Copd : what are you working? Searching for ideas as after 3 days in a factory i start having serious breathing problems. Beign in furlough i start singing ( seriously) , now after 3 working days... I prefer to dont spoke with nobody as i don't have power for this
What you are working with copd? - Lung Conditions C...
What you are working with copd?
Sorry don't understand what you are saying. I am aware English isn't your first language so am not criticising you but it might help if you use Bing translator?
Unfortunately Google translate will be worst than my english 😭 . I will try another way writing : During of furlough - factory closed by gouverment ( received 80% from my salary) i was able to start singing- to play a song vocal . In present i just starting work in a factory for (3days in this moment ), and my power of voice (recovered on that period ) i start to losing . What kind / type of work you are doing guys? . Where i am working now are welding , painting, laser welding machinery) . I try some warehouse but air was too wet and i quite in first 20 minutes working - just go to my car and get 2 spray of ventolin
Ok think I've got it now. You work in a factory doing welding and painting and you find the fumes are affecting your breathing? I don't think your line of work is helpful if you have lung problems as the fumes can only make it worse. I presume you wear a proper industrial mask? Does this help at all?
Are your employers aware of your illness? Are there other jobs there you could do which are healthier? I don't know what country you are in but I assume you have rights there and there is a disability act which might cover you. Do you belong to a union? Is there any official advice you could access to find out your rights?
Hope you manage to find a job that is better for you. Could you work as a packer in a shop, or do farm work?
obviously the factory fumes are really affecting your lungs. Your employer should supply you and everyone else in the workkplace with a proper filter mask to use.
I can understand that you'd rather not speak to anyone about it, perhaps there are others in the same situation too who might have a word. Is there a Trade Union representative?
Lovely to be able to sing during your furlough! Good luck. P
Hi. I will explain clear as possible ( for my english ) . I asked here on the forum becouse i am out of ideas
I have no ideea what's mean " trade union" but i am not looking to make any complains becouse :
A - i tried working as delivery driver for a pizza company where the smell/ steam of this beign in my car i realized is bad for me - worked there 3 days and i stopped.
B- i tried to work in a warehouse where i quite after 20minutes
C- the actul job is a metal/steel factory - anyway from monday i will be on different positions where is a bit more far away from welding and painting section .
This is the reason why i asked here on the forum what kind of jobs are doing other person with COPD . By the way i think also the long time break from work is a point to consider as today my voice start to be more powerful than first 2 working days , when was very hard for me to say "hello or good morning" . From March i was at home shielded by gouverment - redundant from July .Hope to dont be wrong understand - apologies for my english
Tell your manager that you have lung problems with any fumes that mi ght bother you. Other people do not understand because they do no t notice that there are fumes, i have same problem now retired , but anybody who smokes smells enough to make me cough. When i tell them t hey think i am just fussy . So tell all those you work with as well as your manager