UPDATE ON X RAY's & CT SCANS, - Lung Conditions C...

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Ern007 profile image
52 Replies

Not been on for a while but I did promise an update to X Rays and CT Scans.

Last August I had a COPD revue at local village surgery and Asthma Nurse spotted something she was not sure about.

True my COPD flare ups had reduced but I was getting more breathless. Could not have a SPYRO as I have monthly eye injections for Age related WMV.. So Spyro in contraindicated,

So she wanted an X Ray done and Doctor agreed, Shadow/spot on I think Left Apex of lung. Another X Ray in two weeks confirmed,

Was sent back to Respiratory who ordered a CT Scan with contrast (Iodine) - This showed the shadow greater detail and he wanted me to have a PET SCAN - That is a radio active contrast (Radiated Glucose) and now the nightmare begins,

These are carried out in larger hospital and transport ordered for 6 AM, got up got ready and phone call, sorry but your contrast is faulty, they soon go un-usable.

So a few days the same - Transport ordered for 6 AM - This time I was took to hospital - I was told sorry it was to late to phone - Your contrast injection is still in London and I live in Lancashire. I waited and waited and then MY TURN.

So the scan was done I went home and next morning a phone call from the hospital I had the PET SCAN done - It had not grown but spread to the other lung.. Oh goody.

So my local Respiratory specialist phoned me and said he wanted another CT with no contrast.

He phoned me and said he wanted a enclosed Lung Function test after another CT scan with contrast had shown the growth. Maybe a Bronchoscopy....

I waited and waited and then phoned the hospital and his secretary said no Bronchoscopy or LFT ordered and I was to have another CT SCAN 15th October, the time to be decided. she was surprised I had no letter copied to meas one was sent to GP.

My GP forwarded to me the email and was correct, in short the specialist had tole me one thing while writing my doctor with another,

He has now gone back home and I have a new specialist who I have never met.

Seems like the results as to what these shadows are are "Indeterminate" which means they have not a clue.

OK to co-inside with this pain treated with Morphine and probably from my cervical spine with is degenerated. I have ' radiculopathy . so that could be cause of pain, probably is but the doubts remain until this is solved.

My fear is it is a Pancoast Tumour which shows no obvious chest symptoms like coughing up gunk and wheeze, it causes pain in arms and ribs and numbness, just like from the neck.

I am 99% sure sequence of events is correct but 100% sure, until I know what is happening, the nightmare remains.

With Covid and this everything is surreal - I have a garden with hardy Fuchisas, Palms, and Cordylines + Japanese Maples which are keeping me sane.

I watch Netflix, You tube films until late at night, so I get by along with Amazon prime, secret is keeping busy in mine and garden for me.-

Will update again after 15th October - Maybe it's scarring as I have had COPD for a long while, we shall see,

Sorry for long essay, but I write as I think.

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Ern007 profile image
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52 Replies
Katinka46 profile image

What a nightmare tale. Well done for keeping sane. And it sounds as if you needed a new consultant so I hope it all begins to work for you.

All the best.

I shall look out for updates.

Kate x

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Katinka46

Thank you Kate, I will update as my experience could help others in same boat....

skischool profile image

Gosh what a performance Ern,my wife used to work in radiology and i believe they had to wait for supplies of contrast from Holland,it seems we don't produce it in the Uk or certainly it's not readily available,mind you the reports could actually now be done in another country as well hence the delays,anyway you are on the right track now and hopefully these tumurs will turn out to be benign.

Best wishes Ski's and Scruff's

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to skischool

Thank you ski's, I hope the 15th October resolves this, it started lat August. They could be benign, had the specialist copied to me, it would have helped as if they do not know.

sassy59 profile image

Wishing you better days ahead Ern. Thinking of you and hoping for a good outcome. Glad you’re keeping busy.

Take care xxxxxx

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to sassy59

Thank you


I made my living with plants, now I plan and grow, half the fun in planning,

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Ern007

Totally agree. Xxxx😘

Barney1945 profile image

Aww bless you 🙏🙏🙏prayers for your tests being benign sweetheart xxx

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Barney1945

Thank you...

Caspiana profile image

Oh my Ern. How awful. It seems with the medical profession the left hand never knows what the right one is doing. 😞 This must be such a worrying time for you. I know what you mean about keeping busy. It is so.important to keep the kind engaged and busy. Please do update us. And take care of yourself.

Cas xx 🍀🐞

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Caspiana

Thank you Cas, I sure will update. To sit and mope I would have gone crackers, I have an interest in Palms and Japanese Acer's, that helps no end..

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Ern007

Are yours Osakazuki? They are beautiful. xx 🙋

Ern007 profile image

No I don't have that, I have - Acer palmatum 'Seiryu - 'Green Acer palmatum' (not as vulnerable to wind burn) and an unusual ' Acer palmatum Phoenix' - Lastly 'Acer palmatum 'Orange Dream'

I have a hardy palm and a huge Green Cordyline - Rest Hardy Fuchsias and the odd fern. as you can see with the Acers, I like green or green tinged, red, orange or yellow.gold. You are 100%. right, Acers are "beautiful" small trees. I am going to check "Osakazuki" out now you have mentioned it, I normally buy on-line and never been disappointed.

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Ern007

Please post a picture of them I love small trees. xx 😁🌳

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Caspiana

I will take a pic or two tomorrow and upload if I can. Not sure how in a reply, but will try.

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Ern007

You can't in a reply. It would have to be a new post. 😁👍

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Caspiana

Ha, I thought so, I will do that or link to my Amazon/You garden account, most of the pics are on there and can be linked,

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Caspiana

This was my latest for Amazon.. ' Acer palmatum 'Seiryu'


My daughter got me this one. Again from Amazon.

