Morning all,
Went to clinic with small person yesterday, 5 weeks post discharge and on the slow slide once more since week 2, although her fev1 is fairly decent at 66%. Whilst discussing ‘The Plan’, it came to light that she’d cultured the fungus exophalia dermatitidis whilst on the ward (I’d only been made aware of the steno and her ‘usual’ candida at the time 😠) and despite being told it’s not particularly weird and wonderful, I can’t actually find that much information online about the fungus or treatment from my usual sources, particularly any oral options. Does anyone here have any knowledge or experience of it? Because of how wonky she’s been for the last 6 months without reaching well baseline even once, we were already planning to chuck a couple of weeks of IV antifungals at her alongside antibiotics when we go in next - which will hopefully be next Thursday - but the consultant was suggesting potentially giving her orals ahead of admission to try and get a leg up on it and improve the overall outcome.