Following Dr Scruff's medical advice, here's a warning from a younger female friend going through the inevitable change.
She had fallen prey to the current fashionable (but in my opinion snake-oil) alternative hot flush cure. This is to purchase a strong magnet and attach it to the front of your knickers (don't ask!). After wearing this for some time she was sent for an MRI scan by her GP. She removed as instructed all metal bits and pieces, earrings, jeans with studs on etc, but forgot the magnet. Then standing a couple of yards from the MRI machine she suddenly flew through the air at huge speed and was stuck firmly to the side of the machine.
Very embarrassing - I dont know how she extricated herself as we were passing each other in a crowded place and I had to move on. But a bit useful advice I thought I'd pass on - leave the magnets at home if you're having an MRI, ladeez.