Noise has affected me at different times in my life. At 15 during the school holidays I worked in a noisy factory. As it was a printers they also used a lot of dyes. Until I started a career 6 years later I was subject to noise during the holidays. There was a lot of noise during my career but though other health problems were discussed at time I dont remember noise being addressed. A few years ago they found that I was slightly deaf. I didn't pursue a legal case. I suffered domestic violence and I'm sure the shouting also affected me. If nothing else it caused palpitations. Being a party animal I spent weekends at partying. Loud music create health problems. It changes your mood, cause palpitations, deafens you. Over the last few years I've had noisy neighbours. At a previous address it was for a few minutes in the morning. Wilful sudden knocking on the floor which was frightening, causing nausea, depression, broken sleep. Now in ret likeirement I am living in supported housing where there is daily constant knocking on the ceiling. It starts about 2am. It's much worse than previous address. Besides list of results above, housing officers are denying the noise blaming our illnesses eg sleep apnea which wakes us suddenly. Our confidence is deminishing, we r getting paranoid, losing or gaining weight , tired, having breathing problems, headaches, stress, high blood pressure, The noise is creating mental and physical health problems thus costing more in treatment, managing illness, medication etc. Noise wherever it comes from causes serious health and social problems
Effect of noise on health: Noise has... - Lung Conditions C...
Effect of noise on health

I agree frequent noise and it doesnt even have to be loud actually does add and cause a variety of issues.
Keep a diary of exactly what noises are occuring and at what times and every month send a copy to your housing officer or manager, also see if your GP can provide a statement that may help you.
Good luck and maybe give earplugs a try, they di good ones in Boots.
It's been going on for about two years. I've recently moved into the block. We have told housing officers, managers and MP. Letters, texts, email, phone calls, meetings we've tried them all. Our experiences are being denied and we've been called liars. People deal with it in different ways from death threats to suspected noise makers to depression. One person leaves home at 6am to avoid the noise. I leave asap and return as late as possible. I've threatened to go to the press, ombudsman and even judicial Services. The amendment to Housing Act now include noise and mess as things we can sue landlords for. I'm so tired all the time that I fall asleep everywhere and haven't the energy to follow through with complaints. I tried withholding rent but I was taken to court and the judge was unsympathetic saying withholding rent is not a solution. I asked what was and he said he wasn't there for discussion. The struggle continues.
Is there any way that you and the other people affected can record the noise and act as a group to get the council to take this seriously?

We've tried. No success. They r even denying it now
I presume that you have tried complaining about the inaction of the council to the Local Government Ombudsmann

I'm getting evidence together for ombudsman