Hi everyone Just an update I had to attend my PIP Tribunal last Thursday even though the government were advising us to stay safe .I was usherd through a metal detecting device by 2 security guards lol 64 yr old with Interstitial Lung disease a real threat I am I couldn't punch my way out of a of a paper bag .I was taken in a lift to the relevant floor of the court building sat in a waiting area with others mulling around .After being talked to about the proceedings I was taken to a large room with 3 people behind a very official looking what l think is called a bench my wife were sat at a table being overlooked by them .They introduced themselves A Doctor A Judge and A disability assessor no one from the DHSS attended They all in turn asked me questions very calmly and politely without rushing me they were all very friendly and not what I expected .I was advised to take someone from mind or citizens advice but I'm glad I've done it off my own back and in my own words anyway after around 50 mins they said they had concluded there investigation and my wife and I would retire to the waiting room .I was obviously nervous as it was like going with a begging bowl having waited 14 month to get my date having been turned down by the DHSS .After 10 mins the usher came out and asked if we would like to go back in and they would give us there ruling .The usher said that the judge would happily give it to my wife to save me walking back down ...So I sat there on my own thinking we'll if they turn me down I've done as It's been 14 month of worrying and hospital visits gathering information here and there from different consultants who seem to drag out there sending of letters anyway Wife came back Usher said good bye thanks for coming Do we were taken to the lift and out the back door .I was chomping at the bit because my wife who would make a brilliant poker player hadn't given me an incling what had been decided .So I looked at her and said well what did they say .She said with a face as long as a wet weekend "here you'd better read this" passing me the court ruling ..........................
Yes I could have done without all this I'm the first place ...but there is justice in the world anid it's backdated to Jan 2019...One of the reasons I've wrote all this is to put anyone more at ease who may be going through this at the moment.I wish I could have read someone post like this in the past .
The Judge, Doctor,and Disability Adviser where very nice warm people and if your genuine and truthful you will be treat with genuine respect and care unlike what I experienced from the original PIP Assessor
Sorry such a long post Thankyou for everyone's support in the last 2 years
Thought it would be nice to have a positive story in the terrible and worrying times
Stay safe everyone xx