Hi I'm 20 years of age male have a fitness tests for army coming up in 4 weeks and I smoke but only smoke 1 or 2 rollies a day for past month or so if I completely stop will it affect my fitness because my test is so soon as I want the best result
Smoking ? : Hi I'm 20 years of age male... - Lung Conditions C...
Smoking ?
Leave them AND GET FITTER as 4 weeks is not that long
Thanks for your motivation 😃
Smoking or stopping won't have any affect on your fitness levels. But it is good to stop smoking if you can as you don't want to end up like any of us do you?
Thanks for your reply and my friend in army tells me not to quite before the test because it will get worse before it gets better because I was always a heavy smoker and now I only smoke like 2 a day
give up smoking train hard fight easy only way dude
My son and daughter are in the forces,so,congratulations first,secondly the best result would be if you weren't smoking at all.If that's all you smoke it shouldn't really affect you're results at the test,but you should quit NOW before it gets a grip of you,all the best for the future
Hi Jordan.I also used to smoke roll ups.I played football and cricket while I was in the forces,without a problem.I was 18 when I went to Aden for 2 years.Not the best of postings!
When I was 70 and started becoming short of breath I went to see GP.He prescribed "CHAMPIX",which were brilliant as I stopped smoking within 10 days and haven't had a smoke since.
8 months after I stopped smoking I was admitted to hospital and diagnosed with emphysema.A couple of weeks ago I saw my consultant and was informed that Pulmonary Fibrosis had taken over as the aggressive part of my illness. A virtual death sentence!
My advice is to stop smoking immediately and enjoy your life.Don't ruin it with cigarettes.
Good luck
If you only smoke two a day it should be easier to give up if not you will end up smoking more and believe me you do not want to suffer like some of us do with no longer being able to do even simple things. If this is the most sound piece of advice your ever given do please listen and enjoy a long life doing what ever you want to do.
Get real younge man. 1-2 rollies a day last few months. You donot need them. Keep doing that and they will increase as you go. If you are seriouse about the army give the fags up. They will mess your lungs up. You got the fittness test. Go out this week end and run around for 1 hour and see how you get on.
I am 75 been fit all my life, now have COPD and Emphasema suffer getting breath, you wanna end up like me. You are only 20. Good life ahead if youmake the army your life.
Hi Jordan, I don't think it will make much difference now,there is to short a period for it to make any effect but in the long term it's best to pack it in, I am an army veteran, enjoy your time and get the best out of it.
Best of luck
I spent many years in the army, in the days when almost everybody smoked and the forces actually gave you tins of 50 smokes.
I was a keen athlete and continued running into my 40s with no apparent effects from smoking.
Now at 74 I am on daily oxygen, use a mobility scooter and find physical tasks hard.
Short term(weeks) it won't make any difference, but long term you must stop smoking as almost certainly you won't be able to stick to 2 a day
Best of luck in your efforts to join the army
Look at it this way ... either give up 2 rollies a day or in 40 years or less be like us on here asking why we can't breathe, why we cannot walk to the paper shop, why we can't take the grandkids swimming ....all from a lady who smoked 20 a day and lost 1 lung by the time she was 52 .... your decision though son xxxx
Thank alot
Give them up and save your lungs don't please end up like me living in a daily hell wishing you best of luck for your future in the army and pack them in NOW 😷
Ah Jordan, what does it feel like to be 20? I forget most of it apart from I felt I could take on anything and anyone and any challenges. A good age although an age of naivety. I smoked back then and didn't care about the consequences. Its not just your lungs that suffer, its yourself in general. So fella, stop the ciggies as they don't have anything beneficial to give you. Sadly it took me to long to realise and now I smoke inhalers every day. Be lucky.
The sooner you stop that useless habit the better off everything will be..., cut it out it's silly, useless, wasteful (all you do is make ashes and fill your lungs with smoke..., how smart is that??!! ) and will ultimately affect your health.
Jordon,i was in the army many years ago and guess what,at my initial fitness test they took a urine sample and other tests and i got a telling of for being a smoker at the age of 16 by the recruiting Wo2 who stank of tobacco smoke.Unfortunately i never heeded his advise and 45 years later i am on this forum for good reason.Give it up lad,though the pressure will be on as probably a good percentage of your new chums will be smokers.You can stand out in the crowd when you do your next 3 mile run or log run if your going for Para selction.Good luck mate
When you're 20 your 50s and beyond seem so far away. A long time to think about giving up smoking or other health issues, but believe me, it all passes in the blink of an eye. What others have said is true. 2 rollies a day seems is nothing and will not affect your fitness test. When I was 20, I could run; I could walk for miles; I could climb endless stairs. Now, I can do none of that. Simple tasks take hours. I would recommend that you stop the 2 a day, before it becomes 4 a day, then 6 and before you know it, you're a heavy smoker again. We all thought it wouldn't happen to us and it did. Don't fall into that trap, you'll regret it, and giving up 2 a day can't be as hard as giving up the oh so many more that you will probably end up smoking. Good luck.