my 2 sons do not live with us we have always done there washing and ironing 1 is a scaffolder the other son is a electrician is it now ok to start doing there washing again (please note they do pay us for doing it ) thank you stay safe. bob
covid 19: my 2 sons do not live with us... - Lung Conditions C...
covid 19

Would you really start again based on someone here saying yes go ahead!
The obvious answer is no its not safe, but if you really want convincing give the BLF helpline a call on tuesday and put that question to them, or to your own medical advisers.
Hello thamesbob, are you in the vulnerable group i.e. shielding? If so then no its not ok really. Whether you are paid or not, your health comes first.
Even if you’re not shielding, you would need to be very careful, wear a mask and gloves if possible when handling the laundry. Also keep 2 metres distance. I would ask your sons to make other arrangements for now until things improve. Err on the side of caution.
Stay safe and well. Xxxx
Laundrettes and dry cleaners are open. Id get them to find one of those to save you taking any risks.
We just don’t know enough about this virus, bob. In your shoes I definitely wouldn’t do it, too risky. Imagine how your sons would feel if you contracted cv! Not worth it.