Cleaned out the kids 2 rabbits cages and 2 chinchilla cages today, full clean out, hay sawdust, chinchilla dust trays the lot. Usually do it every month with no issues but tonight my ears nose and throat feel like they are on fire. Only just got rid of a heavy cold.
Ears nose and throat. : Cleaned out the... - Lung Conditions C...
Ears nose and throat.

Oh your really not meant to be doing that sort of thing
I hope you wear a good quality mask when you do this? Even without lungs problems I think everyone should wear a mask when doing this type of chore. I always use one now when I use the chaff cutter even if the hay is prime. What else can you do....a rinse of the sinus cavities with one of those gadgets, a gargle with warm salty water, an anti histamine? Hope it settles down quickly. suz x
Hi Suz
Which mask do you use. Emptying the vacuum cleaner knocked me for 6 last week. I had a look in b & Q but couldn't make any sense of them. Your advice would be appreciated
Take care
Hi Sokrackers,
For ages I used a plain old hospital face mask. Now I use some my husband bought at the hardware when he had to handle some old asbestos building materials. These are manufactured to pass Australian / New Zealand standards but of course similar would be available where you are. Find a nice friendly face at your local hardware and ask for something like this (pasting hope this works)
The UniSafe cup style valved P2 Disposable Respirator provides protection from dusts, mists and fumes. The three-layer technology provides additional cup strength and minimal breathing resistance, while a large valve allows for easy flow exhalation and the inner foam bridge provides additional comfort and a superior seal.
Packaged in a box of 10 respirators. (we have bought them in packs of three)
Large valve for easy flow exhalation
P2 particulate filter for protection against dusts
Pack of 10 respirators
Certified to AS/NZS 1716:2012
They are comfortable (not that you would need it on for any length of time) don't look space age and are cheap enough. My brother has a much bigger problem with COPD than I do and he uses them to when cleaning antique tools etc.
Suz x
Thanks so much Suz
I found it impossible to find a friendly face in B & Q on my last visit! I wanted a bench grinder and there was NO-ONE to advise me, even put a call out but no-one turned up!
But this is a must for me - I don't mind paying as it will save my distress when doing jobs like emptying the vacumn cleaner - i even did it outside to minimise the dust but hey ho it is not a job I have to do very often.
Thanks again
Hope you feel better today but please don't do a job like that again without a mask. Is there somebody else who could do it? Let us know how you get on. xxxx
On goodness me, anyone with lung problems should stay clear of that sort of thing, even if wearing a mask. Do hope nose and throat soon recover, Best wishes, Bulpit
I have had that for over a week now I went with one ear and pain all over my left side of face to find it was both ears and the throat. GP gave me AB that seemed to work ears ache and throat not 100% but not gone as yet. A Friend of the wife has had it for an age. Looks like there is something going about?
Be well