I have asthma and last couple of winters have caught chest infection each time and now again this summer! I went to drs this week they said due to these infections if I have anymore may need to do investigation for bronchoiectasis now am really scared thinking I have this ! I caught viral infection and it turned into chest infection ! Just so worried now !
Advice : I have asthma and last couple... - Lung Conditions C...

Lifelong chronic asthma often results in the development of bronchiectasis. Frequent chest infections are what should make doctors aware that this could have happened. Unfortunately not many doctors are as aware as yours and many asthmatics live for years struggling with a level of bronchiectasis without knowing it. Indeed, if it turns out that you have bronch, you have probably been living with it for some time. Diagnosis is by ct scan.
It isn’t anything to be worried about. Getting a diagnosis is a good thing as it enables you to get the correct treatment and management. Bronch is complex and everybody is different. I suggest that you get referred to a bronchiectasis specialist. General respiratory consultants and GPs do not have sufficient training or experience. These specialists are usually at big teaching hospitals. Find a name near you and insist that your GP refers you. Once you are under their care they tell your GP how they wish you to be treated- dose and period of antibiotics etc and also have physios who will help you to self manage your condition. There are quite a few of us on here who have been living with bronch all of our lives and we have full lives.
As I said, don’t worry. It may turn out that you don’t have bronch but have just been unlucky with infections. If you do have bronch, the ongoing proper treatment and management can only improve your present quality of life.
Do come back if you need more support.

Perhaps yoir GP could do the spirometry test in the meantime - it can be revealing.
Little Pom has given excellent advice. I was diagnosed with mild bronchiectasis about 7 years ago, and I lead a really full active life! Probably due to whooping cough as a small child; am not asthmatic. Have more or less permanent 'dog bark' cough which tends not to enhance my popularity! Am in two choirs which is not only brilliant fun but really good for us "bronchials"! I know everyone is different; I don't take anything for it but my GP gives me spare packs of amoxycillin when I go away which has been useful. Main problem for me is about 2/3 chest infections a year. These can be lengthy so I do everything I can to avoid: will move away from tube/bus passengers with colds(!), Sambucol (delicious black elderberry - unfortunately, expensive - to boost immune system, liquid echinacea etc). Scarves to cover throat/chest in all seasons as appropriate. I realise I am very fortunate compared with others on here, but please, really, don't panic about this, and I do wish you well.
Dont be scared....I was diagnosed 12 years ago and live a pretty full life controlled by medication! Anyway being scared will stress you which wont help!
Hi energy
Another lifelong person with bronchiectasis and with asthma. Please don’t get ahead of yourself (not easy) but many of us have led productive lives, albeit with an all important compliance to self management.
You have a very proactive GP who appears to be very clued up and might want to eliminate BE amongst her/his investigations. Many folks do not have such enlightened GPs and go on for years being mis/undiagnosed.
Good advice from LP and yes please feel free to ask anything re BE. There are a lot of us on here who are all too willing to try to help and support you.
Good luck.