Tonight my son, Jamie, is fighting in a white collar boxing match. This is where he fights a semi professional boxer to raise money for charity. He is not a boxer, he works as an estate manager for a local stately home. He has been training for a few months but is not confident that he’ll win but says it will be worth it to raise money for cancer research, he’s already got over £700.00 and hopes to add to that when he’s finished. He’s nearly 40 and not particularly big or muscular but I know he will give it his best. I’m very proud of him, although I couldn’t go and watch, I couldn’t bear to see him getting hurt, he’s my youngest and still my little boy ( although he wouldn’t thank me for saying that ! ) I’ll let you know how he gets on. X
Worried Mamma: Tonight my son, Jamie... - Lung Conditions C...
Worried Mamma

Fingers crossed for Jamie. Xxxx
Blimey! He is a brave lad, that will be money hard earned, I hope he does well. 👍💪
Very brave! All fingers crossed for him
Great For The Charity, He's Your Hero my Love, of course your very Proud, and don't want to see him Hurt. Well Done to Jamie. XXXX
Wishing Jamie (and you) all the best. That’s a very courageous and generous thing for him to do.
That’s so amazing that you’re son has took time out to train for a boxing match especially for charity, you must be so proud of him ⭐️👍 I wish him all the very best of luck I really hope he wins but either way everyone who knows him will be very proud of him, I don’t know him and I feel so proud that he’s doing such a good thing to raise money for others. Please let us know how he gets on . Raising £700 is brilliant well done to you for bringing him up to be such a thoughtful young man . I’ll pray for his safety take care and thanks for sharing this story with us 🙏🙏🌹🌹
Well done to your son for doing such a brave act for charity. I do hope he came away with not too many bruises. I am sure that you will be there with tender loving care that only a Mum can give x
I hope he’s ok and we’ll done to him for doing that for charity. Let us know how it went. Of course you’d be worried. X
They are courageous these semi amateur young men, like your son & my nephew! He has a few weeks ago took on for the second (a rematch) time another young boxer (my nephew’s 3rd match) & won! He lost the 1st, won his 2nd, to a different opponent & now his 3rd. We are all on tenterhooks but very proud at the discipline in training and the matches are for charity! In between these boxing matches he has done other activities raising more for other good causes that are cancer related!
Well done to all the young men, winners or losers for what is in their hearts!!
How did he do? Whatever the physical outcome, he's done a great thing for charity.
Good luck to yout son what a fine man@
Good luck to him, he's either very brave or mad, I hope he wins and the charity will benefit from it. I hope he didn't get too hurt. Good on him.x
Good on him. I hope he comes through unscathed. A lot of responsibility there. We raise them to do their best don't we. I hope you haven't come out of it too bruised x
Wish him well and admire his bravery 😊