Hello I would be interested in hearing from anyone about stopping smoking especially if you are older like me in my 70's. I have tried to stop so many times but haven't succeeded. It is crazy to carry on but find it very difficult to stop.
Smoking: Hello I would be interested... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi like you i tried many times & failed. I eventually tried Champix from my Dr which was very effective, its been 10 years since i had my last cigarette. Good luck x
Well done 👍. Is Champix available on the NHS ? X
Thank you. I did once try Champix but it made me feel a bit dizzy. I may give it another try though.
As with many medications side effects can diminish as your body adapts.
My husband had good success with Champix although initially he complained of feeling ‘strange’. We all considered him a hopeless case as far as quitting smoking went, a real & heavily dependant nicotine addict for almost 50 years. He’s now been a non smoker for 11 years.
Hi I am in my 50’s and find it hard also but I cannot be defeated and like you WE WILL GET THERE IN THE END. 👍
Good luck and sorry I can’t help as I have tried everything from hypnosis,patches etc.

Thanks for replying and somehow we have to stop. Good luck.
Good luck to you also . We both can do this . 👍

We CAN do it!
Sorry to be so harsh, but have to stop 'trying' and make your mind up to STOP!!!
Trying implies failure. Your mind is much stronger than you think.
Make a plan. set the day, get loads of sweets, drink water every time the craving comes on. Get up and walk about. You could get some photos of very damaged lungs and stick them on the wall. I tried Accupunture, Zyban, patches, nicorettes and none of them did any good for me. I had decide to stop and not try to stop.
Think of your new life as a non smoker. Congratulate yourself for each day you stop. Every day is a major success. It will get easier. You can do it as many of us us on here will agree.
If you slip up, start again.
So endeth the lecture!
Thank you for your support. I agree I should cut out the word trying and replace it with stop. I just have to get my head in the right place. Will set a date and do it this time!
Agreed, James. It is more of a habit thing and less of “need” thing. Like so many of us, I tried and tried...then came the diagnosis of COPD/emphysema and I stopped straight away. It was much easier than I thought it would be...it’s been ten years since my last cigarette.
I am trying to work this out and I hope I can before I am diagnosed with something. I admire you as it must have been stressful to get that diagnosis but you stopped and stayed stopped. Thank you.
Great you haven't smoked for 10 years -15 for me
15 years for you, James? Fantastic! I sometimes have to this day, that feeling for a post-prandial cigarette (not a craving) like I never stopped...then remind myself how long it’s been and have a laugh.
I know that feeling and have thought once or twice what it would be like to have one but never will. Are you a musician with that screen name?
Yes...and I reckon you are as well since you recognized the altered chord. And coincidentally my first name is James.
What a coincedence and pleased to meet you James. I was a drummer for many years. Don't play kit any more but play cajon. Yourself?
Hi I stopped using the chewing gum not too difficult in my 60s now 76😊
Nicotine first then substitute every other one for minty😄😄give it a try it worked for me. Let me know how you get on x
I gave up in my early fifties using just will power and the words of a very wise person who described giving up as the best present you or anyone can give you - your health.
I had a brief relapse at 59 for a few months when I suffered a traumatic time but stopped fairly quickly with the help of a nurse at my GP practice and nicotine chewing gum.
I also kept reminding myself of the best present I could give myself.
My son has tried a few times over the years but kept starting again after a few months . He gave up in January, hopefully for good this time, as he said he didn’t want to inflict the hurt and upset that his father’s illness (copd) has caused his family. Not sure whether he’ll stick to it this time but we’ll see.
Some people find it harder than others but I definitely think seeing the nurse helped and when all else fails Champix seems to work.
I wish you success and enjoy the best present!
Thank you. I have had so many inspiring messages including yours and they are helping me to get my head around it. I will do it. I am going through bit of a difficult time at the moment and have been smoking more. There is never going to be the right time though and I must give myself that best present of health.
Over the years I have given up so many times - then gone back - having had cancer 5 times in my life I always think I am very lucky to be here & thank all the wonderful NHS people who have looked after me - but smoking is a drug - the last time I gave up was when I had lung cancer - OK I did (as I call it have a dummy) smoke vape as they call it, only a low dose or nothing, then read about all the deaths, so sorry to say needed something so started smoking again but only a few - I am of an age now when I think all I want to be is peaceful & quiet, lead a happy life & not be bothered with things, so sorry I am still being a disgusting person smoking a few + drinking a few glasses of wine, enjoying the sun & hoping my genes will be as good as my mothers.
Using nicotine spray- available otc or from stop smoking clinics - is the only way I finally managed it, after a lifetime of 'trying'
Thank you. I will check that out too as I seem to have been trying for a life time also.
Here in USA Chantix we call it worked first time after many poor attempts like magic only wish I had done so 10 years ago.
Thank you. I am still battling with this and the Coronavirus is scary and cutting down at the moment but still struggling to give it up but I am inspired by every one's stories.
Make a list of things to do every time you want one. A long list. Keep it on your phone or nearby. A craving lasts 5 minutes so distract yourself with a short task.
I was amazed to find that the times I thought I would most miss one, were the times I actually didn’t.
After decades of smoking I finally realised its a psychological habit and it’s the mind that is addicted. The physical giving up is nothing-a few days discomfort.
Once I saw that, it was easy. ChampIx helped at first (2 months), but once I finally cracked it psychologically I never looked back.