All things bright and and good to nature and nature will be good to us....this also applies to the most vulnerable amongst us....we must be good to one another on this beautiful planet....our sanctuary, EARTH, is struggling....I found this in my garden....a clear sign that nature is awakening here in South Africa, where we are celebrating SPRING.... full glory: All things... - Lung Conditions C... full glory

Again, not sure what it is, but it looks beautiful 🐍🦎🐛
A beautiful centipede. Our grandson would like him. Thank you for sharing. Xxxxx
Great, reminds me of my childhood, some of which spent in West Africa, centipedes and millipedes. I still tap my shoes on the heel before I put them on (it is over 40 years since I left) to dislodge any scorpion that might have curled up in there over night.
It is an exquisite creature Boeta. You have a keen eye.😉
More memories for me Boeta......I lived in Zambia for a while and remember these millipedes but couldn’t think of the local name.
Thanks to google’s a Chongololo .
I remember the chameleons, geckos , praying mantis and huge ants too....and those spiders. And having to iron everything because of putzi flies.
One of the questions on my interview was did I mind ‘ creepy crawlies ‘ . No...only the spiders!
Thanks for the photo and the message.
As, we go into Autumn and fall....with the changing of leaves in all their hues. You enjoy the awakening of Spring.....we do live and share this most beautiful, precious big blue ball!!
Meg 🌻
Cute, curled up centipede🐛🐛