Good evening all just to say tomorrow I will attend my first sing to breath session. I can't really sing but will report on the benefits of this session to support my breathing. Sinus causing a bit of a problem..but using the nasal wash which was suggested on here along with nasal hope I don't maje a pigs ear of this..I have to say the many suggestions on here has helped to build my confidence as I am not really a social butterfly. Like I said will report back tomorrow.
Sing to breath : Good evening all just... - Lung Conditions C...
Sing to breath
I cant sing but i realy enjoy are singing group hope fully you will to. Just give it time
I will I can't go every week due to work but will try anything that could aid better breathing and lung capacity
I cant sing for toffee but when I was with respiratory nurse for appointment. We got talking and she noticed I seemed to him a lot. Said I love to sing nut not got a good voice but I find it helps with my breathing she said it helps and to keep it up. Drives hubby made I sing a lot at home. Wish there was a breath to sing near me. Ne with people like me trying to sing. Have fun tomorrow x
Thank you I am hoping I will
Which area do you live in? Remind me. Only ask as always training new singing leaders so good to get group going in your area if possible. Funding still quite a challenge as CCG’s only paying in some areas. Shame really when the cost of a singing leader & hall much cheaper than the cost of hospitalisation & medication!
Birmingham comes under sandwell

I'm over the othersideof Birmingham. Nearer towards Tamworth
I don’t do this group but I’ve been a classically-trained singer from a young age, choral singer for many years (well, many years out of my life so far lol so not ‘many years’ by most people’s standards on here!), and singing is not only a great way to improve lung function, but it also makes a decent addition to my chest physio and lung clearance routine 😆 I hope you find it enjoyable: even bits of singing round the house will help, and it’s good for breath control
Great! Let us know how things go xx
Good luck! Started singing for breathing at Brompton hospital in london 10 yrs ago & now around 100 groups round uk. Still training more singing leaders & feedback from participants incredibly positive on so many levels. Enjoy
Last year I joined a new NHS group called "Breathe In - SING OUT!" Fortunately it's in a church hall pretty close to where we live - the nearest lung support group of the many I've attended since my hypersensitivity pneumonitis diagnosis, which is a plus! It's run by a very enthusiastic music therapist and the attendees are a lovely friendly bunch. No one needs to be able to sing - we all do our best but it all blends in nicely. Good luck - hope you enjoy it!
Where is your group pls (so can promote as don’t think on Blf website where most groups listed) - talking about singing fur breathing at big resp physio conference next month so would like to ensure all groups that exist are listed
Assuming Gloucestershire if nhs funded & run by a music therapist so possibly only for those in the county?
Yes, Gloucestershire (Cheltenham) - it started last year. We have about 10 regulars so far and luckily it's close enough to where I live for my carer daughter to push me in my wheelchair, along with my pesky oxygen cylinders......
(not the world's best singer- enjoy it though as long as nobody can hear me, hymns in church mainly)
Hope the singing goes well, it does work
Good luck for today. You may surprise yourself!
I had a fantastic time I do intend to do this..absolutely loved it. The group are lovely which helps..
Enjoy it All Emily, Wish I could Sing. My Daughter has been a Singer all Life and has been on Spanish TV, she Doesn't have a Lung Problem but She had Breast Cancer a Few Years ago, On Chemo days she would sing when all the Patients having Chemo would look forward to Listening to her singing in Both Languages, Calming. So Singing whether you Can or Can't , Has to be so Theraputic for all. Enjoy Hun. XXX
So inspiring xx
Hi Emily you will definitely find the benefit .I joined a community choir nearly 3years ago an have never looked back also it's a social thing and you friends and have a good laugh the best thing I've ever done !
Enjoy your sessions (you don't have to be a good singer). I go once a week - was like you - went very nervously for first session but never looked back - love them x
I'm a choral singer and have been since a boy chorister. I sing well sometimes and poorly at others because of COPD constraints. Frustrating but I simply crack on - singing has SO many side benefits too so please don't even think of stopping¬x
Good luck with the singing.
I'm not part of a singing group I have COPD and many other things I was just a musician after having a stroke I couldn't get the correct words out talking other words came out instead I started singing and my breathing got better and the correct words came out so I put my songs on audiomack under the name of Tommy Hathaway so if you want to have a sing along you can download them or just play and sing with me please try singing either alone or with a group and enjoy things instead of letting things worry you it does work good luck Tom
Thank you I would love to how do I down load..I had a brilliant time and enjoyed every bit of it
Give it some welly Emily. If they don't like it I am sure they will tell you to tone it down!
Hahaha true.
So wonderful to hear how singing supporting so many of you with chronic lung conditions - had no idea it would grow like this when started 10 yrs ago - there were 2 groups then - hundreds of groups now & i’ve trained hundreds of singing leaders - I work with a respiratory physio talking at big conferences to spread the word & talk about the physiology as well a The feel good factor - so great how singing not only distracts but focuses self awareness & improves management of breathlessness. Lovely to read! Singing for Breathing CD’s available on Blf website or under resources at - so happy it’s helping & the word spreading (have to work on evidence base so it can be funded by more CCG’s)
Thank you have just order CD my poor family
Just search for audiomack and look at the people who are on it you can listen or download the songs or music you like. It#s free to listin or download. I started just before Christmas and over 17000 people have downloaded or listened to songs or music good luck and do NOT worry once you start singing you will feel happy relaxed and able to breath better. The only thing I have found if I stop singing for a couple of months the cough comes back and breathing gets a little harder.
Thank you will do
Glad you enjoyed it Emily. Let us know if it helps. I've contemplated joining a group but don't think there is one that is local enough for me.
Hi, I've heard of this therapy,supposed to be good for the lungs & self esteem, I can't sing either but give it a try, we can't all be good at it. Who knows you may even make the telly.
Good wishes
Thank you