Is coffee the problem?: A pint mug.... - Lung Conditions C...

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Is coffee the problem?

27 Replies

A pint mug. 2 heaped teaspoons of Nescafe and 3 spoons of sugar, with milk. I regularly had around 4 of these a day. That's 8 spoons of coffee and 24 of sugar!!

But I was wheezing and gasping all day and most of the night. So I stopped, and started drinking green tea... no sugar, no milk. The wheezing improved after a few weeks so I went back on the coffee. And the wheezing came back, along with the stubborn mucus and the inevitable hacking cough.

So I stopped the coffee, and again the breathing improved; so much so that I was actually getting a few hours' sleep each night. But I like coffee, and I admit to over- doing it, and I'm afraid to start drinking it again in case all those breathing problems return.

I am aware that it's a stimulant and that the problem might well be with the heart!

I know this might be just coincidence, but does anyone have any info about the negative effects of drinking coffee, or stories of their own?

27 Replies
Caspiana profile image

Hi Hidden .

I enjoy coffee too. In moderation. Sugar is also a stimulant and causes all kinds of problems so generally I don't put any sugar in my coffee or tea. I think moderation is key to anything. I have three cups of coffee a day and none after 3pm. Coffee definitely make a me a bit jumpy and I don't sleep as well if I have a late cup. After three pm I have peppermint or chamomile tea.

Take care,

Cas xx ☕

in reply to Caspiana

I'm thinking sugar could be the culprit.

wheezy01 profile image

Try decaf instead that way you may see if caffeine is the problem I try to have no coffee after 2pm you don’t need to completely cut the sugar just reduce slowly then you will get used to the taste change

Duh...3 times 4 is 12 not 24 sugars. It's dumbed my brain too lol.

greatauntali profile image

Try doing without the milk.

Superzob profile image
Superzob in reply to greatauntali

Yes, it's most likely the milk, which others on the forum have found increases mucous. The caffeine in coffee should help, though, because it's a bronchodilator; I did buy one of those caffeine drinks, but yet to try it - have others found those useful?

in reply to greatauntali

I'll try that.

TomTitTot profile image

Hi, like you, I'm a 4 a day coffee drinker. 😏 Here's what I found being lactose intolerant, I must use nondairy products such as soy milk, hemp milk, rice milk and, or almond milk. Hope that's worth a try. 🤔


veganista profile image

I think it’s the milk as it’s known to cause mucus.

Try drinking your beloved coffee with your sugars if that’s what you enjoy but knock the milk on the head and replace with Soya Milk or Coconut Milk or Hazelnut Milk or Oat Milk or Rice Milk . There’s so many alternatives all found in any supermarket, have fun trying out all the different ones whilst you wave the mucus away!!!

in reply to veganista

Could be all three; sugar milk coffee.

Ergendl profile image

Coffee is one of my triggers for migraines, especially the strong dark roast coffee I love so much. Haven't had one for years.

Ilike a moderate instant coffee when I really need a pick up. Any more than that and I am bouncing off the walls and feel sick. I can’t tolerate filter coffee at all. But I do drink about five cups of tea each day and I know that it contains quite a bit of caffeine which doesn’t affect me in the same way as coffee. I hate decaf anything.

peege profile image

Well done you on stopping, don't start again, give your body a break. Both sugar and caffeine are addictive. Also habits are very hard to break so that's quite a feat. I've always considered instant coffee toxic and cannot understand why anyone would drink it over fresh coffee that hasn't been messed about with. There is so much known now about how bad sugar is from recent research. It's not good for blood sugar, is high calorie and has no food value whatsoever (I mean the white stuff)

I love my daily flat white made with fresh, decaf coffee & hot milk. No visitor notices that it's decaf, just delicious. I think I'm addicted to the ritual of making it as the drinking of it!

Good luck. P

wheezyof profile image


I was told at pulmonary rehab to try decaff tea and coffee. Decaff is better because both coffee and, to a lesser extent, tea dehydrate you because the caffeine is a diuretic. We need all the moisture we can to help the mucus stay fluid so easier to cough out.

I tried it, it worked. The main problem was finding brands of tea and coffee that I liked.

I tried dairy free for a month but that made no difference to the mucus.

