Geees if it ain't one thing ...... - Lung Conditions C...

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Geees if it ain't one thing ......

6 Replies

I have been diagnosed with yet another health condition on top of all my other conditions.

I have been diagnosed with Vasovagal Syncope (neurocardiogenic) NCS. I don't know if anyone knows anything about this but have had several passing out episodes, and following a tilt test it has shown the NHS.

I guess I am trying to find out more on triggers, I have been given a letter on what to do in the event of feeling faint, the specialists do not want to put me on a medication because of the side effects and also I am on so many others.

Has anyone else ever suffered with this, any advice would be helpful.

Thankyou all in advance


6 Replies

Never heard of it. I think they keep inventing these different conditions. What was yesterday just called 'a funny turn' has now been given some fancy name to frighten the daylights out of you. At the end of the day it's still a funny turn and you learn to live with it with less of a worry.

Izb1 profile image

Hi Ronnie, isnt it horrid when things keep going wrong, its bad enough having one problem without more of them coming along to knock you on the head. I havent heard of this problem you have, but my uncle has just been diagnosed with vagal atrial fibrillation, he kept passing out and feeling dizzy with palpitations , this was due to his blood pressure dropping suddenly, he has gone onto medication and seems alot better.. You could possibly google the trigger points for this and see what to avoid. There may be some members who know of this and can advise you. Hope you get sorted and feel a little better soon x

Iris99 profile image

My daughter was diagnosed with this a few years ago after some quite serious ‘passing out’ episodes. She has become much more aware of her triggers which seem to be dehydration and stress. She knows now if she starts feeling at all faint, to stop whatever she is doing immediately and if possible, to lie down with her legs elevated to force the blood back into her brain. If this isn’t possible, at least to sit down with her head between her legs, and her friends have been warned what to do if she does pass out, ie lie her down and elevate her legs. For a long time she used to carry around a card with her saying this as well. It’s a very scary condition and I really do feel for you Ronnie., but I hope some of this may help. Just to say her condition has improved a lot since becoming aware of her triggers, and she carries a water bottle around and drinks a lot which really seems to help prevent the episodes.

sak50 profile image

I get this from time to time. I go white, sweat and bring up bile and can't do anything for hours. I don't completely pass out but almost. I get it from getting up too quickly mainly. Having scans for example the radiologists would pull me up too quickly and that'd be it! It might be straight away or very shortly after (supine hypotension I think someone said). The reason it happens is that your blood pressure drops very low and affects the brain. Just keep hydrated and take it slowly getting up - particularly from lying down. Tell any Health professionals to get you back up slowly. I don't get it often now that I'm careful. Good luck x

Thanks hon


rainbowflower14 profile image

I myself have VVS (Vasovagal Syncope) What helped me to understand more about this condition and what made me feel less alone with the suffering was talking to people from all over the world on a Facebook group called 'Living with Vasovagal Syncope'

So far for me my triggers are not eating (Hungry or feeling too sick to eat), not going to toilet enough, nosebleeds, and anxiety.

If you're lucky enough to realise you feel faint/seizure (Like an episode is about to come on) I'd suggest lying down (In a safe place) and lifting your legs on a wall. Stay there for a few minutes. Also because I have severe anxiety (all because of VVS) I tend to panic when I feel faint/seizurey. So I take my mind off it by watching TV, colouring (I know it sounds childish but trust me lol), eating food. Especially salty snacks and some water !! (So important with VVS. You have to increase your salt and water intake)

You just gotta work out whats best for you and what sets you off. And come up with ways, however weird to help prevent an episode.

Good luck! x

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