Hi All, I have been away from this site for a year now but in the meantime I have still been suffering. My problem is a persistent cough with a very noisy chest and coughing up all the time. I’ve been told it’s asthma. I’m on budesonide/formoterol (Symbicort 400/12) two puffs twice a day and Salbutamol as a reliever. I have no energy and can’t walk very far. The consultant saw me once and has sent me for physio which is taking a long time as they keep cancelling. I’m 73 and used to be active dancing, walking, cooking etc. I am so depressed that this is all going on and on. I know some of you guys are far worse off but I am at my wits end and depressed with it all just sitting in a chair every day watching the housework build up, which I hate to see. I feel no one listens to me and am just left to get on with it. Is there anyone else in this situation?
Help: Hi All, I have been away from... - Lung Conditions C...

It seems you have been allowed to slip through the net.
You should ask for a second opinion with referral to a consultant.
The following article may give you a insight, and allow to prepare of list of questions for you GP / Consultant.
There are similarities between the two conditions, but they can be separated and treated accordingly.
At. Least you should be on a three inhaler therapy.
You need to go back and push your dr. for a ct scan. This is the only way the can properly tell what is going in your lungs. I had to be a pain at my surgery to get to see a consultant and get this scan. Only to find out the were treating me for wrong thing. Go push for help you deserve it xx

Thank you Dog12, I think I had a ct scan last year but will ask GP again. I just can’t go on and on like I am now.
I went through exactly the same thing. Almost identical! I discovered quite quickly, I had to lose my dignity very q ,& so did so!
You!!! MUST! Push your urgency! NOW!
I used to walk everywhere, it was not uncommon for me to walk 5/10km a day, sometimes double.
Whilst fighting (& yes, I do mean arguing etc.) It seems like with everyone, no sympathy from anyone, ex smokers got what they deserve!
I spent 6mths + sitting around, I couldn't walk to or use the shower, I had to flannel wash myself.
You aren't alone mate! Most of us have been through what you are going through.
Best thing to do, go to A&E, (call an ambulance) by law they cannot refuse you, it will open a door to the "system " & they will help, especially if you let them know you are depressed! But, NOT BEFORE YOU HAVE BEEN REGISTERED.
Good luck
I've been reading your post from a year ago when you got 36 replies mostly containing very good advice. None of us here are ever going to be people that we used to be, we have had to adapt ourselves to our new situation. I'm sure you already appreciate this but I wonder if you are applying yourself to the extent that is needed to keep your life an enjoyable experience. Your consultant recommended what sounds like a PR course and it's a shame that this still hasn't happened. But I don't think he expected you to sit on your backside waiting. Even if you got on a course you would still be expected to do 'homework' and to keep up the exercise. So my advice would be to press to be put on a course, contacting the consultant's secretary if necessary advising them that his instructs to the GP are being ignored. Look for the BLF literature giving information about the exercises that will help you. Best of all, keep posting here telling us how you are doing and receive encouragement to keep going. Just my opinion. 😉x

Very Good Comments Don. Come on Jo, you can call the Respiratory Nurse who can call to your Home, You seem to need help NOW. Call your GP for their Number or ask for the GP to arrange a Home Visit. Slowly Jo, Take it Steady . Good Luck xxx
Thank you Hacienda. I will be more forceful but when I feel very low, I lose the fight but I will press on.
Good advice Hacienda, I wish it were that easy, I get annoyed constantly when I get 'cc'd' copies of communication from the hospital to my doctor, always with the addendum 'he knows that he can call or email me ANYTIME '.
what a joke! I have emailed & called to leave a message 2 or 3 times over the last couple of months, & get no response, I had an appointment this morning at 10 am, I haven't been too well these last few weeks and last night got diarrhea, so rang & emailed my respiratory nurse at about 3.45 pm yesterday, haven't heard a Dickie bird.
I think the hospital is just playing games with me,they have/are to be seen doing everything they can, but, they don't want to spend money on more on MRI etc