Acer Orange Dream.


Best I can do I am afrain, just to give you an idea.

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Ern007

I like the orange dream. It's very pretty. Small trees are wonderful. Thanks for sharing Ern. 😁

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to Caspiana

i have just invested in a bonsai starter kit complete wtrh seeds to germinate and special tools and wire for shaping trees that will probably come to fruition long after i have passed and need maintenance,i know it actually originated in China but have always assumed given it's name that it originated in Japan.

I would be interested to know Cas if this tradition of gowing miniature trees is still popular in Japan?

Love Ski's and Scruff's xx

p,s sorry Ern to impose on your post but as a keen gardener i thought you might also be interested. :)

teenieleek profile image
teenieleek in reply to skischool

I gave my mother a larch seedling some years ago and she bonsai(ed) it very successfully, even got tiny cones on it. I’ll take a photo next time I’m over there.

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to teenieleek

That would be nice too see teenie :)

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to skischool

No problem skis, it's a forum :-)

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Caspiana

Welcome. A tip if you do grow the Japanese Maples. they do not like full sun, even worse a hot wind. Shrivels their leaves. Worst affected are the fine cut leaf varieties. Acers won't tolerate drying out. You probably know but worth a mention... Orange Dream is very nice, it is a green tree and bright light turns much of the leaves orange. As i grown them in part shade, the leaves are edged with orange and just as nice.

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Ern007

It's very worth a mention Ern. I basically kill anything I try to grow. The only thing I have that lived plant wise is a cacti 🌵 I bought at the hundred yen shop (something like your pound shop). I have kept it alive for five years and every winter I beg it not to die. xx 👋😊

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Caspiana

Interesting post. Cacti are not hardy in the UK, not my part at least/ However many succulents are and would be rewarding along with you cacti. Maybe some dwarf grasses and small hardy Fuchsia, bingo, you have a garden with none demanding plants.

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Ern007

Dwarf grasses? I'm going to look that up. 😊

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Caspiana

There are lots of types. Some are large and invasive, may are just inches. the blue grasses adapt well to gardens....google.com/search?q=fecue+g...

Dedalus profile image

Hopefully you'll find out exactly what shadow is in October. Glad you're doing all necessary to keep busy and stay sane. All best wishes.

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Dedalus

Thank you, After 4 scans and 2 xrays, October they should know. i think they have an idea now, but making sure.

Patsy164 profile image

Sorry to hear how you have been treated by the confused state the nhs system seems to be in at the moment. Let’s hope this new consultant will be of more use and on the ball with things. Glad you are keeping yourself busy and loving your gardening. I hope you will soon get an answer will look out for an updated post. Take care xx

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Patsy164

Thank you Patsy. better doing something than brooding, I made my living from plants, now I have time to enjoy them.

teenieleek profile image

October is a long wait but surely your doctors wouldn’t wait so long if they thought it was urgent? Hope that’s the case anyway.

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to teenieleek

Thank you teenieleek - I have been telling myself just that for the last six months, It's what he said to me and what he said to my doctor than puzzled me, and my doctor and his secretary. I think I will know come October.

Ladyindistress79 profile image

Unbelievable Ern 007. I do hope things run smoothly from now on. Good luck.

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Ladyindistress79

Thank you Ladyindistress79 - You are spot on, I find this year so surreal and Covid had added to that...

Carnival567 profile image

I hope you get this sorted out soon. Sometimes it seems to me that doctors forget they are dealing with real people. All the best for a happy outcome xx

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Carnival567

Covid has not helped, no face to face. Thank's

Izb1 profile image

Lets hope this new consultant gets on with it Ern and gets your treatment right. Good that you have the garden to turn to, it certainly helps to lift your mood x

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Izb1

Thnaks - Well I will wonder if still "indeterminate" after a year, Plants are mood lifers ill or fit, I would have been miserable with no garden.

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to Ern007

Oh! So would I, I love being in the garden, one of the best forms of exercise for me and I get to see evereything grow x

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Izb1

Yes and the rewards are there. I like Trees (Acers) and Fuchsia's.

Ergendl profile image

So sorry to read about the run around you've had. Hope the new consultant improves things for you. Enjoy your garden.

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Ergendl

Thank you.

Jackieshep57 profile image

What a nightmare. Hope it can be sorted in due course. Your garden sounds lovely, a piece of paradise.

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Jackieshep57

Thank You - Yes and even though I grew/sold plants for a living, I like to watch You Tube for gardening tips.

Cade1 profile image

That all sounds horrendous & must be such a worry for you. Good luck & do update us x

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Cade1

Thank you, I think after 12 months, I keep having scans but no real diagnosis and that wears anyone down. I have lung and heart problems but i know and receive treatment, So I have no worries about that -

Cade1 profile image
Cade1 in reply to Ern007

It is all so frustrating right now. I saw a respiratory doc in Jan - not the usual consultant I normally see - & he was going to refer me to ENT due to terrible sinuses, I kept waiting. Then a gp said she would refer me as I kept needing antibiotics. Then spoke to respiratory nurse a couple of weeks ago, how found out that although the doctor had written he would refer me it hadn’t been done, there was no gp referral either. So she has done it & sent me a copy of the letter. So I wait.....

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Cade1

And we

Wait and wait. sounds familiar.

Redrum46 profile image

Sorry to hear all this hope you get some wear soon you seam a strong Lady witch is good Sending you love and healing xxx

Ern007 profile image

Thank you for your kind comment, although I am male :-)

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