I have COPD and on Oxygen for activity In 2016 September 12th I had a left lung lobectomy bottom half removed , because of two cancers on bottom of lung, operation was successful, recovered from that, today i just got home today from having to have a Pet Scan on the left lung again it is showing a lesion 12 mm long, i have fibrosis and emphysema , i am now waiting for the results could be another week at least before i hear, this is extremely difficult for me all this waiting, Stressed, depressed certainly having a huge effect on me, how do we cope with all this ?, Phew this is so difficult in coping. thanks
Waiting for a Pet Scan result, how do... - Lung Conditions C...
Waiting for a Pet Scan result, how do we cope

I reckon that you cope because you are brave, a fighter and refuse to give in. Because of that you are an inspiration to others and help them to try to be the same.

Thanks Don , I prey for a positive result , at times it's like being at the bottom of a ladder , I do climb up , it's the coping with the unknown which is so so difficult. Been through it once , but twice seem to be so much diffucult.
As you probably already know Guy pet scans,because of their importance in diagnosis are normally reported on and acted upon quite quickly,hopefully the delay signifies that the lesion is benign or not particularly significant.
i can only repeat the words of our dear Don in that your bravery and fortitude is of great help and comfort to others on the site.good luck for the future.
Ski's and Scruff's
Been there twice myself with PET Scans, the waiting is not nice. What you have to remember is that no amount, little or large, of worrying will alter the outcome. I had radiotherapy last May, followed with 3 monthly CT Scans and the added waiting for the results with those as well, another 4 years of 6 monthly CT Scans (with more waiting) ahead of me. You will cope okay, the waiting for results does get easier. My worse time now, is when I am actually in the scanner itself and my mind runs amok just for a few minutes.
I sympathise exactly with your position as it is the same as mine, I have a lesion in my left lung apex. Had a scan in October rapidly followed by PET scan, dxd possible infection. Another scan in February showing slight enlargement, but not yet properly checked. Could be cancer, like 2 greys will have to wait. So, like you, I know rather a lot about coping. So how do we cope? Well, as you know, we cope because we have to, and there are so many supportive people on this site, which I have found so helpful. I wish you all the best in the world and send many blessings for your future xxx
My heart hurts for you, Guy59. The waiting is the worst! I had an HRCT the last week of January 2018, which did finally gets diagnosis. Then had to wait another eight months for follow up scan to learn of any change, Thankful for good report. The wait was very taxing on the nerves. Prayers, J..
Yes the waiting for the result is an awful time however as skis says they are usually acted on very quickly so fingers crossed for a benign outcome.
Hi Guy, what alot you have had to cope with and may I add keeping so positive at the same time, try not to let the waiting get you down, this is always the worst time, and really not that long to wait. I wish you all the very best for the future, chin up xx