vote."

Insults like that just show up your mentality! But of course you are entitled to your opinion, even when you are wrong. It is you that is guilty of making my post have a political nature.

ked1941 profile image
ked1941 in reply to 2greys

You like to comment on other people's mentality , check yourself first , your attitude is very high and mighty try coming down to earth and listen to the other people for a change.

Davegt profile image
Davegt in reply to ked1941

Well said ked1941. I am not the only one who came to that conclusion.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to 2greys

I agree too. It's the government we are talking about not any political party in particular. It just happens to be the tories, and if it was the green party even and they behaved in the way ours do I would criticise them too. Or the Druids or pagan...

Ladyindistress79 profile image

Does anyone really believe what MPs actually say without chasing it up to get more evidence.

O2Trees profile image

Just about to read this. Is it one of the 'infamous political posts'?!

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to O2Trees

It did not start that way at all, but a few determined members have bent over backwards to turn it into one. Not one of them have provided any evidence of me having any political persuasion, because I simply do not have one. Sticks and stones with a modicum of mud slinging is a typical, political behavior beholden to parliament.

Jaybird19 profile image

This didnt register with me as being political . I have just spent ages going through the posts to see what caused so much upset. Was this it ? Am i being too insensitive. ? I too have had a post classed as political, not likely to forget that , as I am still trying to get my email address corrected when i try to use it outside this forum..

I am only to happy to receive info relating to my health concerns and we should all be grateful that we have 2 greys posting these links to help us.

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