Too much sugar, in my case chocolate or biscuit binges, thicken the mucus and leave me wheezy.

I think for each of us trial and error is the only way forward.

Wishing you well xx

peege profile image
peege in reply to wheezyof

Hi, I think I've tried all the decaf teas, for a while M&S were the best, Clipper aren't bad, now use Yorkshire brand & they taste just great!

in reply to wheezyof

You're right. trial and error. Without the error. Suck it and see lol

lKeith profile image


Hi, we all like coffee, have you tried de-caf in lieu of normal coffee, taste is virtually the same. For sleeping try CBD+ it's a solution you can get from Holland & Barret, small bottle but quite helpful. 3No drops under the tongue at bedtime and you may get a good night's sleep. Draw back for the size of bottle it's a bit dear. Please try it.


santisuk profile image

Opinions are divided. Coffee and caffeine are not the pariah's they once were. My own pulmo advised that two strong 'real' coffees a day would be as effective a bronchodilator as my existing pharma* and it seems that way for me as a bronchectasis sufferer. I guess the answer, as with a lot of things, is self-experimentation. There is no generic right answer.

'Puroxan', a doxofylline (not available in UK) - it's primarily an asthma drug, but helps keep my airways breathing sweetly if I have an infection. I still use it for such, but otherwise drop the Puroxan and just take the two big mugs of coffee - it does seem to improve the depth of my draw

stamford1234 profile image

I have gone onto black decaff Nescafe Gold and have abandoned the sugar. It didn't take long to adapt, about 5 days, and I don't miss that sugar bump in the mornings. I do sleep better. But you know, every day is different

in reply to stamford1234

Every day is different. So true.

Maximonkey profile image

Hi Windypup, I definitely love coffee too, however, I realised on the days I was drinking 10 small cups per day I was definitely not sleeping as well as I should. I drink two cups with my breakfast but have give up coffee during the rest of the day and I feel I sleep much better. My friend who also overdid the coffee tried one small spoon of her favourite coffee and one small spoon of decaf. So really just try something different and find out what works for you. I am asthmatic and I cannot say I have ever noticed coffee affecting my breathing but you never know you may be allergic to the coffee bean. Take care and good luck Maximonkey

Aha. So it might be the sugar! I'm best off without it anyway. Illogically, I don't take sugar OR milk in tea, so it's not difficult to ditch it. Thanks.

stamford1234 profile image
stamford1234 in reply to

I can't find a fresh coffee in this country that I really like, so its Nescafe Gold for me. I am already feeling better without the sugar in my instant decaff. Typically I only drink about 5 cups throughout the day. A bit more energy (though I am doing more exercise), and a clearer head. I feel quite pleased with myself which beats depression!

Hacienda profile image

I Love Coffee, Just having my second Delicious Cup of Coffee This Morning, my Third will be a Decaf Coffee, all with one Sweetener, No Sugar. That is generally my Coffee for the day, so maybe you should just cut down, Like all addictions, Moderation is the Best Cuppa. Enjoy Hun, Be Wise. have a Great day . Love n Hugs. xxxxx

HungryHufflepuff profile image

I love coffee! I have to start the day with a pot of coffee. But now I only have coffee with breakfast and I don't add milk or sugar. It does make me feel better too because it's a bronchodilator. Have you tried herbal teas? Yogi tea is my favourite, there's a whole range of flavours with supposed different health benefits, but anyway they just taste good!

santisuk profile image
santisuk in reply to HungryHufflepuff

Try coconut milk. Non-dairy, so non-inflammatory. Delicious in strong filtered coffee.

Try almond milk if you don't like that. I haven't tried it yet, but have a litre sitting in my fridge as of yesterday to give me a change from coconut milk in my lunchtime broccoli* smoothie (includes pineapple and banana and sometimes beetroot and or carrot).

*broccoli; supposed to be one of the healthiest foods you can eat and, in addition to its anti-inflammatory tendencies (hopefully helping my bronchx and dodgy hip), it might even counter some of those hormonal declines to this guy in his sixties!

HungryHufflepuff profile image
HungryHufflepuff in reply to santisuk

Thanks for the tips. Someone told me about Oatly Barista which is supposed to froth up like dairy milk but I haven't tried it. I actually like broccoli but haven't thought about putting it in a smoothie. 👍

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