Hey guys I am currently going through my 3rd chest infection in 7 weeks. This doesn't bother me, but bothers me is everytime I get one I get this sort of block in the throat and I literally cannot cough anything up passed it! I don't feel a lump in my throat or anything, just like a wall. When I breathe it makes me cough. ( I can be sick, eat and drink perfectly fine ) but this causes my chest infections to return because I can't cough any of the loose phlegm up. It's very depressing. Anyone know what this could be and how I can eliminate it? Thanks everyone
Constant thing with throat? - Lung Conditions C...
Constant thing with throat?

Hi sooty, sorry to hear this problem with your throat and phlegm. It can be very annoying, I had it often when I was still smoking. The best way i always done is eat Spicy foods that contain capsaicin, such as cayenne or chili peppers, may also help temporarily clear sinuses and get mucus moving. Or get Decongestants: These come in pills, syrups and sprays. They reduce inflammation in nasal passageways, clearing nasal congestion and reducing mucus production. Take decongestants when you have a cold with a stuffy nose. Or you can get a Flutter mucus cleaning device, is not expensive. And speak with you GP about your problem. Hope you get rid of the nasty stuff. Take care and keep warm. 🌹🌹🌹
What about a bowl of hot water with towel of your head or gargle with warm salt. I tried tablets from the doctors but didnt shift it .
Could it be related to silent reflux which does give that effect and can cause coughing etc? Just a thought have known it happen.
Here's the complicated bit. I don't smoke and the decongestants give me stomach ulcers though dunno what's worse at the moment. I don't have a stuffy nose or anything I can pull mucus from there, but not my chest
Hi Soity884, I know the feeling. I use a flutter valve, this allows you to release this. I also take carbocistine tablets daily, which are a mucus suppressant. Maybe try these, they do help me.Good luck and feel better soon
I am prescribed Carbocisteine, which am told thins the mucus so that it is easier to get rid of.
I like some other replies take Carbocisteine which is usually in tablet form , but my sister last time got it for me in liquid form and seems so much better and the taste is suggesting that there’s a lot of honey in it . As other people say, it’s purpose is to thin the mucous. . Apparently makes it more mobile. I think you should try that if you haven’t already . Hope you get something that works for you, Unfortunately we are all in this together and only us know the frustration and distress we have to suffer with this damned illness. Gods blessings to you.
Well it should bother you !!! You are causing a lot of damge which will
damage your lungs sooner rather than later.And as our illnesses are treated
and no cure will ever be given to us,Cancer included, you need to look after
Simple answer to that is saline. My cardiac nurse prescribed it as l was having infections every month. You need to use it in a nebuliser, and it brings up the phlegm which causes the infections. I still get the occasional infection, but nowhere as many. I have bronchiectasis and asthma.
I had the same problemo er a few years. Eventually I told the respiratory nurse,who I see at the GP. She prescribed me carbocysteine,which helped mmensely. Fast forward a few years. Have been diagnosed with Non Specific Interstitial Pneumonia.
Whilst I was waiting for appointments last year ( am going to complain). I had numerous chest infections,struggling with mucus increasing shortness of breath.
Now I am sort of in the system,I have been getting Venda nebuliser and recently aCapella,both of which help with sputum clearance.if I had known about these last year I would hav bought them myself
They Don’t cure me, but they help me clear mucus which help keep me free from chest infection. I went to pulmonary rehab, which I would recommend to anyone with chest complaints. The exercise component is good. The education is excellent, my husband Used to come to the education I want. He found it very useful. Huge emphasis is put on sputum clearance. I am now going to the gym, I just go on at my own pace. Don’t get intimidated by the fitness gurus. Currently go twice a week,sometimes I really don’t want to go,but I try to crash on.some days ,do better than others.just need to keep the sputum at bay. Sometimes I go for a walk, even though I don’t want to. Hope this helps sorry to ramble on. Hope you feel better soon