Hi you lovely people any tips on how to unclog the back of your nose n ears from mucus it keeps they keep blocking I think because of oxygen some peoples run but mine clogs dry and pan nicks me breathing is hard enough without not being able to breathe through my nose properly any top tips please xx thanks
Unblocking nose and ears ?? - Lung Conditions C...
Unblocking nose and ears ??

Sounds very nasty and I can understand how it would cause panic. Do you have a nebulizer? I find using that regularly with a saline solution helps. Good luck.
Hi, I'm not on oxygen but do have problems with blocked nose & ears. I find Olbus oil helps a little but I really don't know if this is ok to use with oxygen and it can act as a respiratory irritant for some.
I also have Sterimar nasal spray which is a salt water spray available at pharmacies. It eases nasal blockage temporarily and can be used frequently during the day. It may be worth trying and I hope it helps. I get panicky too when my nose is blocked making breathing even harder. Best wishes
I like the nasal spray suggestion. I would add a real simple hopeful and that is chewing gum and yeah talking to the doc
Have you tried saline cleansing?Made at home:1litre of drinking water 10gm salt ,1 gm baking soda ,braught to boil.Cool the water to comfortable temperature .Do gargling to confirm it is comfort temerature.Then put the same solution into nose slowly,brimg out from mouth spit out.This helps partially.
Nebuliser with Saline helps a lot and 1 x 600 NAC capsule twice a day I find very beneficial. NAC seems to thin down mucus. I hope you find something to help.
Use a nettie pot or an old syringe full of water regular it does help
Hello, l use Avamys on prescription,nasal,and ear clear. Always
clears mine.But do not use Nebulizer as puts me in Hosp.
Maybe Menthol sweets . I use Halls Mentholyptus
( black wrapper). They are quite powerful and work for me.
I tend to use steam inhalation and sometimes a neti pot is very handy as you can rinse your nostrils when I use steam inhalation I put a few drops of lavender oil in the hot water I really hope this helps as it does help me and a lot please excuse the text as it's via audio all the best