I used to love fireworks when I was younger and fitter now I dread it due to the noise coming from every garden not to mention the smoke. Although they are lovely to see from a distance, but its worrying when they are so ready available and powerful. They can get into irresponsible hands. Look after your pets tonight X
Guy Fawkes night: I used to love... - Lung Conditions C...
Guy Fawkes night

Wish fireworks were only allowed on the 5th november, we've been hearing loads for the past 2 weeks.. stay safe Jane
We always used to do fireworks for our daughter when she was younger as it’s her birthday but it just goes on and on now for weeks. Sainsbury’s are no longer selling fireworks so maybe others will follow suit.
Stay indoors everyone and watch the fireworks if you can. Stay safe and keep pets inside.
Have a good day. Xxxx 😘
Happy Birthday to your daughter X
We had them go off all weekend our young cat was petrified we kept him in. They were so loud this year the noise was awful they looked good love to watch them, but do need to be more display run fireworks safer. And less stress on the animals and we have to go through it all again which its going to be even worse with us with chest problems.
St least think its Sainsburys making a stand and not selling them. Which hopefully other supermarkets will follow suit next year. Stay safe
Once again i will probably be in the minority here but i love fireworks.the bangs.the sparkles emitted by soaring rockets.spinning catherine wheels that delight little children ,even the sparklers that now probably carry a safety warning and heaven forbid we ever ban their sales.but sensible regulations at the point of sale and their safe use and a responsibility and a respect for others may make Guy fawkes night a more pleasant experience for everyone but please never ban them,too many things are prohibited these days because of the actions of minorities.
Pyromaniac Ski's and Scruff's who doesn't mind them x
No don't ban them but have it more organised. How is your swallowing going are you able to eat as yet ?x
Alas a bit like a damp firework,one swallow does not a summer make and we are still in the very earliest days of spring with regard to that but we always have a to share. xx
Buenas Dias Carino, As you Know Guy Fawkes is a British Establishment, Yet All the Ex Pats in Spain Celebrate it along with all the Spanish Fiesta Displays I have watched over The Years. All Under Control arranged by the Town Hall, Some magnificent Fireworks which I know you have also seen when you were a Resident yourself. Nowadays, I like to Watch from my Window here (always rains on this day). Yes, The Minority let everyone Down with their Stupid Antics, Along with Stupid Parents who allow their youngsters to throw them. Idiots. I do love you even though you are still a Silly Youngster. Abrazos Y Besos y tu Matriach. XXXXX
The Spaniards enjoy our annual Burn the Catholics fiesta? Curious.
No the Spanish have various firework celebrations across the country,none of them celebrating Guy fawkes but normally celebrating a saint of some description,in Catalunya it is St joan which celebrates the start of summer.Guy Fawkes was actually born and educated in York and just happened to go to the wrong religious education classes as a lad and decided to become a catholic and a mercenary for the Spanish government.
I loved fireworks because I loved blowing things up. Back in the days when you could buy certain things chemistry teachers were all too happy to explain what you needed to do to make bigger bangs!!!
How I survived childhood with 10 fingers is a mystery.
I remember some huge garden gnomes that weren’t laughing after we got to them.
I blame David Bowie
I think this year has been worse, the smoke smell seems to get into the house somehow, but like Skis I love to watch the fireworks and do so from the bedroom window as I can see the fireworks display from Manchester city centre and the neighbours must have money to burn, the displays last night were fantastic and am sure they must cost a fortune, but do enjoy them x