Called my mom today when my dad gets home hospice is coming in to help my dad is dying from COPD the very disease I have.i am going to see him probably for the last time this weekend.i am done with edibles they bother me to much,it's the only thing that does.seeing my dad is 1,000 times harder cause I see myself.i have been told you will not necessarily take the same course as your dad if you do the right things.i ran again today I have decided to exercise everyday and eat the best I can.hpweber what my dad is like never ever leaves me.i have been through a ton of stuff I'm my life but seeing my dad will be the hardest thing.i hope I feel great soon it's been 15 days since edibles and I still feel slightly off.without them I always feel great it usually takes 18 to 20 days.i going to now do everything I can to slow this thing down to such a crawl that I will die from old age before I ever have any really bad life depends on it.somone just tell me that everyone is an individual and that what my dad is going through I might me able to avoid.he smoked for 60 years me 35 I think I am classified as basically mild to moderate but as I said without doing edibles I never feel a thing and would never know something was wrong.hope I have the strength to be strong enough when I see my dad
No title: Called my mom today when my... - Lung Conditions C...
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Wishing you strength to get through this hope. I wish you well in everything you do but particularly when you see your dear dad. Be strong for him and for yourself.
Stay off the edibles and take care. Xxxxx
Hi Hope
It won't be easy for you but it's amazing how much strength we can muster when we have to be strong and you have to be strong for your dad and for your mum too to support her because she's going to need you too.
Don't compare yourself to your dad either because no one knows when their life will end. It's difficult when he's dying of COPD and you have it too but yours is mild and you sound like you're doing all the right things to slow its progression. Worrying about dying stops you living life to the full as well as making you anxious which makes your breathing worse.
Hope all goes well at the weekend and take care
You and your Dad are in out thoughts and prayers at this challenging time for you both. ((((Hugs)))).
Stay strong (it won't be easy) . Disease affects people in different ways. It's good you are focused on helping your body. My thoughts are with you at this traumatic time. x Anita
It’s surprising what you can do when you have to. My husband died from COPD just under 5 years ago, I’ve got it, it’s now stage 4 but my symptoms are very different from him so it seems to be pot luck so far as I can see. Was told in April I’ve got emphysema and bronchiectasis after coming through bought of pneumonia. Have a bit of faith in yourself to be there for your dad your mum & yourself xx
hope132. Thoughts are with you. Try to stay strong. Its never easy seeing your loved ones suffering. And you are so helpless to do anything.. Been there with my Mom and Dad too. But your love Hugs, and kindness is what they will remember the most, BRIAN
I am so sorry, but glad you have shared your feelings with us. Life is very difficult at times but we have to accept these things and deal with them the best way we can. Some good can sometimes come out of these times. You are seeing your dad in such a sad situation but it appears to have made such an impression on you as you seem to have acquired a determination not to let it happen to you.
We will be thinking of you and hope you find the strength to see it through. Good luck and our very best wishes.
Its surprising where we get the strength from when we need it, be there for your Mum and Dad, they will need you now more than ever and dont worry about how you will be , we are all different and medicine can sometimes make leaps and bounds so who knows what will be available in the future. I dont know what edibles are but if they are no good for you keep well away. Wish you all the best x
Sorry to hear what you are going through Hope 132 hope that you have some real support around you. Cx
Strength, prayers, hope and exercise. I am sorry about your Dad but you are not him 🐞
What edibles?
I have mild COPD too
I am back to taking dance classes again
Taking my inhaler and I stopped smoking and I had forgotten what it was like to breathe u til now.
I have asthma too
So yes exercise is sooo important
Stamina nearly back
Jazz and ballet 5 hours a week
Such a sad post and apart from wishing you lots of strength and courage,i'm not too sure what to say that can be of any help. Just be there for Dad and also for Mum but that doesn't mean you forget about yourself. Look after yourself and i'm sending you gentle hugs of reassurance.💞
Try to stay strong. We are all given an inner strength in times of need, somehow or other.