I’ve had recurrent chest infections since October last year, numerous courses of antibiotics with no effect. I had a CT chest which showed nodules and pleural thickening. I started a 3 month course of doxycycline 6 weeks ago, still no improvement. I’m well and truly fed up, it’s really effecting my mental health which is poor at the best of times. I know if I phone the GP they’ll just tell me I have to wait until the 3 months are up.
Will this chest infection ever go? - Lung Conditions C...
Will this chest infection ever go?

Hi Paranoid73
It’s so frustrating when you are suffering without a positive result! I had to go through lots of tests and investigations til I was finally diagnosed with I P F , a lung condition that is not curable. But I’m now in a good place, I take steroids and support meds that mean I’m not in pain, and have to use oxygen to get about.
I’m hoping that you pursue the doc and ask your hospital to be contacted by asses your condition to get an Answer for you and then meds support 🌻
Have you not taken a course of prednisolone along with the ABs? If not perhaps go back to your doctor and ask about this. Also ask about carbocistein to thin mucus and ask for a sputum sample pot so you can provide a sputum sample for testing. A form to go with ask if needs to be a sample first thing in the morning, where to take it by what time.
Take your prescription inhalers as prescribed, drink plenty of water and do the huffing technique am and pm (before bed) ACB
you need to get anything sitting on your lung up.
There is no reason why you cannot continue to request telephone appointment to discuss with your GP.
I hope you are feeling much better real soon.#
After 3 months referral to specialist respiratory consultant if you still have the chest infection.
Take good care of you. Eat as well as you can and again drink plenty of water, little walks up and down inside the home 3 x daily repeat as much as you can.
Perhaps ring the helpline on Monday for further advice.

Thanks I did have a telephone appointment with a respiratory consultant, it was her that put me on the doxycycline.
I had a course of steroids about 6 weeks ago.
The last 2 lots of antibiotics I had prior to the doxycycline were as a result of sputum tests, I was fed up of the GPs just guessing what antibiotics to give me.
I think I will ring the helpline.
I will try the ABC as well, thanks for the help guys. I mentally can’t cope with it, it’s been nearly 11 months. Obviously COVID doesn’t help, slows everything down.
Like you, I had a series of infections and antibiotics for most of a year. I didn’t get back to semi-normal, until I got a handle on lung clearance. I hadn’t been spending the time needed to get the mucus out. Bkin has given good suggestions for you, if clearance is a problem. I do everything, but stand on my head to reduce the chance that bacteria have a snug place to settle in my lungs! Hope that you soon feel better with your long term antibiotic.
Have they tried IV antibiotics. Have you tried keeping well hydrated, reducing dairy products and taking supplements like zinc, vit C and fish oil? My son has also started me on lions mane .
Being constantly ill is very tedious . I was like this for a couple of years and had to stop work but now don't regret that given the improvement in health. If you can exercise a bit that's very important too. Good luck.
I’ve spoken to theGP , she’s giving me a course of steroids, taking another stool sample, because I keep having diarrhoea and is writing to the respiratory consultant to say the antibiotics aren’t working.
I’d love to have IV antibiotics, because it’s obvious oral ones aren’t working. I’m trying to exercise, I’d been walking about 3 miles a day up until about 10 weeks ago, I’m lucky if I manage half a mile now.
I’m sorry you had to give up work, I don’t work because of my mental health problems.
Thanks for everyone’s support.
I too have been the same since January this year but my last sputum test Three weeks ago showed enterobacter I was changed ciprofloxacin and and touch wood I feel pretty good.
I was also put on doxy for Three months earlier in the year and they did nothing to improve my condition.
Only a couple of months then it all starts again with the cold weather.
If on antibiotics definitely take probiotics for the gut. It's best to take them at different times of the day to the antibiotics.
You definitely need a sputum sample taken. It’s quite likely to be negative if you’ve had so many antibiotics. It’s stupid to keep you on one that’s not working for you and is likely to be the cause of your diarrhoea. Hi hope you get some answers soon.
I don't see anywhere that indicates a respiratory consultant has given you sufficient tests to come up with a diagnosis. Has a specialist lung radiologist diagnosed the CT scan? Has anyone put you through lung performance tests? Having failed to hit the nail on the head with some generic antibi infection controls it's difficult for GPs to get a good plan of attack without specialist guidance on diagnosis and treatments. As a result there are recommendations on here (including from your GP) that you should be trying out steroids. That would not be appropriate for instance if your diagnosis was bronchiectasis. I'm staggered if your GP has not suggested sputum sampling!
Seems like the failure to nail your condition and treat it represents collateral damage from the COVID regime. I really hope you have much better luck in getting some face time and test time with a lung specialist.
I had a year of that too but finally cleared up. I have Bronchiectasis and has to go on regular antibiotics all the time I.e. 3 x weekly Doxy. As well as "Rescue antibiotics". I do feel for you as Mentally and physically it's exhausting . Battled with Depression which was tough . Hoping you are better soon
Well I’ve received an appointment today for a CT scan next week, so it must be 3 months since my last one.
I have been let down by my GPs, who kept handing out antibiotics. I was mentally very unwell from October until February, and ended up being sectioned, it was after that I said I wouldn’t take more antibiotics until they had a sputum sample, I suggested Bronchiectasis and the GP, I spoke to agreed to treat it as that until I had a chest CT. I became physically more unwell and a different GP referred me for an urgent CT, due to having been a heavy smoker in the past.
I have put in a complaint regarding one of the GPs, who keeps accusing me of being drunk, I have had an alcohol problem in the past but been sober 12 years. Also when I said my physical health problems were effecting my mental health, he said it was the other way round.
I have abnormal blood results, sputum results and an abnormal CT.
I did use to be a respiratory nurse and have in desperation contacted one of the consultants I worked with for advice.
I want a bronchoscopy, he agreed that would be a good idea, but the NHS said no because of COVID.
I will see what the CT results say this time and what the NHS consultants response is. I also have the mental health team liaising with the GPs for me.
Rant over.