Yesterday I pushed my dad in a wheelchair that we borrowed for the occasion, this was his first time out of the house (apart from being in hospital for months). He was quite apprehensive about leaving the house and getting hooked up to the portable oxygen cylinder, but it all went smoothly, we took a spare bottle with us, and headed off in the car to the local park which has a rare breeds section. As I was pushing my dad in the wheelchair and oohing and aahing at all the little lambs and baby rabbits, llamas and donkeys, it took me back to the days long ago, when I used to push my children in their prams around the very same spot! I feel very happy that I was able to do this for my dad, he was only given weeks to live when he came out of hospital with pulmonary fibrosis, but I think the doctors have made a mistake, he is feeling and looking much better than he was, his stats are great, and his spirits are lifted, he had a wonderful time, now where shall we go next weekend? Alton Towers perhaps lol!
Full circle!: Yesterday I pushed my dad... - Lung Conditions C...
Full circle!

Inspiration to all those that have to care for loved ones. Your father must feel proud of his daughter.Wondering how possible it would be for him to have a river trip.
Hello Deb, sounds like a great trip out for your dad and it's very special for you both that you can do this together! I hope you get many more trips out together. George
It sounds like a great day and precious time together. Let's hope the weather is good for another outing soon.
Lynne xx
I'm so pleased you and your dad had such a good day. I hope you have many more. xx
Well done you! Does your Dad have anywhere he wants to go if you are willing to push a wheelchair the sky is his limit.
Good to hear that you & your Dad had such a lovely day, I'm sure he is looking forward to many more
Great stuff Deb16. Well done indeed. Bob x
Thank you for all the kind words. I was wondering if anyone knew of any charities that might need volunteer wheelchair pushers? I live in Cheshire and my dad is in Yorkshire, at the moment I am getting through once a week, but as I have some free time during the week, I could perhaps take someone else out that maybe doesn't have the chance to get out and enjoy the fresh air. Any ideas ? My dad has my mum at home and my brother lives nearby too, not everyone has family near them and it would be nice to be able to help someone enjoy an outing.
What a lovely thought! I would check with Social Services, Age Concern and Breathe Easy groups in the area.
It's a wonderfully kind idea - sadly though you'd more than likely have to have moving and handling training plus a CRB check. (Criminal Records check).
Definitely worth a try though, some organisations will have the funds to train you and pay for the CRB check.
Age Concern might be a good place to start. I don't know where else you could find out about people who are stuck at home and can't get out without help . P
I came out of hospital almost 3 years ago in a wheel chair with pulmonary fibrosis and even though I'm on oxygen and the lung transplant list, the wheel chair was ditched a long time ago.
I just love to prove the experts wrong!
I was told I would probably be on permanent oxygen and house bound, well I can walk a mile now on the flat at a steady pace.
Tony. Wish your dad all the best and look after yourself .
How wonderful Deb! Your Dad probably has the same determination as our Tony! You are a lovely caring daughter,so happy for you both,it will give him a lot to aim for,planning is trips!
Love to you both,Wendells xxx
That is so nice to hear and good for you I'm sure it would lift your father's spirits .
Lib x
No wonder your dads spirits are lifted, good girl.
Good luck chris
Thank you all for your kind words, sadly dad died and it was the hardest thing to see him suffer so, it is so unfair in this day and age that we still have to sit and watch our loved ones linger in agony, ..that was 12 weeks ago, today my beautiful little dog died of cancer, he was only diagnosed 3 weeks ago, but today his suffering was too much for him and he was put to sleep by the vet, and as painful as it was, I sat there and thought why could we not do this for my dad? I miss them both so much, and if there is a heaven I know my dad will be feeding him biscuits!