Hi. From time to time I use these I buy them online. They very good. Cold. I find better. Some times in past put in microwave. For 25/30 seconds. They really freshen your hair and scalp. Cost about. £2 but cheaper I buy I think 24 for about £28. So. They make sense. Easy clean and cheap. Well hope this helps you. Too.
Hair. Washing made easy for people wh... - Lung Conditions C...
Hair. Washing made easy for people who really struggle to breath. Shampoo cap s.

Any good tips or advise always gratefully received.Anyone have any more ? xx

Thank you so much for sharing this what a fantastic I deal. O must admit there are times I get really breathless when washing my hair. I will give these a try. Have a lovely weekend and take care of yourself 😊 Bernadette xx
Great information thankyou. I'll get some for times when my breathing is poor. THanks again x
I have heard that if you don't wash your hair for around 6 weeks then gradually your hair will adjust and keep itself clean. All you then need to do is rinse it once a week or so. x
The best way to shower and wash your hair his to face the shower head to wash your hair you can look down at your feet whilst doing it and you won’t struggle to breath
I have been doing it for the past 10 years
Thanks for sharing Tricity, what a good idea if you are having problems, must get some for my sister x
What a good idea, thanks! I get very breathless lifting my arms and moving them about, regardless of sitting down, facing the water or otherwise... So washing my hair is exhausting and sometimes impossible. So I will definitely try and find some of these!
A very good tip,i like it. Another member,way back had touched on the very same subject but I didn't really suffer that badly back then. I shall be making sure I order some as we never know when times get hard and due to illness we're unable to give our hair a wash etc. Thank you and isn't it marvellous when forums like ours,work so well and we share information! Hope you enjoy your Sunday.
Wow, what a great idea. I headed straight over to their website. I watched the video and couldn't believe how easy they are to use. I've already put in an order. Thanks for sharing!
Hi I use these sometimes and I agree that they're brilliant 🙂 I also use the bottles of rinse free shampoo. You just apply it to your hair as usual and then towel dry or hair drier etc. This is handy too because once again you can sit in your comfy chair and do it without any hassle. The complete care co also do a no rinse body wash which is very useful when you just don't have the energy for a bath or shower. They do many useful things at a very reasonable price and if you tick the box to say you're disabled it's then charged vat free. Hope some of you find this site helpful 🙂
Can I ask where you get no rinse shampoo ect. Maz x

I know I’m jumping in on someone else’s question but, they’re from here:
It’s a great website and has all kinds of things to help you. I think it was Skis who told me about it, and I’m so grateful for that 👍
Are they okay for long, thick hair and for someone with sensitive skin, prone to eczema?
Having not been able to wash my hair for 2 years I finally found the shampoo caps. Oh what a relief, felt wonderful. Then I did a little bit of poking about and found towel off shampoo. Nilaqua. I have really long hair and found that the caps which are great didn't work for the whole length so now use the towel off but only because my carer does it. If you have short hair they will be brilliant and very easy. Also smell lovely and fresh. Especially good if you are chair or bed bound. I have found that my family are happy to treat me as it is something that they can do for me that makes me feel better and happier which is their aim.
Just dealing with the breathlessness and exhaustion of trying to wash my hair, and then I saw this !! Thank you VERY much !!